]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - spline3.git/blob - src/Cube.hs
Change some names in the test suite.
[spline3.git] / src / Cube.hs
1 module Cube
2 where
4 import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
5 import qualified Data.Vector as V (
6 Vector,
7 findIndex,
8 map,
9 minimum,
10 singleton,
11 snoc,
12 unsafeIndex
13 )
14 import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen, Positive(..), choose)
16 import Cardinal
17 import qualified Face (Face(Face, v0, v1, v2, v3))
18 import FunctionValues
19 import Point
20 import Tetrahedron hiding (c)
21 import ThreeDimensional
23 data Cube = Cube { h :: Double,
24 i :: Int,
25 j :: Int,
26 k :: Int,
27 fv :: FunctionValues,
28 tetrahedra_volume :: Double }
29 deriving (Eq)
32 instance Arbitrary Cube where
33 arbitrary = do
34 (Positive h') <- arbitrary :: Gen (Positive Double)
35 i' <- choose (coordmin, coordmax)
36 j' <- choose (coordmin, coordmax)
37 k' <- choose (coordmin, coordmax)
38 fv' <- arbitrary :: Gen FunctionValues
39 (Positive tet_vol) <- arbitrary :: Gen (Positive Double)
40 return (Cube h' i' j' k' fv' tet_vol)
41 where
42 coordmin = -268435456 -- -(2^29 / 2)
43 coordmax = 268435456 -- +(2^29 / 2)
46 instance Show Cube where
47 show c =
48 "Cube_" ++ subscript ++ "\n" ++
49 " h: " ++ (show (h c)) ++ "\n" ++
50 " Center: " ++ (show (center c)) ++ "\n" ++
51 " xmin: " ++ (show (xmin c)) ++ "\n" ++
52 " xmax: " ++ (show (xmax c)) ++ "\n" ++
53 " ymin: " ++ (show (ymin c)) ++ "\n" ++
54 " ymax: " ++ (show (ymax c)) ++ "\n" ++
55 " zmin: " ++ (show (zmin c)) ++ "\n" ++
56 " zmax: " ++ (show (zmax c)) ++ "\n" ++
57 " fv: " ++ (show (Cube.fv c)) ++ "\n"
58 where
59 subscript =
60 (show (i c)) ++ "," ++ (show (j c)) ++ "," ++ (show (k c))
63 -- | Returns an empty 'Cube'.
64 empty_cube :: Cube
65 empty_cube = Cube 0 0 0 0 empty_values 0
68 -- | The left-side boundary of the cube. See Sorokina and Zeilfelder,
69 -- p. 76.
70 xmin :: Cube -> Double
71 xmin c = (2*i' - 1)*delta / 2
72 where
73 i' = fromIntegral (i c) :: Double
74 delta = h c
76 -- | The right-side boundary of the cube. See Sorokina and Zeilfelder,
77 -- p. 76.
78 xmax :: Cube -> Double
79 xmax c = (2*i' + 1)*delta / 2
80 where
81 i' = fromIntegral (i c) :: Double
82 delta = h c
84 -- | The front boundary of the cube. See Sorokina and Zeilfelder,
85 -- p. 76.
86 ymin :: Cube -> Double
87 ymin c = (2*j' - 1)*delta / 2
88 where
89 j' = fromIntegral (j c) :: Double
90 delta = h c
92 -- | The back boundary of the cube. See Sorokina and Zeilfelder,
93 -- p. 76.
94 ymax :: Cube -> Double
95 ymax c = (2*j' + 1)*delta / 2
96 where
97 j' = fromIntegral (j c) :: Double
98 delta = h c
100 -- | The bottom boundary of the cube. See Sorokina and Zeilfelder,
101 -- p. 76.
102 zmin :: Cube -> Double
103 zmin c = (2*k' - 1)*delta / 2
104 where
105 k' = fromIntegral (k c) :: Double
106 delta = h c
108 -- | The top boundary of the cube. See Sorokina and Zeilfelder,
109 -- p. 76.
110 zmax :: Cube -> Double
111 zmax c = (2*k' + 1)*delta / 2
112 where
113 k' = fromIntegral (k c) :: Double
114 delta = h c
116 instance ThreeDimensional Cube where
117 -- | The center of Cube_ijk coincides with v_ijk at
118 -- (ih, jh, kh). See Sorokina and Zeilfelder, p. 76.
