--- /dev/null
+function y = forward_euler1(x0, y0, f, h)
+ ## Compute one iteration of the forward Euler method.
+ ##
+ ## INPUT:
+ ##
+ ## * ``x0`` - The initial x-coordinate.
+ ##
+ ## * ``y0`` - The initial value y(x0).
+ ##
+ ## * ``f`` - The function y' = f(x,y) of two variables.
+ ##
+ ## * ``h`` - The step size.
+ ##
+ ## OUTPUT:
+ ##
+ ## The approximate value of y(x) at x = x0+h.
+ ##
+ y_prime = f(x0,y0);
+ y = y0 + h * y_prime;
unit_test_equals("Homework #3 problem #4 root is correct", ...
expected_root, ...
+f = @(x,y) y;
+x0 = 0;
+y0 = 1;
+h = 1;
+actual_y = forward_euler1(x0, y0, f, h);
+expected_y = 2;
+unit_test_equals("Forward Euler works for one step", ...
+ expected_y, ...
+ actual_y);