]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - dead/whatever-dl.git/commitdiff
Added the beginnings of Megaporn support. There's still something missing, but the...
authorMichael Orlitzky <michael@orlitzky.com>
Sat, 21 Mar 2009 04:37:32 +0000 (00:37 -0400)
committerMichael Orlitzky <michael@orlitzky.com>
Sat, 21 Mar 2009 04:37:32 +0000 (00:37 -0400)
src/websites/megaporn.rb [new file with mode: 0644]
test/fixtures/megaporn/E1LROW6E.html [new file with mode: 0644]
test/megaporn_test.rb [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/websites/megaporn.rb b/src/websites/megaporn.rb
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bbd55c2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# Copyright Michael Orlitzky
+# http://michael.orlitzky.com/
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html
+# jcode still needed for String.each_char in Ruby 1.8.6.
+require 'jcode'
+require 'src/website'
+class Megaporn < Website
+  VALID_MEGAPORN_URL_REGEX = /^(http:\/\/)?(www\.)?(megaporn|megavideo)\.com\/video\/\?v=[[:alnum:]]+$/
+  def self.owns_url?(url)
+    return url =~ VALID_MEGAPORN_URL_REGEX
+  end
+  def get_video_filename
+    # Just use the video id.
+    id_regex = /v=([[:alnum:]]+)/
+    matches = id_regex.match(@url)
+    if (matches.nil? || matches.length < 2)
+      return 'default.flv'
+    else
+      return (matches[1] + '.flv')
+    end
+  end
+  def get_video_url()
+    data = get_page_data(@url)
+    # Megaporn attaches a numeric suffix to their 'www'
+    # hostname that (I suppose) is necessary to find the
+    # video file. The suffix is simply provided as a flash
+    # variable, though.    
+    host_suffix = parse_flash_variable(data, 's')
+    # There are also two or three keys, sent as Flash variables,
+    # that are used in the "decryption" routine. We get integers
+    # to be on the safe side.
+    key1 = parse_flash_variable(data, 'k1').to_i
+    key2 = parse_flash_variable(data, 'k2').to_i
+    # This is a magic hex string, passed to the decryption
+    # routine along with key1 and key2.
+    seed = parse_flash_variable(data, 'un')
+    secret_path = self.decrypt(seed, key1, key2)
+    # Note that the path to the video file looks like a folder.
+    # We need to remember to save it as a file.
+    return "http://www#{host_suffix}.#{self.domain}/videos/#{secret_path}/"
+  end
+  protected
+  def domain
+    # I'm guessing they serve videos from both of these domains.
+    if (@url.include?('megavideo.com'))
+      return 'megavideo.com'
+    else
+      return 'megaporn.com'
+    end
+  end
+  def parse_flash_variable(data, variable_name)
+    # The Flash variables differ only in name, so this method can
+    # parse them all.
+    var_regex = /flashvars\.#{variable_name} = \"(.+?)\"/
+    matches = var_regex.match(data)
+    if (matches.nil? || matches.length < 2)
+      raise StandardError.new("Could not parse Flash variable: #{variable_name}.")
+    end
+    return matches[1]
+  end
+  def string_to_binary_array(target_string)
+    binary_array = []
+    target_string.each_char do |c|
+      binary_int = c.to_i(16).to_s(2).to_i
+      binary_char = sprintf('%04d', binary_int)
+      binary_char.each_char do |bc|
+        binary_array << bc
+      end
+    end
+    return binary_array
+  end
+  def binary_words_to_hex(target_array)
+    hex = ''
+    target_array.each do |word|
+      hex << word.to_i(2).to_s(16)
+    end
+    return hex
+  end
+  def decrypt(seed, key1, key2)
+    # I reverse-engineered this one myself. Suck it, megaporn.
+    #
+    # Round 1. Convert the seed to its binary reprentation,
+    # storing each bit as an element of an array.
