Send mails with the "Date:" header set to the status' created_at time if possible.
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Time (formatTime, getZonedTime)
import System.Exit
+import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale, rfc822DateFormat)
import System.Process
-import System.Time (CalendarTime(..), ClockTime, getClockTime, Month, toCalendarTime)
import System.IO (hClose, hGetContents, hPutStr)
--- |Formats a month name according to RFC822.
-format_month :: Month -> String
-format_month month = take 3 (show month)
--- |Takes an offset from UTC (in seconds) and returns the four-digit
--- offset as a 'String' in +hhmm format.
-format_timezone :: Int -> String
-format_timezone seconds =
- sign ++ pad_hh ++ pad_mm
- where
- seconds_norm = abs seconds
- hh = seconds_norm `div` 3600
- mm = (seconds_norm - (hh*3600)) `div` 60
- pad_hh = pad_left (show hh) 2
- pad_mm = pad_left (show mm) 2
- sign = if seconds < 0 then "-" else "+"
--- |Takes a 'ClockTime' as an argument, and formats it as an RFC822 Date header.
--- See,
--- <>
--- for information.
-format_clocktime :: ClockTime -> IO String
-format_clocktime ct = do
- caltime <- (toCalendarTime ct)
- let days = pad_left (show (ctDay caltime)) 2
- let month = format_month (ctMonth caltime)
- let year = show $ ctYear caltime
- let hours = pad_left (show (ctHour caltime)) 2
- let minutes = pad_left (show (ctMin caltime)) 2
- let seconds = pad_left (show (ctSec caltime)) 2
- let timezone = format_timezone (ctTZ caltime)
- return $ concat [(show $ ctWDay caltime) ++ ", ",
- days ++ " ",
- month ++ " ",
- year ++ " ",
- hours ++ ":",
- minutes ++ ":",
- seconds ++ " ",
- timezone]
--- |Constructs an RFC822 Date header with the current date/time.
-construct_date_header :: IO String
-construct_date_header = do
- date <- getClockTime
- format_clocktime date
+-- | Constructs a 'String' in RFC822 date format for the current
+-- date/time.
+rfc822_now :: IO String
+rfc822_now = do
+ date <- getZonedTime
+ return $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat date
threadDelay microseconds
--- |Given a 'Message', 'Status', and date, update that message's body
--- and subject with the information contained in the status. Adds a
--- /Date: / header, and returns the updated message.
+-- |Given a 'Message', 'Status', and default date, update that
+-- message's body and subject with the information contained in the
+-- status. Adds a /Date: / header, and returns the updated message.
message_from_status :: Message -> String -> Status -> Message
-message_from_status message date status =
- message { subject = "Twat: " ++ (screen_name (user status)),
- body = (pretty_print status),
- headers = ((headers message) ++ ["Date: " ++ date])}
+message_from_status message default_date status =
+ message { subject = "Twat: " ++ (screen_name (user status)),
+ body = (pretty_print status),
+ headers = ((headers message) ++ ["Date: " ++ date])}
+ where
+ -- Use the Status' created_at date if it can be coerced into
+ -- RFC822 format.
+ date = case (created_at_to_rfc822 $ created_at status) of
+ Nothing -> default_date
+ Just c -> c
-- |This is the main recursive loop. It takes a length of time to
-- delay (in seconds), a username, a latest_status_id, and optionally
recurse delay username new_latest_status_id maybe_message
return ()
Just message -> do
- date_header <- construct_date_header
- let messages = map (message_from_status message (date_header)) new_statuses
+ default_date <- rfc822_now
+ let messages = map (message_from_status message (default_date)) new_statuses
sendmail_results <- mapM sendmail messages
_ <- mapM print_sendmail_result sendmail_results
recurse delay username new_latest_status_id maybe_message
putStrLn "No message object given."
return ()
Just message -> do
- date_header <- construct_date_header
- let messages = map (message_from_status message (date_header)) statuses
+ default_date <- rfc822_now
+ let messages = map (message_from_status message (default_date)) statuses
sendmail_results <- mapM sendmail messages
_ <- mapM print_sendmail_result sendmail_results
return ()
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String.Utils (join, splitWs)
+import Data.Time (ZonedTime, formatTime, readsTime)
+import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale, rfc822DateFormat)
import Test.HUnit
import Text.Regex (matchRegex, mkRegex)
import Text.XML.HaXml
xml_file_name :: String
xml_file_name = ""
+created_at_to_rfc822 :: String -> Maybe String
+created_at_to_rfc822 s =
+ case reads_result of
+ [(t,_)] ->
+ Just $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat t
+ _ -> Nothing
+ where
+ -- Should match e.g. "Sun Oct 24 18:21:41 +0000 2010"
+ fmt :: String
+ fmt = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y"
+ reads_result :: [(ZonedTime, String)]
+ reads_result = readsTime defaultTimeLocale fmt s
-- |Returns a nicely-formatted String representing the given 'Status'
-- object.
pretty_print :: Status -> String
HUnit == 1.2.*,
MissingH == 1.*,
process == 1.*,
- old-time == 1.*,
- regex-compat == 0.*
+ old-locale == 1.*,
+ regex-compat == 0.*,
+ time == 1.2.*