#!/usr/bin/python3 """ Convert tinydns and dnscache logs to human-readable form """ import re, typing from struct import pack ## Regular expressions for matching tinydns/dnscache log lines. We ## compile these once here rather than within the corresponding ## matching functions, because the latter get executed repeatedly. # This first pattern is used to match the timestamp format that the # tai64nlocal program produces. It appears in both dnscache and # tinydns lines, after they've been piped through tai64nlocal, of # course. timestamp_pat = r'[\d-]+ [\d:\.]+' # The regex to match dnscache log lines. dnscache_log_re = re.compile(fr'({timestamp_pat}) (\w+)(.*)') # The "hex4" pattern matches a string of four hexadecimal digits. This # is used, for example, by tinydns to encode the query type # identifier. hex4_pat = r'[0-9a-f]{4}' # The IP pattern matches a string of either 8 or 32 hexadecimal # characters, which correspond to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, # respectively, in tinydns logs. ip_pat = r'[0-9a-f]{8,32}' # The regex to match tinydns log lines. tinydns_log_re = re.compile( rf'({timestamp_pat}) ({ip_pat}):({hex4_pat}):({hex4_pat}) ([\+\-IC/]) ({hex4_pat}) (.*)' ) # A dictionary mapping query type identifiers, in decimal, to their # friendly names for tinydns. Reference: # # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_DNS_record_types # # Note that mapping here is non-exhaustive, and that tinydns will # log responses for record types that it does not know about. query_type = { 1: "a", 2: "ns", 5: "cname", 6: "soa", 12: "ptr", 13: "hinfo", 15: "mx", 16: "txt", 17: "rp", 24: "sig", 25: "key", 28: "aaaa", 33: "srv", 35: "naptr", 38: "a6", 48: "dnskey", 52: "tlsa", 65: "https", 252: "axfr", 255: "any", 257: "caa" } # tinydns can drop a query for one of three reasons; this dictionary # maps the symbol that gets logged in each case to a human-readable # reason. We include the "+" case here, indicating that the query was # NOT dropped, to avoid a special case later on when we're formatting # the human-readable output. query_drop_reason = { "+": None, "-": "no authority", "I": "invalid query", "C": "invalid class", "/": "couldn't parse" } def convert_ip(ip : str) -> str: """ Convert a hex string representing an IP address to human-readable form. Parameters ---------- ip : str The hexadecimal representation of either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. Returns ------- The usual decimal dotted-quad representation is returned for an IPv4 address. IPv6 addresses are returned almost as-is, but with colons inserted in the appropriate places, between every four characters. Examples -------- >>> convert_ip("7f000001") '' >>> convert_ip("00000000000000000000ffff7f000001") '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:7f00:0001' """ if len(ip) == 8: # IPv4, eg. "7f000001" -> "7f 00 00 01" -> "" return ".".join(map(str, pack(">L", int(ip, 16)))) elif len(ip) == 32: # IPv6 is actually simpler -- it's just a string-slicing operation. return ":".join([ip[(4*i) : (4*i+4)] for i in range(8)]) def decode_client(words : list, i : int): r""" Helper function to decode the client field in a dnscache log entry. There are two possible formats for the client field, 1. clientip:clientport, used by tcpopen/tcpclose entries, 2. clientip:clientport:id, used by "query" entries. Parameters ---------- words : list The ``words`` list (a list of fields) from :func:`handle_dnscache_log`. i : int The index of the client field within ``words`` Returns ------- Nothing; the ``i``th entry in the ``words`` list is modified in-place. Examples -------- >>> words = ["foo", "bar", "7f000001:9253", "quux"] >>> decode_client(words, 2) >>> words ['foo', 'bar', '', 'quux'] >>> words = ["foo", "7f000001:a3db:4fb9", "bar", "quux"] >>> decode_client(words, 1) >>> words ['foo', ' (id 20409)', 'bar', 'quux'] """ chunks = words[i].split(":") ip = convert_ip(chunks[0]) port = int(chunks[1], 16) words[i] = f"{ip}:{port}" if len(chunks) == 3: # For a "query" entry's clientip:clientport:id