+    loc1 = string_to_binary_array(seed)
+    # Round 2
+    loc6 = []
+    key1 = key1.to_i
+    key2 = key2.to_i
+    0.upto(383) do |loc3|
+      key1 = (key1 * 11 + 77213) % 81371
+      key2 = (key2 * 17 + 92717) % 192811
+      loc6[loc3] = (key1 + key2) % 128
+    end
+    # Round 3
+    256.downto(0) do |loc3|
+      loc5 = loc6[loc3]
+      loc4 = loc3 % 128
+      loc8 = loc1[loc5]
+      loc1[loc5] = loc1[loc4]
+      loc1[loc4] = loc8
+    end
+    # Round 4
+    0.upto(127) do |loc3|
+      loc1[loc3] = (loc1[loc3].to_i ^ loc6[loc3 + 256]) & 1
+    end
+    # Round 5
+    loc12 = loc1.to_s
+    offset = 0
+    loc7 = []
+    while (offset < loc12.length)
+      loc7 << loc12[offset, 4];
+      offset += 4
+    end
+    # Round 6
+    return binary_words_to_hex(loc7)
+  end
diff --git a/test/fixtures/megaporn/E1LROW6E.html b/test/fixtures/megaporn/E1LROW6E.html
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0b2a2df
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1326 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+<link rel="icon" href="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/images2/icomp.ico" type="image/x-icon">
+<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/images2/icomp.ico" type="image/x-icon">
+<TITLE>Megaporn Video</TITLE>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject2.js"></script>
+<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<link href="mvstyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+<style type="text/css">
+       text-align:center;
+       padding:0; margin:0;
+       background-image:url('http://wwwstatic.megarotic.com/video/gui/bg.gif');
+       font-family: arial;
+       font-size: 11px;
+       text-align: left;
+       width:997px;
+       position: relative;
+       margin-top:0px;
+       text-align:center;
+  position:absolute;
+  top:0px; left:0px;
+  width:977px;
+  text-align:left;
+  position:absolute;
+  top:3px; left:0px;
+  width:979px; height:204px;
+  position:absolute;
+  top:108px; left:1px;
+  width:977px; height:56px;
+  background-image:url('http://wwwstatic.megarotic.com/video/gui/shadow.gif');
+  font-family:arial;
+       border: 1px solid #F21F77;
+       background-color: #F4F2EB;
+<script type="text/javascript">
+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
+<script type="text/javascript">
+try {
+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-6383685-2");
+} catch(err) {}</script>
+<BODY onresize="resizing();">
+<script type="text/javascript">
+document.domain = 'megaporn.com';
+<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
+       function selectLang(idx) {
+          var locale = locales[idx];
+          collapseLandLangPulldown();
+          changelang(idx)
+       }
+       function hiLight(langImg, idx, over) {
+          langImg.src = (over) ? langOverImgs[idx].src : langImgs[idx].src;
+       }
+       function createTooltip(id) {
+          var tt = document.createElement("DIV");
+          tt.id = id;
+          tt.style.border='none';
+          tt.style.position='absolute';
+          document.body.appendChild(tt);
+          return tt;
+       }
+       function findPos(obj) {
+               var curleft = 0;
+               var curtop = 0;
+               if (obj.offsetParent) {
+                       curleft = obj.offsetLeft
+                       curtop = obj.offsetTop
+                       while (obj = obj.offsetParent) {
+                               curleft += obj.offsetLeft
+                               curtop += obj.offsetTop
+                       }
+               }
+               return [curleft,curtop];
+       }
+       function getLangPulldownMenu(img) {
+               var pdDiv = createTooltip('langselection');
+               var top = img.clientY;
+               var pos = findPos(img);
+               pdDiv.style.left = (pos[0] + 3) + 'px';
+               pdDiv.style.top = (pos[1]+ 21) + 'px';
+               return pdDiv;
+       }
+       function runLangPulldown(img) {
+               var langPulldown = document.getElementById('langselection');
+               if (langPulldown != null) {
+                       collapseLandLangPulldown()
+               }
+               else {
+                       expandLangPulldown(img);
+               }
+       }
+       function collapseLandLangPulldown() {
+               var langPulldown = document.getElementById('langselection');
+               if (langPulldown != null) {
+                       langPulldown.style.visibility='hidden';
+                       document.body.removeChild(langPulldown);
+                       langPulldown = null;
+               }
+       }
+       function expandLangPulldown(img) {
+               var langPulldown = getLangPulldownMenu(img);
+               langPulldown.innerHTML=getPulldownHTML();
+               langPulldown.style.visibility='visible';
+       }
+       function getPulldownHTML() 
+       {
+               var pulldownHTML = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="langSelection" class="lang_pulldown">';
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/en.gif" border="0" width="129" height="25" onclick="javascript:selectLang(0)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 0, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 0, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/de.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(1)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 1, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 1, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/fr.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(2)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 2, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 2, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/es.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(3)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 3, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 3, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/pt.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(4)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 4, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 4, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/nl.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(5)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 5, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 5, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/it.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(6)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 6, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 6, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/cn.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(7)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 7, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 7, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/ct.