executable hath
- base == 4.*,
+ base >= 4.6.0,
bytestring == 0.10.*,
dns == 0.3.*,
HUnit == 1.2.*,
hs-source-dirs: src test
main-is: TestSuite.hs
- base == 4.*,
+ base >= 4.6.0,
bytestring == 0.10.*,
dns == 0.3.*,
HUnit == 1.2.*,
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen, Property, (==>))
+import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import qualified Bit as B
import IPv4Address
-- of its octets (as Ints).
octets_from_cidr_string :: String -> [Octet]
octets_from_cidr_string s =
- mapMaybe octet_from_string (take 4 (splitOneOf "./" s))
+ mapMaybe readMaybe (take 4 (splitOneOf "./" s))
-- | Return Nothing if we can't parse both maskbits and octets from
-- | Some exit codes, used in the ExitFailure constructor.
-module ExitCodes
+module ExitCodes (
+ exit_args_parse_failed,
+ exit_invalid_cidr
+ )
-- | One of the CIDRs is invalid (malformed, not a CIDR at all, etc).
ipv4address_to_int addr =
(shifted_oct1) + (shifted_oct2) + (shifted_oct3) + oct4
- oct1 = octet_to_int (octet1 addr)
- oct2 = octet_to_int (octet2 addr)
- oct3 = octet_to_int (octet3 addr)
- oct4 = octet_to_int (octet4 addr)
+ oct1 = fromEnum (octet1 addr)
+ oct2 = fromEnum (octet2 addr)
+ oct3 = fromEnum (octet3 addr)
+ oct4 = fromEnum (octet4 addr)
shifted_oct1 = oct1 * 2^(24 :: Integer)
shifted_oct2 = oct2 * 2^(16 :: Integer)
- test_most_sig_bit_different2 ]
+ test_most_sig_bit_different2,
+ test_to_enum ]
ipv4address_properties :: Test
ipv4address_properties =
bit = most_sig_bit_different addr1 addr2
+test_to_enum :: Test
+test_to_enum =
+ testCase desc $ assertEqual desc expected actual
+ where
+ desc = " in base-10 is 3232235520"
+ expected = mk_testaddr 192 168 0 0
+ actual = toEnum 3232235520
import DNS (Domain, lookup_ptrs)
-import ExitCodes
-import Octet
+import ExitCodes ( exit_args_parse_failed, exit_invalid_cidr )
+import Octet ()
-- | A regular expression that matches a non-address character.
range2 = numeric_range min2 max2
range3 = numeric_range min3 max3
range4 = numeric_range min4 max4
- min1 = octet_to_int (min_octet1 cidr)
- min2 = octet_to_int (min_octet2 cidr)
- min3 = octet_to_int (min_octet3 cidr)
- min4 = octet_to_int (min_octet4 cidr)
- max1 = octet_to_int (max_octet1 cidr)
- max2 = octet_to_int (max_octet2 cidr)
- max3 = octet_to_int (max_octet3 cidr)
- max4 = octet_to_int (max_octet4 cidr)
+ min1 = fromEnum (min_octet1 cidr)
+ min2 = fromEnum (min_octet2 cidr)
+ min3 = fromEnum (min_octet3 cidr)
+ min4 = fromEnum (min_octet4 cidr)
+ max1 = fromEnum (max_octet1 cidr)
+ max2 = fromEnum (max_octet2 cidr)
+ max3 = fromEnum (max_octet3 cidr)
+ max4 = fromEnum (max_octet4 cidr)
-module Octet
+module Octet (
+ Octet(..),
+ octet_from_int,
+ octet_properties,
+ octet_tests,
+ )
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Test.HUnit (assertEqual)
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
-import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen)
+import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
+import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen, Property, (==>))
import Bit as B
import Maskable
instance Show Octet where
- show oct = show (octet_to_int oct)
+ show oct = show (fromEnum oct)
instance Arbitrary Octet where
-- maxBound), so the fromJust here doesn't introduce any additional
-- badness.
toEnum = fromJust . octet_from_int
- fromEnum = octet_to_int
--- | Convert each bit to its integer value, and multiply by the
--- appropriate power of two. Sum them up, and we should get an integer
--- between 0 and 255.
