const vc = document.documentElement.clientWidth / 2;
/* This is how much we need to translate the SVG */
- const delta = vc - c;
+ const hdelta = vc - c;
/* But before we can set the absolute left-coordinate of the
* SVG, we need to know where it is now. Note: without the
* "px" this doesn't default to pixels like CSS does. */
const svg = document.querySelector("svg");
- = (svg.getBoundingClientRect().left + delta) + "px";
+ = (svg.getBoundingClientRect().left + hdelta) + "px";
const c2 = r2.left + (r2.width / 2);
/* What do we add to c2 to make it equal to c1? */
- const code_delta = c1 - c2;
+ const hdelta = c1 - c2;
/* Since this <text> element has an "x" attribute it's easier for
* us to shift that than it is to mess with the "left" style. */
- ct.setAttribute("x", parseFloat(ct.getAttribute("x")) + code_delta);
+ ct.setAttribute("x", parseFloat(ct.getAttribute("x")) + hdelta);