\ProcessOptionsBeamer \mode \useinnertheme{mjo} \useoutertheme{mjo} \usefonttheme{mjo} \usecolortheme{mjo} % Create a slide introducing new sections. \AtBeginSection[]{ \begin{frame} \frametitle{ \ifx\insertpart\@empty% \else% Part \thepart, % \fi% Section \thesection } \vfill \begin{center} \usebeamerfont{title} \ifx\insertpart\@empty% \else% \insertpart: % \fi% \insertsectionhead\par% \end{center} \vfill \end{frame} } % Define a new ``partsecframe'' environment that uses a default frame % title of ``:
'' when no other frame title is given. \newenvironment{partsecframe}[1][% \ifx\insertpart\@empty% \else% \insertpart: % \fi% \insertsectionhead% ] {\begin{frame}{#1}\vskip1em\par} {\end{frame}} % Define a new ``refsframe'' environment for the bibliography. % It automatically handles the frame breaks, and fixes the busted % vertical spacing on slides >= 2. The extra curly braces ensure that % the change to the ``frametitle continuation'' template are only % temporary. \newenvironment{refsframe}[1][References] { \splittopskip=2.13em % Fixes the vertical spacing of split frames. \setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}{} % Same title for all frames. \begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{#1} } { \end{frame} } \mode