Add some doctests for existing functions.
versionArg )
-import System.Environment (withArgs)
+import System.Environment ( withArgs )
-- Get the version from Cabal.
-import Paths_halcyon (version)
-import Data.Version (showVersion)
+import Paths_halcyon ( version )
+import Data.Version ( showVersion )
import OptionalConfiguration ( OptionalCfg(..) )
+-- | The description of the program, displayed as part of the help.
description :: String
description =
"Monitor a list of Twitter accounts and display or email any new tweets."
+-- | The name of this program.
program_name :: String
program_name = "halcyon"
+-- | A summary string output as part of the help.
my_summary :: String
my_summary = program_name ++ "-" ++ (showVersion version)
+-- | Help string for the \"consumer_key\" option.
consumer_key_help :: String
consumer_key_help = "Your Twitter API consumer key"
+-- | Help string for the \"consumer_secret\" option.
consumer_secret_help :: String
consumer_secret_help = "Your Twitter API consumer secret"
+-- | Help string for the \"access_token\" option
access_token_help :: String
access_token_help = "Your Twitter API access token"
+-- | Help string for the \"access_secret\" option.
access_secret_help :: String
access_secret_help = "Your Twitter API access secret"
+-- | Help string for the \"heartbeat\" option.
heartbeat_help :: String
heartbeat_help = "How many seconds to wait between polling"
+-- | Help string for the \"to_address\" option.
to_address_help :: String
to_address_help = "Send tweets to ADDRESS"
+-- | Help string for the \"from_address\" option.
from_address_help :: String
from_address_help = "Send tweets from ADDRESS"
+-- | Help string for the \"sendmail_path\" option.
sendmail_path_help :: String
sendmail_path_help = "Use PATH to send mail"
+-- | Help string for the \"ignore_replies\" option.
ignore_replies_help :: String
ignore_replies_help = "Ignore replies to other tweets"
+-- | Help string for the \"ignore_retweets\" option.
ignore_retweets_help :: String
ignore_retweets_help = "Ignore retweets from other users"
+-- | Help string for the \"verbose\" option.
verbose_help :: String
verbose_help = "Be verbose about stuff"
arg_spec :: OptionalCfg
arg_spec =
OptionalCfg {
module Configuration (
- default_config,
merge_optional )
+import System.Console.CmdArgs.Default ( Default(..) )
import qualified OptionalConfiguration as OC ( OptionalCfg(..) )
import Usernames ( Usernames(..) )
+-- | The main configuration data type. It contains all options that
+-- can be set in a config file or on the command line.
data Cfg =
Cfg { consumer_key :: String,
consumer_secret :: String,
heartbeat :: Int,
ignore_replies :: Bool,
ignore_retweets :: Bool,
- sendmail_path :: String,
+ sendmail_path :: FilePath,
from_address :: Maybe String,
to_address :: Maybe String,
verbose :: Bool,
deriving (Show)
-default_config :: Cfg
-default_config =
- Cfg { consumer_key = "",
- consumer_secret = "",
- access_token = "",
- access_secret = "",
- heartbeat = 600,
- ignore_replies = False,
- ignore_retweets = False,
- sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail",
- from_address = Nothing,
- to_address = Nothing,
- verbose = False,
- usernames = Usernames [] }
+instance Default Cfg where
+ -- | A 'Cfg' with all of its fields set to their default values.
+ --
+ def = Cfg { consumer_key = def,
+ consumer_secret = def,
+ access_token = def,
+ access_secret = def,
+ heartbeat = 600,
+ ignore_replies = def,
+ ignore_retweets = def,
+ sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail",
+ from_address = def,
+ to_address = def,
+ verbose = def,
+ usernames = def }
+-- | Merge a 'Cfg' with an 'OptionalCfg'. This is more or less the
+-- Monoid instance for 'OptionalCfg', but since the two types are
+-- different, we have to repeat ourselves.
merge_optional :: Cfg -> OC.OptionalCfg -> Cfg
merge_optional cfg opt_cfg =
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Entity ( lookupEntity )
+-- | Replace (x)html entities in a 'String'. To do this, we search
+-- through the string looking for ampersands which may indicate the
+-- beginning of an entity.
+-- If we find one and there's a semicolon after it, we attempt to
+-- look up the identifier that we found between the ampersand and
+-- the semicolon. If an entity is found, we replace the ampersand,
+-- semicolon, and everything in between with the entity. However if
+-- no corresponding entity is found, we leave everything alone.