field. id = int(chunks[2], 16) words[i] += f" (id {id})" def decode_ip(words, i): r""" Helper function to decode the ip field in a dnscache log entry. A single "serverip" field is present in the lame, nodata, nxdomain, and rr entry types. Parameters ---------- words : list The ``words`` list (a list of fields) from :func:`handle_dnscache_log`. i : int The index of the ip field within ``words`` Returns ------- Nothing; the ``i``th entry in the ``words`` list is modified in-place. Examples -------- >>> words = ["foo", "bar", "7f000001", "quux"] >>> decode_ip(words, 2) >>> words ['foo', 'bar', '', 'quux'] >>> words = ["foo", "00000000000000000000ffff7f000001", "bar", "quux"] >>> decode_ip(words, 1) >>> words ['foo', '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:7f00:0001', 'bar', 'quux'] """ words[i] = convert_ip(words[i]) def decode_ttl(words, i): words[i] = f"TTL={words[i]}" def decode_serial(words, i): serial = int(words[i]) words[i] = f"#{serial}" def decode_type(words, i): qt = words[i] words[i] = query_type.get(int(qt), qt) def handle_dnscache_log(line) -> typing.Optional[str]: """ Handle a single log line if it matches the ``dnscache_log_re`` regex. Parameters ---------- line : string The log line that might match ``dnscache_log_re``. Returns ------- Either the human-readable string if the log line was handled (that is, if it was really a dnscache log line), or ``None`` if it was not. Examples -------- >>> line = "2022-09-15 18:37:33.863805500 query 1 7f000001:a3db:4fb9 1 www.example.com." >>> handle_dnscache_log(line) '2022-09-15 18:37:33.863805500 query #1 (id 20409) a www.example.com.' >>> line = "2022-09-15 18:37:33.863874500 tx 0 1 www.example.com. . c0a80101" >>> handle_dnscache_log(line) '2022-09-15 18:37:33.863874500 tx g=0 a www.example.com. .' >>> line = "2022-09-15 18:37:33.878529500 rr c0a80101 20865 1 www.example.com. 5db8d822" >>> handle_dnscache_log(line) '2022-09-15 18:37:33.878529500 rr TTL=20865 a www.example.com.' >>> line = "2022-09-15 18:37:33.878532500 stats 1 43 1 0" >>> handle_dnscache_log(line) '2022-09-15 18:37:33.878532500 stats count=1 motion=43 udp-active=1 tcp-active=0' >>> line = "2022-09-15 18:37:33.878602500 sent 1 49" >>> handle_dnscache_log(line) '2022-09-15 18:37:33.878602500 sent #1 49' >>> line = "this line is nonsense" >>> handle_dnscache_log(line) """ match = dnscache_log_re.match(line) if not match: return None (timestamp, event, data) = match.groups() words = data.split() if event == "cached": if words[0] not in ("cname", "ns", "nxdomain"): decode_type(words, 0) elif event == "drop": decode_serial(words, 0) elif event == "lame": decode_ip(words, 0) elif event == "nodata": decode_ip(words, 0) decode_ttl(words, 1) decode_type(words, 2) elif event == "nxdomain": decode_ip(words, 0) decode_ttl(words, 1) elif event == "query": decode_serial(words, 0) decode_client(words, 1) decode_type(words, 2) elif event == "rr": decode_ip(words, 0) decode_ttl(words, 1) if words[2] not in ("cname", "mx", "ns", "ptr", "soa"): decode_type(words, 2) if words[2] == "a": # decode answer to an A query decode_ip(words, 4) if words[2] == "txt": # text record response = words[4] if response.endswith("..."): ellipsis = "..." response = response[0:-3] else: ellipsis = "" length = int(response[0:2], 16) chars = [] for i in range(1, len(response)//2): chars.append(chr(int(response[2*i : (2*i)+2], 16))) txt = "".join(chars) words[4] = f"{length}:\"{txt}{ellipsis}\"" elif event == "sent": decode_serial(words, 0) elif event == "stats": words[0] = f"count={words[0]}" words[1] = f"motion={words[1]}" words[2] = f"udp-active={words[2]}" words[3] = f"tcp-active={words[3]}" elif event == "tx": words[0] = f"g={words[0]}" decode_type(words, 1) # words[2] = name # words[3] = control (domain for which these servers are believed # to be authoritative) for i in range(4, len(words)): decode_ip(words, i) elif event in ("tcpopen", "tcpclose"): decode_client(words, 0) # Reconstitute "data" (i.e. everything after the timestamp and the # event) from "words", which was originally obtained by