--- /dev/null
+DIST rbpdf-1.18.5.gem 5734912 SHA256 ec2c8204a42081c3e22f48c4061c532ab87f28c41b601afa7d295ef8b5afbbc1 SHA512 ab3b58703523450cc12941d19e4af770a921b90f693621100fb81f164be1dc739aa0bccdfe806fc0f3dd9c174c1b6afa7d6834972d52df165ca064e20c5cdcbd WHIRLPOOL dd40db5ddcd1ed5deaa329b796442040fdceb76ed43f044ba88aaab60dc45eccfabc8e1df4674b4a56fd5e680584caad1fae867cf2edac5ae195821ea3191e58
+EBUILD rbpdf-1.18.5.ebuild 1846 SHA256 2e9bad2de44df7436b283a27c08454e2be711e4f67b41d039e596322a3e39f23 SHA512 a6d1ec38668f8a3910fa577c705fe4a652f76b28d6831c76a9662d94f4a8e38473ec60dda89d37f23ae5ee95f431baad55199d7da29d5def73dc8ba6a8506396 WHIRLPOOL b22ec15847e550c17373cd16ace5de671f707e608e5d64d09c90da739b65981dc972e7e7bb668dd158a39f3e1000de84386def0a185bd9c7c356a77ba52fbf88
+MISC metadata.xml 305 SHA256 97257a4f60223f45fcb5734f57b4deaf157969384298105cd32a4d6a711018b9 SHA512 25c88889e95fe4617b632684fd851642da7515491bf93b1d4946ca96341316f54293ef59f5c8432ec8060956700e5dfca0bfff9e15a38953f1a652bb5b5e7393 WHIRLPOOL a89d3d62059dd622b8c667fe526d9401e6f08a9f650b7d7985cefe000fead6f07490edecfd271d220cf50508672a54d3f7dbea8f745ca56c167e20ab7218569f
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-ruby/rbpdf/rbpdf-1.18.5.ebuild,v 1.1 2015/04/11 02:59:00 mjo Exp $
+# As long as we conditionally depend on dev-ruby/rails:3.2, we're
+# helpless to add ruby21 or ruby22 support. It should be possible, it
+# just hasn't happened yet. See https://github.com/naitoh/rbpdf/issues/9
+USE_RUBY="ruby19 ruby20"
+inherit ruby-fakegem
+DESCRIPTION="Ruby on Rails TCPDF plugin"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+# We need to set up a fake Rails environment to run the tests.
+ruby_add_bdepend "test? ( dev-ruby/rails:3.2 )"
+src_test() {
+ # Create a fake Rails environment once, then do the default ruby-ng
+ # thing. Make sure we use the rails-3.x.y executable.
+ local rails="${ROOT}usr/bin/rails-3.2*"
+ $rails new "${T}/dummy" \
+ --skip-javascript \
+ --skip-git \
+ --skip-bundle \
+ --skip-sprockets \
+ --skip-active-record \
+ || die "failed to create rails environment"
+ ruby-ng_src_test
+each_ruby_test() {
+ # The test suite needs to run within a Rails environment, so in
+ # src_test(), we created an empty Rails instance in ${T}/dummy. Now
+ # we copy ourselves into the vendor/plugins directory of that Rails
+ # instance, and run the tests using Rails's Rakefile. Assuming the
+ # tests pass, we remove the plugin again so everything is nice and
+ # tidy for the next ruby implementation.
+ cp -r . "${T}/dummy/vendor/plugins/${PN}" || \
+ die "failed to install plugin"
+ cd "${T}/dummy" || die
+ rake test TEST="vendor/plugins/${PN}/test/*_test.rb" || \
+ die "test suite failed"
+ rm -r "vendor/plugins/${PN}" || die "failed to uninstall plugin"