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> replace_entities "Hello, world!"
+-- "Hello, world!"
+-- >>> replace_entities "Hello; world!"
+-- "Hello; world!"
+-- >>> replace_entities "Hello, world & other worlds!"
+-- "Hello, world & other worlds!"
+-- >>> replace_entities "Hello, world & other worlds; hello indeed!"
+-- "Hello, world & other worlds; hello indeed!"
+-- >>> putStrLn $ replace_entities "Hello world—I guess"
+-- Hello world—I guess
replace_entities :: String -> String
replace_entities [] = []
replace_entities ('&':xs) =
--- |Email functions and data types.
+-- | Email functions and data types.
module Mail (
- default_headers,
sendmail )
import Control.Monad ( liftM )
import Data.List ( intercalate )
import Data.Time ( formatTime, getZonedTime )
+import System.Console.CmdArgs.Default ( Default(..) )
import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..) )
import System.Locale ( defaultTimeLocale, rfc822DateFormat )
import System.Process ( runInteractiveProcess, waitForProcess )
type Header = String
--- | A crude model of an RFC821 email message.
-data Message = Message { headers :: [Header],
- subject :: String,
- body :: String,
- from :: String,
- to :: String }
- deriving (Eq)
-- | The default headers attached to each message. The MIME junk is
-- needed for UTF-8 to work properly. Note that your mail server
-- should support the 8BITMIME extension.
default_headers :: [Header]
default_headers = ["MIME-Version: 1.0",
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"]
--- | Showing a message will print it in roughly RFC-compliant
--- form. This form is sufficient for handing the message off to
--- sendmail (or compatible).
-instance Show Message where
- show m =
- concat [ formatted_headers,
- "Subject: " ++ (subject m) ++ "\n",
- "From: " ++ (from m) ++ "\n",
- "To: " ++ (to m) ++ "\n",
- "\n",
- (body m) ]
- where
- formatted_headers =
- if null (headers m)
- then ""
- else (intercalate "\n" (headers m)) ++ "\n"
+-- | A crude model of an RFC822 email message.
+data Message = Message { headers :: [Header],
+ subject :: String,
+ body :: String,
+ from :: String,
+ to :: String }
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Default Message where
+ -- | Construct a message with all of its fields set to their
+ -- default values.
+ --
+ def = Message default_headers def def def def
+-- | Print a 'Message' in roughly RFC-compliant form. This form is
+-- sufficient for handing the message off to sendmail (or compatible).
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> let hs = default_headers
+-- >>> let s = "Save up to 20% on garbage!"
+-- >>> let b = "Just kidding, now you have a virus!"
+-- >>> let f = "savings5000@impenetrable.example"
+-- >>> let t = "everyone@everywhere.example"
+-- >>> let msg = Message hs s b f t
+-- >>> putStrLn $ to_rfc822 msg
+-- MIME-Version: 1.0
+-- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+-- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+-- Subject: Save up to 20% on garbage!
+-- From: savings5000@impenetrable.example
+-- To: everyone@everywhere.example
+-- Just kidding, now you have a virus!
+to_rfc822 :: Message -> String
+to_rfc822 m =
+ concat [ formatted_headers,
+ "Subject: " ++ (subject m) ++ "\n",
+ "From: " ++ (from m) ++ "\n",
+ "To: " ++ (to m) ++ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ (body m) ]
+ where
+ formatted_headers =
+ if null (headers m)
+ then ""
+ else (intercalate "\n" (headers m)) ++ "\n"
-- | Constructs a 'String' in RFC822 date format for the current
-- date/time.
rfc822_now :: IO String
rfc822_now =
liftM (formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat) getZonedTime
--- |Takes a message as an argument, and passes it to the system's
--- sendmail (or compatible) binary.
+-- | Takes a message as an argument, and passes it to the system's
+-- sendmail (or compatible) binary.
sendmail :: FilePath -> Message -> IO (String, String, ExitCode)
sendmail sendmail_path message = do
+ -- The arguments we pass to sendmail "on the command line"
let sendmail_args = ["-f",
(from message),
(to message)]
+ -- Run the sendmail process, passing it our sendmail_args. We'll get
+ -- back a bunch of handles, std{in,out,err} and one for the process
+ -- itself.
