+\input{mjo-common} % for \of, at least
% The (sub)algebra generated by its argument, a subset of some ambient
\usepackage{amssymb} % \succcurlyeq, \preccurlyeq
+\input{mjo-common} % for \of, at least
% The dual of a subset of an inner-product space; always a closed
% convex cone.
+\input{mjo-common} % for \of, at least
% The ``conic combination'' operator.
\newcommand*{\cone}[1]{ \operatorname{cone} \of{{#1}} }
+\input{mjo-common} % for \of, at least
% Absolute value (modulus) of a scalar.
+\input{mjo-common} % for \of, at least
% The ``interior of'' operator.
\newcommand*{\interior}[1]{ \operatorname{int}\of{{#1}} }