]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - hath.git/blob - Octet.hs
[hath.git] / Octet.hs
1 module Octet (
2 Octet(..),
3 octet_properties,
4 octet_tests )
5 where
7 import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
8 import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
9 import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (
10 Arbitrary(..),
11 Gen,
12 Property,
13 (==>),
14 testProperty )
16 import Bit as B (Bit(..))
17 import Maskable (Maskable(..))
18 import Maskbits (Maskbits(..))
20 -- | An Octet consists of eight bits. For our purposes, the most
21 -- significant bit will come "first." That is, b1 is in the 2^7
22 -- place while b8 is in the 2^0 place.
23 data Octet =
24 Octet { b1 :: Bit,
25 b2 :: Bit,
26 b3 :: Bit,
27 b4 :: Bit,
28 b5 :: Bit,
29 b6 :: Bit,
30 b7 :: Bit,
31 b8 :: Bit }
32 deriving (Eq)
35 instance Show Octet where
36 show oct = show (fromEnum oct)
39 instance Arbitrary Octet where
40 arbitrary = do
41 a1 <- arbitrary :: Gen Bit
42 a2 <- arbitrary :: Gen Bit
43 a3 <- arbitrary :: Gen Bit
44 a4 <- arbitrary :: Gen Bit
45 a5 <- arbitrary :: Gen Bit
46 a6 <- arbitrary :: Gen Bit
47 a7 <- arbitrary :: Gen Bit
48 a8 <- arbitrary :: Gen Bit
49 return (Octet a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8)
52 instance Maskable Octet where
53 apply_mask oct Eight _ = oct
55 apply_mask oct Seven bit =
56 oct { b8 = bit }
58 apply_mask oct Six bit =
59 oct { b8 = bit, b7 = bit }
61 apply_mask oct Five bit =
62 oct { b8 = bit, b7 = bit, b6 = bit }
64 apply_mask oct Four bit =
65 oct { b8 = bit, b7 = bit, b6 = bit, b5 = bit }
67 apply_mask oct Three bit =
68 oct { b8 = bit, b7 = bit, b6 = bit, b5 = bit, b4 = bit }
70 apply_mask oct Two bit =
71 oct { b8 = bit, b7 = bit, b6 = bit, b5 = bit, b4 = bit, b3 = bit }
73 apply_mask oct Maskbits.One bit =
74 oct { b8 = bit, b7 = bit, b6 = bit, b5 = bit,
75 b4 = bit, b3 = bit, b2 = bit }
77 apply_mask oct Maskbits.Zero bit =
78 oct { b8 = bit, b7 = bit, b6 = bit, b5 = bit,
79 b4 = bit, b3 = bit, b2 = bit, b1 = bit }
81 -- The Maskbits must be in [Eight..ThirtyTwo].
82 apply_mask oct _ _ = oct
85 instance Ord Octet where
86 (Octet x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) <= (Octet y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8)
87 | x1 > y1 = False
88 | x2 > y2 = False
89 | x3 > y3 = False
90 | x4 > y4 = False
91 | x5 > y5 = False
92 | x6 > y6 = False
93 | x7 > y7 = False
94 | x8 > y8 = False
95 | otherwise = True
98 instance Bounded Octet where
99 -- | The octet with the least possible value.
100 minBound =
101 Octet B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero
103 -- | The octet with the greatest possible value.
104 maxBound =
105 Octet B.One B.One B.One B.One B.One B.One B.One B.One
108 instance Enum Octet where
110 -- | Create an 'Octet' from an 'Int'. The docs for Enum say we
111 -- should throw a runtime error on out-of-bounds, so we do.
112 toEnum x
113 | x < minBound || x > maxBound = error "octet out of bounds"
114 | otherwise = Octet a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8
115 where
116 a1 = if (x >= 128) then B.One else B.Zero
117 a2 = if ((x `mod` 128) >= 64) then B.One else B.Zero
118 a3 = if ((x `mod` 64) >= 32) then B.One else B.Zero
119 a4 = if ((x `mod` 32) >= 16) then B.One else B.Zero
120 a5 = if ((x `mod` 16) >= 8) then B.One else B.Zero
121 a6 = if ((x `mod` 8) >= 4) then B.One else B.Zero
122 a7 = if ((x `mod` 4) >= 2) then B.One else B.Zero
123 a8 = if ((x `mod` 2) == 1) then B.One else B.Zero
125 -- | Convert each bit to its integer value, and multiply by the
126 -- appropriate power of two. Sum them up, and we should get an integer
127 -- between 0 and 255.
128 fromEnum x =
129 128 * (fromEnum (b1 x)) +
130 64 * (fromEnum (b2 x)) +
131 32 * (fromEnum (b3 x)) +
132 16 * (fromEnum (b4 x)) +
133 8 * (fromEnum (b5 x)) +
134 4 * (fromEnum (b6 x)) +
135 2 * (fromEnum (b7 x)) +
136 1 * (fromEnum (b8 x))
140 instance Read Octet where
141 readsPrec _ s =
142 case (reads s :: [(Int, String)]) of
143 [] -> []
144 (x,leftover):_ -> go x leftover
145 where
146 go :: Int -> String -> [(Octet, String)]
147 go x' leftover'
148 | x' < minBound || x' > maxBound = []
149 | otherwise = [(toEnum x', leftover')]
152 -- Test lists.
153 octet_tests :: TestTree
154 octet_tests =
155 testGroup "Octet Tests" [
156 test_octet_from_int1,
157 test_octet_mask1,
158 test_octet_mask2 ]
160 octet_properties :: TestTree
161 octet_properties =
162 testGroup
163 "Octet Properties "
164 [ prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses,
165 prop_read_show_inverses ]
167 -- QuickCheck properties
168 prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses :: TestTree
169 prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses =
170 testProperty "fromEnum and toEnum are inverses" prop
171 where
172 prop :: Int -> Property
173 prop x =
174 (0 <= x) && (x <= 255) ==>
175 fromEnum (toEnum x :: Octet) == x
177 prop_read_show_inverses :: TestTree
178 prop_read_show_inverses =
179 testProperty "read and show are inverses" prop
180 where
181 prop :: Int -> Property
182 prop x = (0 <= x) && (x <= 255) ==> x' == x
183 where
184 oct :: Octet
185 oct = read $ show x
187 x' :: Int
188 x' = read $ show oct
191 -- HUnit Tests
192 test_octet_from_int1 :: TestTree
193 test_octet_from_int1 =
194 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
195 where
196 desc = "octet_from_int 128 should parse as 10000000"
197 expected = Octet B.One B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero
198 actual = toEnum 128 :: Octet
201 test_octet_mask1 :: TestTree
202 test_octet_mask1 =
203 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
204 where
205 desc = "The network bits of 255/4 should equal 240"
206 expected = toEnum 240 :: Octet
207 actual = apply_mask (toEnum 255) Four B.Zero :: Octet
210 test_octet_mask2 :: TestTree
211 test_octet_mask2 =
212 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
213 where
214 desc = "The network bits of 255/1 should equal 128"
215 expected = toEnum 128 :: Octet
216 actual = apply_mask (toEnum 255) Maskbits.One B.Zero :: Octet