(inh, outh, errh, ph) <-
runInteractiveProcess sendmail_path sendmail_args Nothing Nothing
+ -- Create mvars for stdout and stderr, then collect their contents.
outm <- newEmptyMVar
outs <- hGetContents outh
errm <- newEmptyMVar
errs <- hGetContents errh
- _ <- forkIO $ hPutStr inh (show message) >> hClose inh
+ -- Pass the message to sendmail on stdin
+ _ <- forkIO $ hPutStr inh (to_rfc822 message) >> hClose inh
+ -- Fork threads that will read stdout/stderr respectively, and then
+ -- stick a dummy unit value in the mvars we created.
_ <- forkIO $ evaluate (length outs) >> putMVar outm ()
_ <- forkIO $ evaluate (length errs) >> putMVar errm ()
+ -- Now wait for the dummy variables to show up in the mvars. This
+ -- will occur only after (length outs) and (length errs) have been
+ -- evaluated, which can happen only after we've read them entirely.
readMVar outm
readMVar errm
+ -- Now wait for the process to finish and return its exit code along
+ -- with the output that we collected.
ec <- waitForProcess ph
return (outs, errs, ec)
--- |The 'sendmail' function returns a three-tuple of its outputs,
--- errors, and exit codes. This function pretty-prints one of those
--- three-tuples.
+-- | The 'sendmail' function returns a three-tuple of its outputs,
+-- errors, and exit codes. This function pretty-prints one of those
+-- three-tuples.
+-- If the exit code indicates success, we don't bother to print
+-- anything (silence is golden!), but otherwise the contents of both
+-- stdout and stderr will be printed.
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> let r = ("some output", "no errors", ExitSuccess)
+-- >>> print_sendmail_result r
+-- >>> let r = ("some output", "lots of errors", ExitFailure 1)
+-- >>> print_sendmail_result r
+-- Output: some output
+-- Errors: lots of errors
+-- Exit Code: 1
print_sendmail_result :: (String, String, ExitCode) -> IO ()
print_sendmail_result (outs, errs, ec) =
case ec of
ExitSuccess -> return ()
- _ -> putStrLn $ concat ["Output: " ++ outs,
- "\nErrors: " ++ errs,
- "\nExit Code: " ++ (show ec)]
+ ExitFailure (code) ->
+ putStrLn $ concat ["Output: " ++ outs,
+ "\nErrors: " ++ errs,
+ "\nExit Code: " ++ (show code)]
import Control.Concurrent ( forkIO, threadDelay )
import Control.Monad ( forever, when )
import Data.Aeson ( decode )
-import Data.List ( (\\) )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe, isNothing )
import Data.Monoid ( (<>) )
import Data.Time.LocalTime ( TimeZone, getCurrentTimeZone )
+import System.Console.CmdArgs.Default ( Default(..) )
import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..), exitWith )
import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr )
import CommandLine ( get_args, show_help )
-import Configuration ( Cfg(..), default_config, merge_optional )
+import Configuration ( Cfg(..), merge_optional )
import ExitCodes ( exit_no_usernames )
import qualified OptionalConfiguration as OC ( from_rc )
import Mail (
- default_headers,
sendmail )
-- | A wrapper around threadDelay which takes seconds instead of
-- microseconds as its argument.
thread_sleep :: Int -> IO ()
thread_sleep seconds = do
let microseconds = seconds * (10 ^ (6 :: Int))
-- | Given a 'Message', 'Status', and date, update that message's body
--- and subject with the information contained in the status. Adds a
--- /Date: / header, and returns the updated message.
+-- and subject with the information contained in the status. Adds a
+-- /Date: / header, and returns the updated message.
message_from_status :: Maybe TimeZone -> Message -> String -> Status -> Message
message_from_status mtz message default_date status =
message { subject = "Halcyon: " ++ (screen_name (user status)),
body = (pretty_print mtz status),
headers = ((headers message) ++ ["Date: " ++ date])}
- date =
- case created_at status of
- Nothing -> default_date
- Just c -> utc_time_to_rfc822 mtz c
+ date = maybe
+ default_date -- default
+ (utc_time_to_rfc822 mtz) -- function to apply if not Nothing
+ (created_at status) -- the Maybe thing
--- | If the given Message is not Nothing, send a copy of it for every
--- Status in the list.