splitting # "data". data = " ".join(words) return f"{timestamp} {event} {data}" def handle_tinydns_log(line : str) -> typing.Optional[str]: """ Handle a single log line if it matches the ``tinydns_log_re`` regex. Parameters ---------- line : string The log line that might match ``tinydns_log_re``. Returns ------- Either the human-readable string if the log line was handled (that is, if it was really a tinydns log line), or ``None`` if it was not. Examples -------- >>> line = "2022-09-14 21:04:40.206516500 7f000001:9d61:be69 - 0001 www.example.com" >>> handle_tinydns_log(line) '2022-09-14 21:04:40.206516500 dropped query (no authority) from (id 48745): a www.example.com' >>> line = "this line is nonsense" >>> handle_tinydns_log(line) """ match = tinydns_log_re.match(line) if not match: return None (timestamp, ip, port, id, code, type, name) = match.groups() ip = convert_ip(ip) port = int(port, 16) id = int(id, 16) # Convert the "type" field to a human-readable record type name # using the query_type dictionary. If the right name isn't present # in the dictionary, we use the (decimal) type id instead. type = int(type, 16) # "001c" -> 28 type = query_type.get(type, type) # 28 -> "aaaa" line_tpl = "{timestamp} " reason = query_drop_reason[code] if code == "+": line_tpl += "sent response to {ip}:{port} (id {id}): {type} {name}" else: line_tpl += "dropped query ({reason}) from {ip}:{port}" if code != "/": # If the query can actually be parsed, the log line is a # bit more informative than it would have been otherwise. line_tpl += " (id {id}): {type} {name}" return line_tpl.format(timestamp=timestamp, reason=reason, ip=ip, port=port, id=id, type=type, name=name) def parse_logfile(file : typing.TextIO): r""" Process a single log ``file``. Parameters ---------- file : typing.TextIO An open log file, or stdin. Examples -------- >>> line = "@4000000063227a320c4f3114 7f000001:9d61:be69 - 0001 www.example.com\n" >>> from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile >>> with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as f: ... _ = f.write(line) >>> f = open(f.name, 'r') >>> parse_logfile(f) 2022-09-14 21:04:40.206516500 dropped query (no authority) from (id 48745): a www.example.com >>> f.close() >>> from os import remove >>> remove(f.name) """ # Open a pipe to tai64nlocal. We'll write lines of our input file # (the log file) to it, and read back the same lines but with # friendly timestamps in them. from subprocess import Popen, PIPE tai = Popen(["tai64nlocal"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, text=True, bufsize=0) for line in file: tai.stdin.write(line) line = tai.stdout.readline() friendly_line = handle_tinydns_log(line) if not friendly_line: friendly_line = handle_dnscache_log(line) if not friendly_line: friendly_line = line print(friendly_line) def main(): r""" The entry point to the program. This function is responsible only for parsing any command-line arguments, and then calling :func`parse_logfile` on them. """ # Create an argument parser using the file's docsctring as its # description. from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType parser = ArgumentParser(description = __doc__) # Parse zero or more positional arguments into a list of # "logfiles". If none are given, read from stdin instead. from sys import stdin parser.add_argument("logfiles", metavar="LOGFILE", type=FileType("r"), nargs="*", default=[stdin], help="djbdns logfile to process (default: stdin)") # Warning: argparse automatically opens its file arguments here, # and they only get closed when the program terminates. There's no # real benefit to closing them one-at-a-time after calling # parse_logfile(), because the "scarce" resource of open file # descriptors gets consumed immediately, before any processing has # happened. In other words, if you're going to run out of file # descriptors, it's going to happen right now. # # So anyway, don't run this on several million logfiles. args = parser.parse_args() for f in args.logfiles: parse_logfile(f) if __name__ == "__main__": main()