+class LineString(KmlObject):
+ OPEN_TAG = '<LineString>'
+ CLOSE_TAG = '</LineString>'
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_linestrings(self, kml):
+ """
+ Parse each <LineString>...</LineString> block from the KML.
+ """
+ linestrings = []
+ search_idx = kml.find(self.OPEN_TAG, 0)
+ while (search_idx != -1):
+ # No reason to keep the tag around.
+ ls_start = search_idx + len(self.OPEN_TAG)
+ ls_tag_end = kml.find(self.CLOSE_TAG, ls_start)
+ ls = kml[ ls_start : ls_tag_end ]
+ linestrings.append(ls)
+ search_idx = kml.find(self.OPEN_TAG, (ls_tag_end + len(self.CLOSE_TAG)))
+ return linestrings
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_coordinates_from_linestrings(self, linestrings):
+ coords = []
+ for ls in linestrings:
+ c_tag_start = ls.find('<coordinates>')
+ c_start = c_tag_start + len('<coordinates>')
+ c_end = ls.find('</coordinates>')
+ c = ls[ c_start : c_end ]
+ coords.append(c)
+ return coords
+ @classmethod
+ def tuples_from_kml(self, kml):
+ """
+ Parse one or more linestrings from a KML document.
+ Return a list of tuples.
+ """
+ ls = self.parse_linestrings(kml)
+ cs = self.parse_coordinates_from_linestrings(ls)
+ tuples = []
+ for c in cs:
+ pointstrings = c.strip().split()
+ for point in pointstrings:
+ components = point.strip().split(',')
+ if (len(components) >= 2):
+ # Project the three-dimensional vector onto the
+ # x-y plane. I don't think we're going to run
+ # in to any linestrings in 3d.
+ tuples.append( (float(components[0]), float(components[1])) )
+ return tuples
class Name(KmlObject):
OPEN_TAG = '<name>'