+-- | If the given 'Message' is not 'Nothing', send a copy of it for
+-- every 'Status' in the @statuses@ list.
send_messages :: Cfg -> Maybe TimeZone -> Maybe Message -> [Status] -> IO ()
send_messages cfg mtz maybe_message statuses =
case maybe_message of
let mfs = message_from_status mtz message default_date
let messages = map mfs statuses
sendmail_results <- mapM sendmail' messages
- _ <- mapM print_sendmail_result sendmail_results
- return ()
+ mapM_ print_sendmail_result sendmail_results
sendmail' = sendmail (sendmail_path cfg)
-- | Display the number of skipped replies if ignore_replies is true
-- and verbose is enabled.
mention_replies :: Cfg -> [Status] -> IO ()
mention_replies cfg ss = do
let replies = filter reply ss
-- | Display the number of skipped retweets if ignore_retweets is true
-- and verbose is enabled.
mention_retweets :: Cfg -> [Status] -> IO ()
mention_retweets cfg ss = do
let retweets = filter retweeted ss
-- | Filter out replies/retweets based on the configuration.
filter_statuses :: Cfg -> [Status] -> [Status]
-filter_statuses cfg ss =
- good_statuses
+filter_statuses cfg statuses =
+ (reply_filter . retweet_filter) statuses
- replies = filter reply ss
- retweets = filter retweeted ss
- good_statuses' = if (ignore_replies cfg)
- then ss \\ replies
- else ss
- good_statuses = if (ignore_retweets cfg)
- then good_statuses' \\ retweets
- else good_statuses'
+ reply_filter = if ignore_replies cfg
+ then filter (not . reply)
+ else id
+ retweet_filter = if ignore_retweets cfg
+ then filter (not . retweeted)
+ else id
-- | This is the main recursive loop. It takes a the configuration, a
-- username, a latest_status_id, and optionally a 'Message' as
--- arguments. The latest_status_id is the last status (that we know
+-- arguments. The @latest_status_id@ is the last status (that we know
-- of) to be posted to username's Twitter account. If we find any
-- newer statuses when we check, they are printed and optionally
-- emailed (if a 'Message' was supplied). Then, the process repeats.
recurse :: Cfg -> String -> Integer -> (Maybe Message) -> IO ()
recurse cfg username latest_status_id maybe_message = do
thread_sleep (heartbeat cfg)
-- | Try continually to download username's timeline, and determine the
-- latest status id to be posted once we have done so.
get_latest_status_id :: Cfg -> String -> IO Integer
get_latest_status_id cfg username = do
let delay = heartbeat cfg
-- recursive loop that checks for updates forever. The message
-- argument is optional and is passed to recurse in case the updates
-- should be emailed.
run :: Cfg -> Maybe Message -> String -> IO ()
run cfg msg username = do
latest_status_id <- get_latest_status_id cfg username
recurse cfg username latest_status_id msg
- return ()
-- | Take advantage of the Maybe monad to only return a message when
--- we have both a "to" and "from" address.
+-- we have both a \"to\" and \"from\" address.
construct_message :: Cfg -> Maybe Message
construct_message cfg = do
to_addr <- to_address cfg
from_addr <- from_address cfg
- return $ make_msg to_addr from_addr
- where
- make_msg t f = Message { headers = default_headers,
- body = "",
- subject = "",
- to = t,
- from = f }
--- |The main function just parses the command-line arguments and then
--- forks off calls to 'run' for each supplied username. After
--- forking, main loops forever.
+ return $ def { to = to_addr, from = from_addr }
+-- | The main function just parses the command-line arguments and then
+-- forks off calls to 'run' for each supplied username. After
+-- forking, main loops forever.
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- And a Cfg object.
-- Finally, update a default config with any options that have been
-- set in either the config file or on the command-line.
- let cfg = merge_optional default_config opt_config
+ let cfg = merge_optional (def :: Cfg) opt_config
when (null $ get_usernames (usernames cfg)) $ do
hPutStrLn stderr "ERROR: no usernames supplied."
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Data.Monoid ( Monoid(..) )
import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
+import Paths_halcyon ( getSysconfDir )
+import System.Directory ( getHomeDirectory )
+import System.FilePath ( (</>) )
+import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr )
+import System.IO.Error ( catchIOError )
import Usernames ( Usernames(..) )
then cfg1
else cfg2
+-- | Obtain an 'OptionalCfg' from halcyonrc in either the global
+-- configuration directory or the user's home directory. The one in
+-- $HOME is prefixed by a dot so that it is hidden.
