return (J0, J5, J1)
- def random_elements(self, count):
+ def random_element(self, thorough=False):
+ r"""
+ Return a random element of this algebra.
+ Our algebra superclass method only returns a linear
+ combination of at most two basis elements. We instead
+ want the vector space "random element" method that
+ returns a more diverse selection.
+ - ``thorough`` -- (boolean; default False) whether or not we
+ should generate irrational coefficients for the random
+ element when our base ring is irrational; this slows the
+ algebra operations to a crawl, but any truly random method
+ should include them
+ """
+ # For a general base ring... maybe we can trust this to do the
+ # right thing? Unlikely, but.
+ V = self.vector_space()
+ v = V.random_element()
+ if self.base_ring() is AA:
+ # The "random element" method of the algebraic reals is
+ # stupid at the moment, and only returns integers between
+ # -2 and 2, inclusive. Instead, we implement our own
+ # "random vector" method, and then coerce that into the
+ # algebra. We use the vector space degree here instead of
+ # the dimension because a subalgebra could (for example) be
+ # spanned by only two vectors, each with five coordinates.
+ # We need to generate all five coordinates.
+ if thorough:
+ v *= QQbar.random_element().real()
+ else:
+ v *= QQ.random_element()
+ return self.from_vector(V.coordinate_vector(v))
+ def random_elements(self, count, thorough=False):
Return ``count`` random elements as a tuple.
+ - ``thorough`` -- (boolean; default False) whether or not we
+ should generate irrational coefficients for the random
+ elements when our base ring is irrational; this slows the
+ algebra operations to a crawl, but any truly random method
+ should include them
sage: from mjo.eja.eja_algebra import JordanSpinEJA
- return tuple( self.random_element() for idx in range(count) )
+ return tuple( self.random_element(thorough)
+ for idx in range(count) )
def random_instance(cls, field=AA, **kwargs):