r = self.rank()
n = self.dimension()
- # Construct a new algebra over a multivariate polynomial ring...
+ # Turn my vector space into a module so that "vectors" can
+ # have multivatiate polynomial entries.
names = tuple('X' + str(i) for i in range(1,n+1))
R = PolynomialRing(self.base_ring(), names)
- # Hack around the fact that our multiplication table is in terms of
- # algebra elements but the constructor wants it in terms of vectors.
- vmt = [ tuple(map(lambda x: x.to_vector(), ls))
- for ls in self._multiplication_table ]
- J = FiniteDimensionalEuclideanJordanAlgebra(R, tuple(vmt), r)
- idmat = matrix.identity(J.base_ring(), n)
+ V = self.vector_space().change_ring(R)
+ # Now let x = (X1,X2,...,Xn) be the vector whose entries are
+ # indeterminates...
+ x = V(names)
+ # And figure out the "left multiplication by x" matrix in
+ # that setting.
+ lmbx_cols = []
+ monomial_matrices = [ self.monomial(i).operator().matrix()
+ for i in range(n) ] # don't recompute these!
+ for k in range(n):
+ ek = self.monomial(k).to_vector()
+ lmbx_cols.append(
+ sum( x[i]*(monomial_matrices[i]*ek)
+ for i in range(n) ) )
+ Lx = matrix.column(R, lmbx_cols)
+ # Now we can compute powers of x "symbolically"
+ x_powers = [self.one().to_vector(), x]
+ for d in range(2, r+1):
+ x_powers.append( Lx*(x_powers[-1]) )
+ idmat = matrix.identity(R, n)
W = self._charpoly_basis_space()
W = W.change_ring(R.fraction_field())
# We want the middle equivalent thing in our matrix, but use
# the first equivalent thing instead so that we can pass in
# standard coordinates.
- x = J.from_vector(W(R.gens()))
- # Handle the zeroth power separately, because computing
- # the unit element in J is mathematically suspect.
- x0 = W.coordinate_vector(self.one().to_vector())
- l1 = [ x0.column() ]
- l1 += [ W.coordinate_vector((x**k).to_vector()).column()
- for k in range(1,r) ]
- l2 = [idmat.column(k-1).column() for k in range(r+1, n+1)]
- A_of_x = matrix.block(R, 1, n, (l1 + l2))
- xr = W.coordinate_vector((x**r).to_vector())
- return (A_of_x, x, xr, A_of_x.det())
+ x_powers = [ W.coordinate_vector(xp) for xp in x_powers ]
+ l2 = [idmat.column(k-1) for k in range(r+1, n+1)]
+ A_of_x = matrix.column(R, n, (x_powers[:r] + l2))
+ return (A_of_x, x, x_powers[r], A_of_x.det())