+++ /dev/null
-function alpha = step_size_positive_definite(Q, b, x)
- % Let,
- %
- % f(x) = (1/2)<Qx,x> - <b,x> + a (1)
- %
- % where Q is symmetric and positive definite.
- %
- % If we seek to minimize f; that is, to solve Qx = b, then we can do
- % so using the method of steepest-descent. This function computes
- % the optimal step size alpha for the steepest descent method, in
- % the negative-gradient direction, at x.
- %
- % INPUT:
- %
- % - ``Q`` -- the positive-definite matrix in the definition of f(x).
- %
- % - ``b`` -- the known vector in the definition of f(x).
- %
- %
- % - ``alpha`` -- the optimal step size in the negative gradient
- % direction.
- %
- % NOTES:
- %
- % It is possible to save one matrix-vector multiplication here, by
- % taking d_k as a parameter. In fact, if the caller is specialized to
- % our problem (1), we can avoid both matrix-vector multiplications here
- % at the expense of some added roundoff error.
- %
- % The gradient of f(x) is Qx - b, and d_k is the negative gradient
- % direction.
- d_k = b - Q*x;
- alpha = (d_k' * d_k) / (d_k' * Q * d_k);