module Grid
+import Data.Array (Array, array, (!))
import qualified Data.Array.Repa as R
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen, Positive(..))
import Values (Values3D, dims, empty3d, zoom_shape)
+type CubeGrid = Array (Int,Int,Int) Cube
-- | Our problem is defined on a Grid. The grid size is given by the
-- positive number h. The function values are the values of the
-- function at the grid points, which are distance h from one
empty_grid = Grid 1 empty3d
--- | Returns a three-dimensional list of cubes centered on the grid
+-- | Returns a three-dimensional array of cubes centered on the grid
-- points of g with the appropriate 'FunctionValues'.
-cubes :: Grid -> [[[Cube]]]
+cubes :: Grid -> CubeGrid
cubes g
- | xsize == 0 || ysize == 0 || zsize == 0 = [[[]]]
- | otherwise =
- [[[ Cube (h g) i j k (make_values fvs i j k) | i <- [0..xsize]]
- | j <- [0..ysize]]
- | k <- [0..zsize]]
- where
- fvs = function_values g
- (xsize, ysize, zsize) = dims fvs
+ = array (lbounds, ubounds)
+ [ ((i,j,k), cube_ijk)
+ | i <- [0..xmax],
+ j <- [0..ymax],
+ k <- [0..zmax],
+ let cube_ijk = Cube (h g) i j k (make_values fvs i j k)]
+ where
+ xmax = xsize - 1
+ ymax = ysize - 1
+ zmax = zsize - 1
+ lbounds = (0, 0, 0)
+ ubounds = (xmax, ymax, zmax)
+ fvs = function_values g
+ (xsize, ysize, zsize) = dims fvs
-- | Takes a grid and a position as an argument and returns the cube
-- position is outside of the grid), it will throw an error.
cube_at :: Grid -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Cube
cube_at g i j k
- | i < 0 = error "i < 0 in cube_at"
- | j < 0 = error "j < 0 in cube_at"
- | k < 0 = error "k < 0 in cube_at"
- | otherwise =
- let zsize = length (cubes g) in
- if k >= zsize then
- error "k >= xsize in cube_at"
- else
- let ysize = length ((cubes g) !! k) in
- if j >= ysize then
- error "j >= ysize in cube_at"
- else
- let xsize = length (((cubes g) !! k) !! j) in
- if i >= xsize then
- error "i >= xsize in cube_at"
- else
- (((cubes g) !! k) !! j) !! i
+ | i < 0 = error "i < 0 in cube_at"
+ | i >= xsize = error "i >= xsize in cube_at"
+ | j < 0 = error "j < 0 in cube_at"
+ | j >= ysize = error "j >= ysize in cube_at"
+ | k < 0 = error "k < 0 in cube_at"
+ | k >= zsize = error "k >= zsize in cube_at"
+ | otherwise = (cubes g) ! (i,j,k)
+ where
+ fvs = function_values g
+ (xsize, ysize, zsize) = dims fvs
-- The first cube along any axis covers (-h/2, h/2). The second
-- covers (h/2, 3h/2). The third, (3h/2, 5h/2), and so on.