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(8)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 8, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 8, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/jp.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(9)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 9, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 9, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/kr.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(10)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 10, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 10, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/ru.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(11)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 11, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 11, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/fi.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(12)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 12, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 12, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/se.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(13)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 13, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 13, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/dk.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(14)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 14, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 14, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/tr.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(15)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 15, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 15, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/sa.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(16)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 16, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 16, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/vn.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(17)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 17, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 17, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+                               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<tr class="lang_pulldown">');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('<td class="lang_pulldown"><img src="http://wwwstatic.megaporn.com/video/gui/language_object/pl.gif" border="0" width="129" height="21" onclick="javascript:selectLang(18)" onMouseOut="javascript:hiLight(this, 18, false)" onMouseOver="javascript:hiLight(this, 18, true)"/></td>');
+               pulldownHTML = pulldownHTML.concat('</tr>');
+               return pulldownHTML;
+       }
+       function autoSenseLang() {
+               try {
+                       var url = window.location.href;
+                       var locale = getLocale();
+                       if (undefined == locale) {
+                               return;
+                       }
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+<div style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:4px; width:438px; text-align:right;"><a href="javascript:closerelated();" style="color:#FFFFFF; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none;">Close</a></div>
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+var langImgs = new Array(19);
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+langOverImgs[3] = new Image(129, 21);
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+langOverImgs[4] = new Image(129, 21);
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+langOverImgs[5] = new Image(129, 21);
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+langOverImgs[6] = new Image(129, 21);
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+langOverImgs[7] = new Image(129, 21);
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+langOverImgs[8] = new Image(129, 21);
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+langOverImgs[14] = new Image(129, 21);
+langImgs[15] = new Image(129, 21);
+langOverImgs[15] = new Image(129, 21);
+langImgs[16] = new Image(129, 21);
+langOverImgs[16] = new Image(129, 21);
+langImgs[17] = new Image(129, 21);
+langOverImgs[17] = new Image(129, 21);
+langImgs[18] = new Image(129, 21);
+langOverImgs[18] = new Image(129, 21);
diff --git a/test/megaporn_test.rb b/test/megaporn_test.rb
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f033d5b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Copyright Michael Orlitzky
+# http://michael.orlitzky.com/
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'src/websites/megaporn'
+class MegapornTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_owns_megaporn_urls
+    assert(Megaporn.owns_url?('http://www.megaporn.com/video/?v=E1LROW6E'))
+  end
+  def test_doesnt_own_infoq_urls
+    assert(!Megaporn.owns_url?('http://www.infoq.com/interviews/jim-weirich-discusses-rake'))
+  end
+  def test_doesnt_own_redtube_urls
+    assert(!Megaporn.owns_url?('http://www.redtube.com/6807'))
+    assert(!Megaporn.owns_url?('www.redtube.com/6807'))
+    assert(!Megaporn.owns_url?('http://redtube.com/6807'))
+    assert(!Megaporn.owns_url?('redtube.com/6807'))
+  end
+  def test_doesnt_own_efukt_urls
+    assert(!Megaporn.owns_url?('http://www.efukt.com/2308_How_To_Fuck_Like_A_King.html'))
+    assert(!Megaporn.owns_url?('http://www.efukt.com/2304_The_Dumbest_Porno_Ever_Made.html'))
+  end  
+  def test_decryption
+    mp = Megaporn.new(nil)
+    expected_result = '3de0ae51c90c7b100cc41e899648ac3c'
+    actual_result = mp.send('decrypt', 'becc1abe04b5ab8cb10dc7d29a497958', '49298', '63031')
+    assert_equal(expected_result, actual_result)
+  end
+  def test_parse_flash_variable
+    mp = Megaporn.new(nil)
+    page_data = nil
+    File.open('test/fixtures/megaporn/E1LROW6E.html') do |f|
+      page_data = f.read
+    end
+    # Seed
+    expected_result = '71eef99c126511b92b770d654ecd25c8'
+    actual_result = mp.send('parse_flash_variable', page_data, 'un')
+    assert_equal(expected_result, actual_result)
+    # key1
+    expected_result = '63233'
+    actual_result = mp.send('parse_flash_variable', page_data, 'k1')
+    assert_equal(expected_result, actual_result)
+    # key2
+    expected_result = '185149'
+    actual_result = mp.send('parse_flash_variable', page_data, 'k2')
+    assert_equal(expected_result, actual_result)
+    # Host suffix
+    expected_result = '118'
+    actual_result = mp.send('parse_flash_variable', page_data, 's')
+    assert_equal(expected_result, actual_result)
+  end
index a1a43905333707ec7e68294c9fb3212c705c10be..9312ab839bc43820d2d78458b8df6ac538af67f7 100644 (file)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ require 'test/efukt_test'
 require 'test/fuckedtube_test'
 require 'test/howcast_test'
 require 'test/infoq_test'
+require 'test/megaporn_test'
 require 'test/redtube_test'
 require 'test/veoh_test'
 require 'test/uri_utilities_test'