+-- We make an attempt at cross-platform compatibility; we will try
+-- to find the correct directory even on Windows. But if the calls
+-- to getHomeDirectory/getSysconfDir fail for whatever reason, we
+-- fall back to using the Unix-specific /etc and $HOME.
from_rc :: IO OptionalCfg
from_rc = do
- cfg <- DC.load [ DC.Optional "$(HOME)/.halcyonrc" ]
+ etc <- catchIOError getSysconfDir (\e -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr (show e)
+ return "/etc")
+ home <- catchIOError getHomeDirectory (\e -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr (show e)
+ return "$(HOME)")
+ let global_config_path = etc </> "halcyonrc"
+ let user_config_path = home </> ".halcyonrc"
+ cfg <- DC.load [ DC.Optional global_config_path,
+ DC.Optional user_config_path ]
cfg_consumer_key <- DC.lookup cfg "consumer-key"
cfg_consumer_secret <- DC.lookup cfg "consumer-secret"
cfg_access_token <- DC.lookup cfg "access-token"
import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
--- | Takes a list of strings, call them string1, string2, etc. and
--- numbers them like a list. So,
+-- | Takes a list of strings and numbers it like an ordered list.
+-- Examples:
--- 1. string1
--- 2. string2
--- 3. etc.
+-- >>> listify ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
+-- ["1. foo","2. bar","3. baz"]
listify :: [String] -> [String]
listify =
--- Tests
+-- * Tests
string_utils_tests :: TestTree
import Configuration ( Cfg(..) )
-- | The API URL of username's timeline.
-- See,
-- | Given username's last status id, constructs the API URL for
-- username's new statuses. Essentially, 'user_timeline_url' with a
--- "since_id" parameter tacked on.
+-- \"since_id\" parameter tacked on.
user_new_statuses_url :: String -> Integer -> String
user_new_statuses_url username last_status_id =
url ++ "&since_id=" ++ since_id
-- | Return's username's timeline.
get_user_timeline :: Cfg -> String -> IO B.ByteString
get_user_timeline cfg username = do
let uri = user_timeline_url username
-- | Returns the JSON representing all of username's statuses that are
--- newer than last_status_id.
+-- newer than @last_status_id@.
get_user_new_statuses :: Cfg -> String -> Integer -> IO B.ByteString
get_user_new_statuses cfg username last_status_id = do
let uri = user_new_statuses_url username last_status_id
http_get cfg uri
--- | Retrieve a URL, or crash.
+-- | Retrieve a URL, or crash. The request is signed using all of the
+-- OAuth junk contained in the configuration.
http_get :: Cfg -> String -> IO B.ByteString
http_get cfg url = do
manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
oauth :: OAuth
oauth = newOAuth {
oauthConsumerKey = consumer_key',
- oauthConsumerSecret = consumer_secret'
- }
+ oauthConsumerSecret = consumer_secret' }
credential :: Credential
credential = newCredential access_token' access_secret'
reply :: Bool,
retweeted :: Bool,
text :: String,
- user :: User
- } deriving (Show, Eq)
+ user :: User }
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
type Timeline = [Status]
-- Do whatever.
parseJSON _ = mempty
+-- | Parse a timestamp from a status into a UTCTime (or Nothing).
parse_status_time :: String -> Maybe UTCTime
parse_status_time =
parseTime defaultTimeLocale status_format
status_format :: String
status_format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y"
+-- | Given a 'TimeZone', convert a 'UTCTime' into an RFC822-format
+-- time string. If no 'TimeZone' is given, assume UTC.
utc_time_to_rfc822 :: Maybe TimeZone -> UTCTime -> String
utc_time_to_rfc822 mtz utc =
case mtz of
foo = formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat
+-- | Get the 'created_at' time out of a 'Status' and display it as an
+-- RFC822-format time string. If there's no created-at time in the
+-- status, you'll get an empty string instead.
show_created_at :: Maybe TimeZone -> Status -> String
show_created_at mtz =
(maybe "" (utc_time_to_rfc822 mtz)) . created_at
-- | Returns a nicely-formatted String representing the given 'Status'
-- object.
import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
+-- | Wrapper around a list of strings (usernames).
newtype Usernames =
Usernames { get_usernames :: [String] }
deriving (Data, Show, Typeable)
instance Default Usernames where
+ -- | The default list of usernames is empty.
+ --
def = Usernames []
instance DCT.Configured Usernames where
+ -- | This allows us to read a 'Usernames' object out of a
+ -- Configurator config file. By default Configurator wouldn't know
+ -- what to do, so we have to tell it that we expect a list, and if
+ -- that list has strings in it, we can apply the Usernames
+ -- constructor to it.
convert (DCT.List xs) =
fmap Usernames (mapM convert_string xs)