]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - mailshears.git/blob - bin/mailshears
Add a real rm test.
[mailshears.git] / bin / mailshears
1 #!/usr/bin/ruby -wKU
2 #
3 # mailshears, to prune unused mail directories.
4 #
5 # Mail users for virtual hosts are stored in SQL, and managed by
6 # Postfixadmin. However, the physical directories are handled by
7 # Postfix/Dovecot and are left untouched by Postfixadmin. This is good
8 # for security, but comes at a cost: Postfixadmin can't remove a
9 # user's mail directory when his or her account is deleted.
10 #
11 # This program compares the list of filesystem users with the ones
12 # in the database. It outputs any users that exist in the
13 # filesystem, but not the database.
14 #
16 # Define a usage string using the program name.
17 exe = File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)
18 usage = "#{exe} [prune | rm <target> | mv <src> <dst>]"
20 # Defaults
21 mode_name = 'prune'
22 mode = :prune
24 # Now, if a mode was supplied, it should be in ARGV[0].
25 if ARGV.length() > 0
26 mode_names = ['prune', 'rm', 'mv']
27 if mode_names.include?(ARGV.first().downcase()) then
28 # Peel the mode name off the head of the list.
29 mode_name = ARGV.shift()
30 end
31 end
33 if mode_name == 'rm' then
34 mode = :rm
35 elsif mode_name == 'mv' then
36 mode = :mv
37 end
39 # Need this before referencing ExitCodes.
40 require 'mailshears'
42 # Since we removed both the executable name and the mode name (if it
43 # existed) from ARGV, what remains should be the required
44 # arguments.
45 if (mode == :prune and (ARGV.length() != 0)) or
46 (mode == :rm and (ARGV.length() < 1)) or
47 (mode == :mv and (ARGV.length() != 2)) then
48 puts "ERROR: missing (or extra) command-line arguments."
49 puts "Usage: #{usage}"
50 Kernel.exit(ExitCodes::BAD_COMMAND_LINE)
51 end
53 cfg = Configuration.new()
55 # Load each of the plugins that we'll need.
56 cfg.plugins.each do |plugin_file|
57 require "#{mode_name}/plugins/#{plugin_file}"
58 end
60 # And the runners.
61 require "#{mode_name}/#{mode_name}_runner"
62 require "#{mode_name}/#{mode_name}_dummy_runner"
64 def make_header(plugin_name)
65 # The header that we output before the list of domains/users.
66 # Just the path of this script, the current time, and the plugin name.
67 exe = File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)
68 header = "#{exe}, "
70 current_time = Time.now()
71 if current_time.respond_to?(:iso8601)
72 # Somehow this method is missing on some machines.
73 header += current_time.iso8601.to_s
74 else
75 # Fall back to whatever this looks like.
76 header += current_time.to_s
77 end
79 header += ' (Plugin: ' + plugin_name + ")\n"
80 header += '-' * header.size # Underline the header.
82 return header
83 end
86 plugin_module = nil
88 if mode == :rm then
89 plugin_module = RmPlugin
90 elsif mode == :mv then
91 plugin_module = MvPlugin
92 else
93 # Safe, catch-all default
94 plugin_module = PrunePlugin
95 end
98 # Buffer the output so that we can avoid printing the informational
99 # header when no plugins produce output.
100 require 'stringio'
101 output_buffer = StringIO.new()
102 $stdout = output_buffer
104 plugin_module.run(cfg, *ARGV)
106 # Restore stdout, and print the header plus whatever the plugins
107 # produced if they produced anything. If they didn't, we avoid
108 # printing the header.
109 $stdout = STDOUT
110 if output_buffer.size > 0 then
111 puts make_header(plugin_module.to_s())
112 puts output_buffer.string()
113 end