There are two places we handle URLs in the plugin, and they were using
different programs to open a URL. This commit makes them both use
"xdg-open" instead of "exo-open". I have no idea if it lives up to the
promise, but xdg-open is supposed to intelligently determine your
desktop environment and then do The Right Thing; whereas exo-open
is specific to XFCE.
HdapsPlugin *hdaps) {
if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_HELP) {
- /* Launch the user's web browser and direct them to
- the plugin's webpage. */
- gboolean spawn_result = g_spawn_command_line_async("exo-open --launch WebBrowser " PLUGIN_WEBSITE, NULL);
+ /* Launch the user's web browser and direct them to the plugin webpage. */
+ gboolean spawn_result = g_spawn_command_line_async("xdg-open " PLUGIN_WEBSITE, NULL);
if (G_UNLIKELY(spawn_result == FALSE)) {
g_warning(_("Unable to open the following url: %s"), PLUGIN_WEBSITE);