119 center c = (x, y, z)
120 where
121 delta = h c
122 i' = fromIntegral (i c) :: Double
123 j' = fromIntegral (j c) :: Double
124 k' = fromIntegral (k c) :: Double
125 x = delta * i'
126 y = delta * j'
127 z = delta * k'
129 -- | It's easy to tell if a point is within a cube; just make sure
130 -- that it falls on the proper side of each of the cube's faces.
131 contains_point c (x, y, z)
132 | x < (xmin c) = False
133 | x > (xmax c) = False
134 | y < (ymin c) = False
135 | y > (ymax c) = False
136 | z < (zmin c) = False
137 | z > (zmax c) = False
138 | otherwise = True
142 -- Face stuff.
144 -- | The top (in the direction of z) face of the cube.
145 top_face :: Cube -> Face.Face
146 top_face c = Face.Face v0' v1' v2' v3'
147 where
148 delta = (1/2)*(h c)
149 v0' = (center c) + (delta, -delta, delta)
150 v1' = (center c) + (delta, delta, delta)
151 v2' = (center c) + (-delta, delta, delta)
152 v3' = (center c) + (-delta, -delta, delta)
156 -- | The back (in the direction of x) face of the cube.
157 back_face :: Cube -> Face.Face
158 back_face c = Face.Face v0' v1' v2' v3'
159 where
160 delta = (1/2)*(h c)
161 v0' = (center c) + (delta, -delta, -delta)
162 v1' = (center c) + (delta, delta, -delta)
163 v2' = (center c) + (delta, delta, delta)
164 v3' = (center c) + (delta, -delta, delta)
167 -- The bottom face (in the direction of -z) of the cube.
168 down_face :: Cube -> Face.Face
169 down_face c = Face.Face v0' v1' v2' v3'
170 where
171 delta = (1/2)*(h c)
172 v0' = (center c) + (-delta, -delta, -delta)
173 v1' = (center c) + (-delta, delta, -delta)
174 v2' = (center c) + (delta, delta, -delta)
175 v3' = (center c) + (delta, -delta, -delta)
179 -- | The front (in the direction of -x) face of the cube.
180 front_face :: Cube -> Face.Face
181 front_face c = Face.Face v0' v1' v2' v3'
182 where
183 delta = (1/2)*(h c)
184 v0' = (center c) + (-delta, -delta, delta)
185 v1' = (center c) + (-delta, delta, delta)
186 v2' = (center c) + (-delta, delta, -delta)
187 v3' = (center c) + (-delta, -delta, -delta)
189 -- | The left (in the direction of -y) face of the cube.
190 left_face :: Cube -> Face.Face
191 left_face c = Face.Face v0' v1' v2' v3'
192 where
193 delta = (1/2)*(h c)
194 v0' = (center c) + (delta, -delta, delta)
195 v1' = (center c) + (-delta, -delta, delta)
196 v2' = (center c) + (-delta, -delta, -delta)
197 v3' = (center c) + (delta, -delta, -delta)
200 -- | The right (in the direction of y) face of the cube.
