+class ApacheConfFileTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_bad_conf_file_path_raises_error
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
+ acf = ApacheConfFile.new(nil)
+ end
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
+ acf = ApacheConfFile.new('/does/not/exist')
+ end
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
+ # This raises a "different" error than the one above,
+ # but quit giving me empty files!
+ acf = ApacheConfFile.new('test/fixtures/empty_file.txt')
+ end
+ end
+ def test_good_conf_file_loads
+ acf = ApacheConfFile.new('test/fixtures/example.com-boring.conf')
+ # That's all..
+ end
+ def test_conf_file_with_no_directives
+ acf = ApacheConfFile.new('test/fixtures/example.com-boring.conf')
+ temp_files = acf.get_php_temporary_directory_list()
+ assert_kind_of(Array, temp_files)
+ assert_equal(0, temp_files.length)
+ end
+ def test_get_php_temporary_dirs_non_unique
+ acf = ApacheConfFile.new('test/fixtures/example.com-typical.conf')
+ # There should be two (identical) directories.
+ temp_files = acf.get_php_temporary_directory_list(false)
+ assert_equal(2, temp_files.length)
+ assert_equal(temp_files[0], temp_files[1])
+ end
+ def test_get_php_temporary_dirs_unique
+ acf = ApacheConfFile.new('test/fixtures/example.com-typical.conf')
+ # There should be just one directory, since the
+ # upload_tmp and session.save paths are identical.
+ temp_files = acf.get_php_temporary_directory_list()
+ assert_equal(1, temp_files.length)
+ assert_not_equal(0, temp_files[0].length)
+ end
+ def test_get_php_temporary_dirs_different_unique
+ acf = ApacheConfFile.new('test/fixtures/example.com-different.conf')
+ temp_files = acf.get_php_temporary_directory_list()
+ assert_equal(2, temp_files.length)
+ assert_not_equal(temp_files[0], temp_files[1])
+ end
+ def test_get_php_temporary_dirs_multi_unique
+ # Two different vhosts (one SSL), both configured
+ # with the same two (different) tmp directories.
+ acf = ApacheConfFile.new('test/fixtures/example.com-multi.conf')
+ temp_files = acf.get_php_temporary_directory_list()
+ assert_equal(2, temp_files.length)
+ assert_not_equal(temp_files[0], temp_files[1])
+ end
+ def test_get_php_temporary_dirs_multi_non_unique
+ # Two different vhosts (one SSL), both configured
+ # with the same two (different) tmp directories.
+ acf = ApacheConfFile.new('test/fixtures/example.com-multi.conf')
+ temp_files = acf.get_php_temporary_directory_list(false)
+ assert_equal(4, temp_files.length)
+ end