rank, and so on are known a priori. More to the point, they are
the Euclidean Jordan algebras for which we are able to conjure up
a "random instance."
+ sage: from mjo.eja.eja_algebra import ConcreteEuclideanJordanAlgebra
+ Our natural basis is normalized with respect to the natural inner
+ product unless we specify otherwise::
+ sage: set_random_seed()
+ sage: J = ConcreteEuclideanJordanAlgebra.random_instance()
+ sage: all( b.norm() == 1 for b in J.gens() )
+ True
+ Since our natural basis is normalized with respect to the natural
+ inner product, and since we know that this algebra is an EJA, any
+ left-multiplication operator's matrix will be symmetric because
+ natural->EJA basis representation is an isometry and within the EJA
+ the operator is self-adjoint by the Jordan axiom::
+ sage: set_random_seed()
+ sage: J = ConcreteEuclideanJordanAlgebra.random_instance()
+ sage: x = J.random_element()
+ sage: x.operator().matrix().is_symmetric()
+ True
sage: RealSymmetricEJA(3, prefix='q').gens()
(q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5)
- Our natural basis is normalized with respect to the natural inner
- product unless we specify otherwise::
- sage: set_random_seed()
- sage: J = RealSymmetricEJA.random_instance()
- sage: all( b.norm() == 1 for b in J.gens() )
- True
- Since our natural basis is normalized with respect to the natural
- inner product, and since we know that this algebra is an EJA, any
- left-multiplication operator's matrix will be symmetric because
- natural->EJA basis representation is an isometry and within the EJA
- the operator is self-adjoint by the Jordan axiom::
- sage: set_random_seed()
- sage: x = RealSymmetricEJA.random_instance().random_element()
- sage: x.operator().matrix().is_symmetric()
- True
We can construct the (trivial) algebra of rank zero::
sage: RealSymmetricEJA(0)
sage: ComplexHermitianEJA(2, prefix='z').gens()
(z0, z1, z2, z3)
- Our natural basis is normalized with respect to the natural inner
- product unless we specify otherwise::
- sage: set_random_seed()
- sage: J = ComplexHermitianEJA.random_instance()
- sage: all( b.norm() == 1 for b in J.gens() )
- True
- Since our natural basis is normalized with respect to the natural
- inner product, and since we know that this algebra is an EJA, any
- left-multiplication operator's matrix will be symmetric because
- natural->EJA basis representation is an isometry and within the EJA
- the operator is self-adjoint by the Jordan axiom::
- sage: set_random_seed()
- sage: x = ComplexHermitianEJA.random_instance().random_element()
- sage: x.operator().matrix().is_symmetric()
- True
We can construct the (trivial) algebra of rank zero::
sage: ComplexHermitianEJA(0)
sage: QuaternionHermitianEJA(2, prefix='a').gens()
(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)
- Our natural basis is normalized with respect to the natural inner
- product unless we specify otherwise::
- sage: set_random_seed()
- sage: J = QuaternionHermitianEJA.random_instance()
- sage: all( b.norm() == 1 for b in J.gens() )
- True
- Since our natural basis is normalized with respect to the natural
- inner product, and since we know that this algebra is an EJA, any
- left-multiplication operator's matrix will be symmetric because
- natural->EJA basis representation is an isometry and within the EJA
- the operator is self-adjoint by the Jordan axiom::
- sage: set_random_seed()
- sage: x = QuaternionHermitianEJA.random_instance().random_element()
- sage: x.operator().matrix().is_symmetric()
- True
We can construct the (trivial) algebra of rank zero::
sage: QuaternionHermitianEJA(0)