201 right_face :: Cube -> Face.Face
202 right_face c = Face.Face v0' v1' v2' v3'
203 where
204 delta = (1/2)*(h c)
205 v0' = (center c) + (-delta, delta, delta)
206 v1' = (center c) + (delta, delta, delta)
207 v2' = (center c) + (delta, delta, -delta)
208 v3' = (center c) + (-delta, delta, -delta)
211 tetrahedron :: Cube -> Int -> Tetrahedron
213 tetrahedron c 0 =
214 Tetrahedron (Cube.fv c) v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 0
215 where
216 v0' = center c
217 v1' = center (front_face c)
218 v2' = Face.v0 (front_face c)
219 v3' = Face.v1 (front_face c)
220 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
222 tetrahedron c 1 =
223 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 1
224 where
225 v0' = center c
226 v1' = center (front_face c)
227 v2' = Face.v1 (front_face c)
228 v3' = Face.v2 (front_face c)
229 fv' = rotate ccwx (Cube.fv c)
230 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
232 tetrahedron c 2 =
233 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 2
234 where
235 v0' = center c
236 v1' = center (front_face c)
237 v2' = Face.v2 (front_face c)
238 v3' = Face.v3 (front_face c)
239 fv' = rotate ccwx $ rotate ccwx $ Cube.fv c
240 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
242 tetrahedron c 3 =
243 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 3
244 where
245 v0' = center c
246 v1' = center (front_face c)
247 v2' = Face.v3 (front_face c)
248 v3' = Face.v0 (front_face c)
249 fv' = rotate cwx (Cube.fv c)
250 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
252 tetrahedron c 4 =
253 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 4
254 where
255 v0' = center c
256 v1' = center (top_face c)
257 v2' = Face.v0 (top_face c)
258 v3' = Face.v1 (top_face c)
259 fv' = rotate cwy (Cube.fv c)
260 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
262 tetrahedron c 5 =
263 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 5
264 where
265 v0' = center c
266 v1' = center (top_face c)
267 v2' = Face.v1 (top_face c)
268 v3' = Face.v2 (top_face c)
269 fv' = rotate cwy $ rotate cwz $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
270 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
272 tetrahedron c 6 =
273 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 6
274 where
275 v0' = center c
276 v1' = center (top_face c)
277 v2' = Face.v2 (top_face c)
278 v3' = Face.v3 (top_face c)
279 fv' = rotate cwy $ rotate cwz
280 $ rotate cwz
281 $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
282 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
284 tetrahedron c 7 =
285 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 7
286 where
287 v0' = center c
288 v1' = center (top_face c)
289 v2' = Face.v3 (top_face c)
290 v3' = Face.v0 (top_face c)
291 fv' = rotate cwy $ rotate ccwz $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
292 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
294 tetrahedron c 8 =
295 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 8
296 where
297 v0' = center c
298 v1' = center (back_face c)
299 v2' = Face.v0 (back_face c)
300 v3' = Face.v1 (back_face c)
301 fv' = rotate cwy $ rotate cwy $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
302 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
304 tetrahedron c 9 =
305 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 9
306 where
307 v0' = center c
308 v1' = center (back_face c)
309 v2' = Face.v1 (back_face c)
310 v3' = Face.v2 (back_face c)
311 fv' = rotate cwy $ rotate cwy
312 $ rotate cwx
313 $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
314 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
316 tetrahedron c 10 =
317 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 10
318 where
319 v0' = center c
320 v1' = center (back_face c)
321 v2' = Face.v2 (back_face c)
322 v3' = Face.v3 (back_face c)
323 fv' = rotate cwy $ rotate cwy
324 $ rotate cwx
325 $ rotate cwx
326 $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
328 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
330 tetrahedron c 11 =
331 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 11
332 where
333 v0' = center c
334 v1' = center (back_face c)
335 v2' = Face.v3 (back_face c)
336 v3' = Face.v0 (back_face c)
337 fv' = rotate cwy $ rotate cwy
338 $ rotate ccwx
339 $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
340 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
342 tetrahedron c 12 =
343 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 12
