* Compute the zone (string) for the given origin/destination pair.
* If we don't know it or if you chose in invalid pair (destination
- * not on the same line as your origin?) then the empty string is
- * returned.
+ * not on the same line as your origin?) then null is returned.
function compute_marc_zone(src, dest) {
case 4:
return "Four Zone";
- return "";
+ return null;
const dest = params.get("destination");
if (src && dest) {
- /* MARC Train */
+ /* MARC Train. We can assume that compute_marc_zone() doesn't
+ * return null because that's part of our form validation. */
const zone = compute_marc_zone(src, dest);
menu.style.display = "none";
+ /**
+ * Validate the MARC form's origin/destination.
+ *
+ * We don't want the user to be able to choose a pair of stops that
+ * aren't actually connected by the same MARC line. If we don't have
+ * zone information for the (origin,destination) pair, that indicates
+ * that it's probably not a valid choice; otherwise I would have
+ * filled in the information from the CharmPass app already.
+ */
+ function validate_origin_destination(event) {
+ const origins = document.getElementsByName("origin");
+ const destinations = document.getElementsByName("destination");
+ let src = null;
+ let dest = null;
+ origins.forEach((x) => { if (x.checked) src = x; })
+ destinations.forEach((x) => {
+ if (x.checked) dest = x;
+ /* clear all errors before possibly setting one */
+ x.setCustomValidity('');
+ })
+ if (compute_marc_zone(src.value, dest.value) === null) {
+ let err = "Origin and destination are on different lines!";
+ dest.setCustomValidity(err);
+ }
+ }
/* Add event handlers for all of the functions above */
/* Swap colors when the screen is tapped */
document.body.addEventListener("click", swap_day_night);
+ else {
+ /* If we haven't submitted the form yet, set up change handlers
+ * for the origin/destination radio buttons that validate that
+ * the origin and destination are on the same line. */
+ document.getElementsByName("origin").forEach(
+ (x) => x.addEventListener("change", validate_origin_destination)
+ );
+ document.getElementsByName("destination").forEach(
+ (x) => x.addEventListener("change", validate_origin_destination)
+ );
+ }