--- /dev/null
+module LWN.HTTP
+import Network.Curl (
+ CurlCode(..),
+ CurlOption(..),
+ CurlResponse,
+ URLString,
+ do_curl_,
+ initialize,
+ respBody,
+ respCurlCode,
+ withCurlDo
+ )
+import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
+login_url :: URLString
+login_url = "https://lwn.net/login"
+username_field :: String
+username_field = "Username"
+password_field :: String
+password_field = "Password"
+submit_field :: String
+submit_field = "submit"
+default_curl_opts :: [CurlOption]
+default_curl_opts =
+ [ -- The Global cache is not thread-friendly.
+ CurlDNSUseGlobalCache False,
+ -- And we don't want to use a DNS cache anyway.
+ CurlDNSCacheTimeout 0,
+ -- Give it a little time...
+ CurlTimeout 45,
+ -- And let us know when things go wrong.
+ CurlVerbose True ]
+get_page :: Maybe FilePath -> URLString -> IO (Maybe String)
+get_page cookie_jar url =
+ withCurlDo $ do
+ -- Create a curl instance.
+ curl <- initialize
+ -- Perform the request, and get back a CurlResponse object.
+ -- The cast is needed to specify how we would like our headers
+ -- and body returned (Strings).
+ resp <- do_curl_ curl login_url curl_opts :: IO CurlResponse
+ -- Pull out the response code as a CurlCode.
+ let code = respCurlCode resp
+ case code of
+ CurlOK -> return $ Just (respBody resp)
+ error_code -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr ("HTTP Error: " ++ (show error_code))
+ -- If an error occurred, we want to dump as much information as
+ -- possible. If this becomes a problem, we can use respGetInfo to
+ -- query the response object for more information
+ return Nothing
+ where
+ get_opts =
+ case cookie_jar of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just cookies -> [ CurlCookieJar cookies ]
+ curl_opts = default_curl_opts ++ get_opts
+log_in :: FilePath -> String -> String -> IO Bool
+log_in cookie_jar username password =
+ withCurlDo $ do
+ -- Create a curl instance.
+ curl <- initialize
+ -- Perform the request, and get back a CurlResponse object.
+ -- The cast is needed to specify how we would like our headers
+ -- and body returned (Strings).
+ resp <- do_curl_ curl login_url curl_opts :: IO CurlResponse
+ -- Pull out the response code as a CurlCode.
+ let code = respCurlCode resp
+ case code of
+ CurlOK -> return True
+ error_code -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr ("HTTP Error: " ++ (show error_code))
+ -- If an error occurred, we want to dump as much information as
+ -- possible. If this becomes a problem, we can use respGetInfo to
+ -- query the response object for more information
+ return False
+ where
+ post_submit :: String
+ post_submit = submit_field ++ "=Log+In"
+ post_username :: String
+ post_username = username_field ++ "=" ++ username
+ post_password :: String
+ post_password = password_field ++ "=" ++ password
+ post_data :: [String]
+ post_data = [post_username, post_password]
+ post_opts :: [CurlOption]
+ post_opts =
+ [ CurlCookieSession True,
+ CurlCookieJar cookie_jar,
+ CurlPost True,
+ CurlPostFields post_data ]
+ curl_opts :: [CurlOption]
+ curl_opts = default_curl_opts ++ post_opts