"Send tweets FROM email_address.",
- "s" ["sendmail_path"]
- (ReqArg set_sendmail_path "sendmail_path")
+ "s" ["sendmail-path"]
+ (ReqArg set_sendmail_path "sendmail-path")
"Use sendmail_path to send mail",
-- | This module defines the 'Cfg' type, which is just a wrapper
-- around all of the configuration options we accept on the command
-- line. We thread this throughout the rest of the program.
module Configuration (
-data Cfg = Cfg { consumer_key :: String,
- consumer_secret :: String,
- access_token :: String,
- access_secret :: String,
- heartbeat :: Int,
- ignore_replies :: Bool,
- ignore_retweets :: Bool,
- sendmail_path :: String,
- from_address :: Maybe String,
- to_address :: Maybe String,
- verbose :: Bool }
+import qualified OptionalConfiguration as OC
+data Cfg =
+ Cfg { consumer_key :: String,
+ consumer_secret :: String,
+ access_token :: String,
+ access_secret :: String,
+ heartbeat :: Int,
+ ignore_replies :: Bool,
+ ignore_retweets :: Bool,
+ sendmail_path :: String,
+ from_address :: Maybe String,
+ to_address :: Maybe String,
+ verbose :: Bool }
+default_config :: Cfg
+default_config =
+ Cfg { consumer_key = "",
+ consumer_secret = "",
+ access_token = "",
+ access_secret = "",
+ heartbeat = 600,
+ ignore_replies = False,
+ ignore_retweets = False,
+ sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail",
+ from_address = Nothing,
+ to_address = Nothing,
+ verbose = False }
+merge_optional :: Cfg -> OC.OptionalCfg -> Cfg
+merge_optional cfg opt_cfg =
+ Cfg
+ (merge (consumer_key cfg) (OC.consumer_key opt_cfg))
+ (merge (consumer_secret cfg) (OC.consumer_secret opt_cfg))
+ (merge (access_token cfg) (OC.access_token opt_cfg))
+ (merge (access_secret cfg) (OC.access_secret opt_cfg))
+ (merge (heartbeat cfg) (OC.heartbeat opt_cfg))
+ (merge (ignore_replies cfg) (OC.ignore_replies opt_cfg))
+ (merge (ignore_retweets cfg) (OC.ignore_retweets opt_cfg))
+ (merge (sendmail_path cfg) (OC.sendmail_path opt_cfg))
+ (merge' (from_address cfg) (OC.from_address opt_cfg))
+ (merge' (to_address cfg) (OC.to_address opt_cfg))
+ (merge (verbose cfg) (OC.verbose opt_cfg))
+ where
+ merge :: a -> Maybe a -> a
+ merge x Nothing = x
+ merge _ (Just y) = y
+ -- Used for the to/from address
+ merge' :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
+ merge' Nothing Nothing = Nothing
+ merge' (Just x) Nothing = Just x
+ merge' Nothing (Just x) = Just x
+ merge' (Just _) (Just y) = Just y
--- /dev/null
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+-- | The program will parse ~/.twatrc for any available configuration
+-- directives, resulting in an OptionalCfg. The command-line
+-- arguments will be used to create another OptionalCfg, and the two
+-- will be merged. Finally, a default_config will be updated from
+-- the merged OptionalCfgs.
+module OptionalConfiguration
+import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
+import qualified Data.Configurator as DC
+-- The same as Cfg, except everything is optional. It's easy to merge
+-- two of these by simply dropping the Nothings in favor of the Justs.
+data OptionalCfg =
+ OptionalCfg { consumer_key :: Maybe String,
+ consumer_secret :: Maybe String,
+ access_token :: Maybe String,
+ access_secret :: Maybe String,
+ heartbeat :: Maybe Int,
+ ignore_replies :: Maybe Bool,
+ ignore_retweets :: Maybe Bool,
+ sendmail_path :: Maybe String,
+ from_address :: Maybe String,
+ to_address :: Maybe String,
+ verbose :: Maybe Bool }
+instance Monoid OptionalCfg where
+ mempty = OptionalCfg
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ cfg1 `mappend` cfg2 =
+ OptionalCfg
+ (merge (consumer_key cfg1) (consumer_key cfg2))
+ (merge (consumer_secret cfg1) (consumer_secret cfg2))
+ (merge (access_token cfg1) (access_token cfg2))
+ (merge (access_secret cfg1) (access_secret cfg2))
+ (merge (heartbeat cfg1) (heartbeat cfg2))
+ (merge (ignore_replies cfg1) (ignore_replies cfg2))
+ (merge (ignore_retweets cfg1) (ignore_retweets cfg2))
+ (merge (sendmail_path cfg1) (sendmail_path cfg2))
+ (merge (from_address cfg1) (from_address cfg2))
+ (merge (to_address cfg1) (to_address cfg2))
+ (merge (verbose cfg1) (verbose cfg2))
+ where
+ merge :: (Maybe a) -> (Maybe a) -> (Maybe a)
+ merge Nothing Nothing = Nothing
+ merge (Just x) Nothing = Just x
+ merge Nothing (Just x) = Just x
+ merge (Just _) (Just y) = Just y
+from_rc :: IO OptionalCfg
+from_rc = do
+ cfg <- DC.load [ DC.Optional "$(HOME)/.twatrc" ]
+ cfg_consumer_key <- DC.lookup cfg "consumer-key"
+ cfg_consumer_secret <- DC.lookup cfg "consumer-secret"
+ cfg_access_token <- DC.lookup cfg "access-token"
+ cfg_access_secret <- DC.lookup cfg "access-secret"
+ cfg_heartbeat <- DC.lookup cfg "heartbeat"
+ cfg_ignore_replies <- DC.lookup cfg "ignore-replies"
+ cfg_ignore_retweets <- DC.lookup cfg "ignore-retweets"
+ cfg_sendmail_path <- DC.lookup cfg "sendmail-path"
+ cfg_from_address <- DC.lookup cfg "from"
+ cfg_to_address <- DC.lookup cfg "to"
+ cfg_verbose <- DC.lookup cfg "verbose"
+ return $ OptionalCfg
+ cfg_consumer_key
+ cfg_consumer_secret
+ cfg_access_token
+ cfg_access_secret
+ cfg_heartbeat
+ cfg_ignore_replies
+ cfg_ignore_retweets
+ cfg_sendmail_path
+ cfg_from_address
+ cfg_to_address
+ cfg_verbose
base == 4.*,
bytestring == 0.10.*,
conduit == 1.*,
+ configurator == 0.2.*,
directory == 1.2.*,
HaXml == 1.24.*,
http-conduit == 1.9.*,
+ OptionalConfiguration
base == 4.*,
bytestring == 0.10.*,
conduit == 1.*,
+ configurator == 0.2.*,
directory == 1.2.*,
HaXml == 1.24.*,
http-conduit == 1.9.*,