-octet_to_int :: Octet -> Int
-octet_to_int x =
- 128 * (bit_to_int (b1 x)) +
- 64 * (bit_to_int (b2 x)) +
- 32 * (bit_to_int (b3 x)) +
- 16 * (bit_to_int (b4 x)) +
- 8 * (bit_to_int (b5 x)) +
- 4 * (bit_to_int (b6 x)) +
- 2 * (bit_to_int (b7 x)) +
- 1 * (bit_to_int (b8 x))
+ -- | Convert each bit to its integer value, and multiply by the
+ -- appropriate power of two. Sum them up, and we should get an integer
+ -- between 0 and 255.
+ fromEnum x =
+ 128 * (bit_to_int (b1 x)) +
+ 64 * (bit_to_int (b2 x)) +
+ 32 * (bit_to_int (b3 x)) +
+ 16 * (bit_to_int (b4 x)) +
+ 8 * (bit_to_int (b5 x)) +
+ 4 * (bit_to_int (b6 x)) +
+ 2 * (bit_to_int (b7 x)) +
+ 1 * (bit_to_int (b8 x))
a8 = if ((x `mod` 2) == 1) then B.One else B.Zero
-octet_from_string :: String -> Maybe Octet
-octet_from_string s =
- case (reads s :: [(Int, String)]) of
- [] -> Nothing
- x:_ -> octet_from_int (fst x)
+instance Read Octet where
+ readsPrec _ = \s ->
+ case (reads s :: [(Int, String)]) of
+ [] -> []
+ (x,leftover):_ -> case (octet_from_int x) of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just oct -> [(oct, leftover)]
+-- Test lists.
+octet_tests :: Test
+octet_tests =
+ testGroup "Octet Tests" [
+ test_octet_from_int1,
+ test_octet_mask1,
+ test_octet_mask2 ]
+octet_properties :: Test
+octet_properties =
+ testGroup
+ "Octet Properties "
+ [ testProperty
+ "fromEnum/toEnum are inverses"
+ prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses,
+ testProperty
+ "read/show are inverses"
+ prop_read_show_inverses ]
+-- QuickCheck properties
+prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses :: Int -> Property
+prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses x =
+ (0 <= x) && (x <= 255) ==>
+ fromEnum (toEnum x :: Octet) == x
+prop_read_show_inverses :: Int -> Property
+prop_read_show_inverses x =
+ (0 <= x) && (x <= 255) ==> x' == x
+ where
+ oct :: Octet
+ oct = read $ show x
+ x' :: Int
+ x' = read $ show oct
-- HUnit Tests
test_octet_from_int1 :: Test
desc = "The network bits of 255/1 should equal 128"
oct1 = fromJust $ octet_from_int 255
oct2 = fromJust $ octet_from_int 128
-octet_tests :: Test
-octet_tests =
- testGroup "Octet Tests" [
- test_octet_from_int1,
- test_octet_mask1,
- test_octet_mask2 ]
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Test.Framework (
- defaultMainWithOpts,
- )
+ defaultMainWithOpts )
import Test.Framework.Options
import Test.Framework.Runners.Options
-import Cidr (cidr_properties, cidr_tests)
-import IPv4Address (ipv4address_properties, ipv4address_tests)
-import Octet (octet_tests)
+import Cidr (
+ cidr_properties,
+ cidr_tests )
+import IPv4Address (
+ ipv4address_properties,
+ ipv4address_tests )
+import Octet (
+ octet_properties,
+ octet_tests )
tests :: [Test.Framework.Test]
tests = [ cidr_properties,
+ octet_properties,
octet_tests ]
main :: IO ()