344 where
345 v0' = center c
346 v1' = center (down_face c)
347 v2' = Face.v0 (down_face c)
348 v3' = Face.v1 (down_face c)
349 fv' = rotate ccwy (Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0))
350 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
352 tetrahedron c 13 =
353 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 13
354 where
355 v0' = center c
356 v1' = center (down_face c)
357 v2' = Face.v1 (down_face c)
358 v3' = Face.v2 (down_face c)
359 fv' = rotate ccwy $ rotate ccwz $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
360 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
362 tetrahedron c 14 =
363 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 14
364 where
365 v0' = center c
366 v1' = center (down_face c)
367 v2' = Face.v2 (down_face c)
368 v3' = Face.v3 (down_face c)
369 fv' = rotate ccwy $ rotate ccwz
370 $ rotate ccwz
371 $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
372 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
374 tetrahedron c 15 =
375 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 15
376 where
377 v0' = center c
378 v1' = center (down_face c)
379 v2' = Face.v3 (down_face c)
380 v3' = Face.v0 (down_face c)
381 fv' = rotate ccwy $ rotate cwz $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
382 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
384 tetrahedron c 16 =
385 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 16
386 where
387 v0' = center c
388 v1' = center (right_face c)
389 v2' = Face.v0 (right_face c)
390 v3' = Face.v1 (right_face c)
391 fv' = rotate ccwz (Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0))
392 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
394 tetrahedron c 17 =
395 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 17
396 where
397 v0' = center c
398 v1' = center (right_face c)
399 v2' = Face.v1 (right_face c)
400 v3' = Face.v2 (right_face c)
401 fv' = rotate ccwz $ rotate cwy $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
402 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
404 tetrahedron c 18 =
405 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 18
406 where
407 v0' = center c
408 v1' = center (right_face c)
409 v2' = Face.v2 (right_face c)
410 v3' = Face.v3 (right_face c)
411 fv' = rotate ccwz $ rotate cwy
412 $ rotate cwy
413 $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
414 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
416 tetrahedron c 19 =
417 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 19
418 where
419 v0' = center c
420 v1' = center (right_face c)
421 v2' = Face.v3 (right_face c)
422 v3' = Face.v0 (right_face c)
423 fv' = rotate ccwz $ rotate ccwy
424 $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
425 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
427 tetrahedron c 20 =
428 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 20
429 where
430 v0' = center c
431 v1' = center (left_face c)
432 v2' = Face.v0 (left_face c)
433 v3' = Face.v1 (left_face c)
434 fv' = rotate cwz (Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0))
435 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
437 tetrahedron c 21 =
438 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 21
439 where
440 v0' = center c
441 v1' = center (left_face c)
442 v2' = Face.v1 (left_face c)
443 v3' = Face.v2 (left_face c)
444 fv' = rotate cwz $ rotate ccwy $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
445 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
447 tetrahedron c 22 =
448 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 22
449 where
450 v0' = center c
451 v1' = center (left_face c)
452 v2' = Face.v2 (left_face c)
453 v3' = Face.v3 (left_face c)
454 fv' = rotate cwz $ rotate ccwy
455 $ rotate ccwy
456 $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
457 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
459 tetrahedron c 23 =
460 Tetrahedron fv' v0' v1' v2' v3' vol 23
461 where
462 v0' = center c
463 v1' = center (left_face c)
464 v2' = Face.v3 (left_face c)
465 v3' = Face.v0 (left_face c)
466 fv' = rotate cwz $ rotate cwy
467 $ Tetrahedron.fv (tetrahedron c 0)
468 vol = tetrahedra_volume c
470 -- Feels dirty, but whatever.
471 tetrahedron _ _ = error "asked for a nonexistent tetrahedron"
474 -- Only used in tests, so we don't need the added speed
475 -- of Data.Vector.
476 tetrahedra :: Cube -> [Tetrahedron]
477 tetrahedra c = [ tetrahedron c n | n <- [0..23] ]
479 front_left_top_tetrahedra :: Cube -> V.Vector Tetrahedron
