- pickle_unpickle )
+ pickle_unpickle,
+ unpickleable )
+import Control.Exception ( SomeException(..), catch )
import Database.Groundhog ( AutoKey )
import Text.XML.HXT.Core (
+ PU,
-- to 'xpickle' would be ambiguous. By returning some @a@s, we allow
-- the caller to annotate its type.
+-- Note that this will happily pickle nothing to nothing and then
+-- unpickle it back to more nothing. So the fact that the
+-- before/after results from this function agree does not mean that
+-- the document was successfully unpickled!
pickle_unpickle :: XmlPickler a
=> String
-> FilePath
hasName root_element
xunpickleVal xpickle
+-- | Is the given XML file unpickleable? Unpickling will be attempted
+-- using the @unpickler@ argument. If we unilaterally used the
+-- generic 'xpickle' function for our unpickler, a type ambiguity
+-- would result. By taking the unpickler as an argument, we allow
+-- the caller to indirectly specify a concrete type.
+unpickleable :: XmlPickler a => FilePath -> PU a -> IO Bool
+unpickleable filepath unpickler = do
+ xmldoc <- try_unpickle `catch` (\(SomeException _) -> return [])
+ return $ (not . null) xmldoc
+ where
+ try_unpickle = runX $ readDocument parse_opts filepath
+ >>>
+ xunpickleVal unpickler