sage: set_random_seed()
sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=8, max_rays=10)
- sage: S = [K.random_element() for idx in range(0,5)]
+ sage: S = ( K.random_element() for idx in range(0,5) )
sage: F = face_generated_by(K, S)
sage: F.is_face_of(K)
sage: set_random_seed()
sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=8, max_rays=10)
- sage: S = [K.random_element() for idx in range(0,5)]
+ sage: S = ( K.random_element() for idx in range(0,5) )
sage: F = face_generated_by(K, S)
- sage: all([F.contains(x) for x in S])
+ sage: all(F.contains(x) for x in S)
The generators of a proper cone are all extreme vectors of the cone,
....: max_rays=10,
....: strictly_convex=True,
....: solid=True)
- sage: all([face_generated_by(K, [r]) == Cone([r]) for r in K])
+ sage: all(face_generated_by(K, [r]) == Cone([r]) for r in K)
For any point ``x`` in ``K`` and any face ``F`` of ``K``, we have
face_lattice = K.face_lattice()
- candidates = [F for F in face_lattice if all([F.contains(x) for x in S])]
+ candidates = [F for F in face_lattice if all(F.contains(x) for x in S)]
# K itself is a face of K, so unless we were given a set S that
# isn't a subset of K, the candidates list will be nonempty.
sage: set_random_seed()
sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=8, max_rays=10)
sage: K_dual = K.dual()
- sage: lKd_gens = [ dir*l for dir in [1,-1] for l in K_dual.lines() ]
+ sage: lKd_gens = ( dir*l for dir in [1,-1] for l in K_dual.lines() )
sage: linspace_K_dual = Cone(lKd_gens, K_dual.lattice())
sage: dual_face(K,K).is_equivalent(linspace_K_dual)
sage: def check_prop(K,F):
....: return dual_face(K.dual(), dual_face(K,F)).is_equivalent(F)
sage: K = random_cone(max_ambient_dim=8, max_rays=10)
- sage: all([check_prop(K,F) for F in K.face_lattice()])
+ sage: all(check_prop(K,F) for F in K.face_lattice())
if not F.is_face_of(K):
raise ValueError("%s is not a face of %s" % (F,K))
- span_F = Cone([c*g for c in [1,-1] for g in F], F.lattice())
+ span_F = Cone((c*g for c in [1,-1] for g in F), F.lattice())
return K.dual().intersection(span_F.dual())