480 front_left_top_tetrahedra c =
481 V.singleton (tetrahedron c 0) `V.snoc`
482 (tetrahedron c 3) `V.snoc`
483 (tetrahedron c 6) `V.snoc`
484 (tetrahedron c 7) `V.snoc`
485 (tetrahedron c 20) `V.snoc`
486 (tetrahedron c 21)
488 front_left_down_tetrahedra :: Cube -> V.Vector Tetrahedron
489 front_left_down_tetrahedra c =
490 V.singleton (tetrahedron c 0) `V.snoc`
491 (tetrahedron c 2) `V.snoc`
492 (tetrahedron c 3) `V.snoc`
493 (tetrahedron c 12) `V.snoc`
494 (tetrahedron c 15) `V.snoc`
495 (tetrahedron c 21)
497 front_right_top_tetrahedra :: Cube -> V.Vector Tetrahedron
498 front_right_top_tetrahedra c =
499 V.singleton (tetrahedron c 0) `V.snoc`
500 (tetrahedron c 1) `V.snoc`
501 (tetrahedron c 5) `V.snoc`
502 (tetrahedron c 6) `V.snoc`
503 (tetrahedron c 16) `V.snoc`
504 (tetrahedron c 19)
506 front_right_down_tetrahedra :: Cube -> V.Vector Tetrahedron
507 front_right_down_tetrahedra c =
508 V.singleton (tetrahedron c 1) `V.snoc`
509 (tetrahedron c 2) `V.snoc`
510 (tetrahedron c 12) `V.snoc`
511 (tetrahedron c 13) `V.snoc`
512 (tetrahedron c 18) `V.snoc`
513 (tetrahedron c 19)
515 back_left_top_tetrahedra :: Cube -> V.Vector Tetrahedron
516 back_left_top_tetrahedra c =
517 V.singleton (tetrahedron c 0) `V.snoc`
518 (tetrahedron c 3) `V.snoc`
519 (tetrahedron c 6) `V.snoc`
520 (tetrahedron c 7) `V.snoc`
521 (tetrahedron c 20) `V.snoc`
522 (tetrahedron c 21)
524 back_left_down_tetrahedra :: Cube -> V.Vector Tetrahedron
525 back_left_down_tetrahedra c =
526 V.singleton (tetrahedron c 8) `V.snoc`
527 (tetrahedron c 11) `V.snoc`
528 (tetrahedron c 14) `V.snoc`
529 (tetrahedron c 15) `V.snoc`
530 (tetrahedron c 22) `V.snoc`
531 (tetrahedron c 23)
533 back_right_top_tetrahedra :: Cube -> V.Vector Tetrahedron
534 back_right_top_tetrahedra c =
535 V.singleton (tetrahedron c 4) `V.snoc`
536 (tetrahedron c 5) `V.snoc`
537 (tetrahedron c 9) `V.snoc`
538 (tetrahedron c 10) `V.snoc`
539 (tetrahedron c 16) `V.snoc`
540 (tetrahedron c 17)
542 back_right_down_tetrahedra :: Cube -> V.Vector Tetrahedron
543 back_right_down_tetrahedra c =
544 V.singleton (tetrahedron c 8) `V.snoc`
545 (tetrahedron c 9) `V.snoc`
546 (tetrahedron c 13) `V.snoc`
547 (tetrahedron c 14) `V.snoc`
548 (tetrahedron c 17) `V.snoc`
549 (tetrahedron c 18)
551 in_top_half :: Cube -> Point -> Bool
552 in_top_half c (_,_,z) =
553 distance_from_top <= distance_from_bottom
554 where
555 distance_from_top = abs $ (zmax c) - z
556 distance_from_bottom = abs $ (zmin c) - z
558 in_front_half :: Cube -> Point -> Bool
559 in_front_half c (x,_,_) =
560 distance_from_front <= distance_from_back
561 where
562 distance_from_front = abs $ (xmin c) - x
563 distance_from_back = abs $ (xmax c) - x
566 in_left_half :: Cube -> Point -> Bool
567 in_left_half c (_,y,_) =
568 distance_from_left <= distance_from_right
569 where
570 distance_from_left = abs $ (ymin c) - y
571 distance_from_right = abs $ (ymax c) - y
574 -- | Takes a 'Cube', and returns the Tetrahedra belonging to it that
575 -- contain the given 'Point'. This should be faster than checking
576 -- every tetrahedron individually, since we determine which half
577 -- (hemisphere?) of the cube the point lies in three times: once in
578 -- each dimension. This allows us to eliminate non-candidates
579 -- quickly.
580 --
581 -- This can throw an exception, but the use of 'head' might
582 -- save us some unnecessary computations.
583 --
584 find_containing_tetrahedron :: Cube -> Point -> Tetrahedron
585 find_containing_tetrahedron c p =
586 candidates `V.unsafeIndex` (fromJust lucky_idx)
587 where
588 front_half = in_front_half c p
589 top_half = in_top_half c p
590 left_half = in_left_half c p
592 candidates =
593 if front_half then
595 if left_half then
596 if top_half then
597 front_left_top_tetrahedra c
598 else
599 front_left_down_tetrahedra c
600 else
601 if top_half then
602 front_right_top_tetrahedra c
603 else
604 front_right_down_tetrahedra c
606 else -- bottom half
608 if left_half then
609 if top_half then
610 back_left_top_tetrahedra c
611 else
612 back_left_down_tetrahedra c
613 else
614 if top_half then
615 back_right_top_tetrahedra c
616 else
617 back_right_down_tetrahedra c
619 -- Use the dot product instead of 'distance' here to save a
620 -- sqrt(). So, "distances" below really means "distances squared."
621 distances = V.map ((dot p) . center) candidates
622 shortest_distance = V.minimum distances
623 lucky_idx = V.findIndex
624 (\t -> (center t) `dot` p == shortest_distance)
625 candidates