]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - email-validator.git/blob - Main.hs
[email-validator.git] / Main.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
4 module Main
5 where
7 import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Global (
8 parallelInterleaved,
9 stopGlobalPool )
10 import Control.Monad ( unless )
11 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (
12 hGetContents,
13 hPutStrLn,
14 lines,
15 null,
16 pack,
17 readFile )
18 import Network.DNS (
19 Domain,
20 Resolver,
21 ResolvConf(..),
22 defaultResolvConf,
23 makeResolvSeed,
24 withResolver )
25 import Network.DNS.Lookup ( lookupA, lookupMX )
26 import System.Directory ( doesFileExist )
27 import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
28 import System.IO (
29 IOMode( WriteMode ),
30 hClose,
31 hFlush,
32 openFile,
33 stdin,
34 stdout )
37 import CommandLine ( Args(..), get_args )
38 import EmailAddress(
39 Address,
40 parts,
41 validate_syntax )
42 import ExitCodes ( exit_input_file_doesnt_exist )
45 -- | Resolver parameters. We increase the default timeout from 3 to 10
46 -- seconds.
47 resolv_conf :: ResolvConf
48 resolv_conf = defaultResolvConf { resolvTimeout = 10 * 1000 * 1000 }
50 -- | A list of common domains, there's no need to waste MX lookups
51 -- on these.
52 common_domains :: [Domain]
53 common_domains = map BS.pack [ "aol.com",
54 "comcast.net",
55 "gmail.com",
56 "msn.com",
57 "yahoo.com",
58 "verizon.net" ]
61 -- | Check whether the given domain has a valid MX record.
62 validate_mx :: Resolver -> Domain -> IO Bool
63 validate_mx resolver domain
64 | domain `elem` common_domains = return True
65 | otherwise = do
66 result <- lookupMX resolver domain
67 case result of
68 -- A list of one or more elements?
69 Right (_:_) -> return True
70 _ -> return False
73 -- | Check whether the given domain has a valid A record.
74 validate_a :: Resolver -> Domain -> IO Bool
75 validate_a resolver domain
76 | domain `elem` common_domains = return True
77 | otherwise = do
78 result <- lookupA resolver domain
79 case result of
80 Right (_:_) -> return True
81 _ -> return False
84 -- | Validate an email address by doing some simple syntax checks and
85 -- (if those fail) an MX lookup. We don't count an A record as a mail
86 -- exchanger.
87 validate :: Resolver -> Bool -> Bool -> Address -> IO (Address, Bool)
88 validate resolver accept_a rfc5322 address = do
89 let valid_syntax = validate_syntax rfc5322 address
90 if valid_syntax then do
91 let (_,domain) = parts address
92 mx_result <- validate_mx resolver domain
93 if mx_result
94 then return (address, True)
95 else
96 if accept_a
97 then do
98 a_result <- validate_a resolver domain
99 return (address, a_result)
100 else
101 return (address, False)
102 else
103 return (address, False)
107 main :: IO ()
108 main = do
109 Args{..} <- get_args
111 -- Get the input from either stdin, or the file given on the command
112 -- line.
113 input <- case input_file of
114 Nothing -> BS.hGetContents stdin
115 Just path -> do
116 is_file <- doesFileExist path
117 unless is_file $
118 exitWith (ExitFailure exit_input_file_doesnt_exist)
119 BS.readFile path
121 -- Do the same for the output handle and stdout.
122 output_handle <- case output_file of
123 Nothing -> return stdout
124 Just path -> openFile path WriteMode
126 -- Split the input into lines.
127 let addresses = BS.lines input
129 -- And remove the empty ones.
130 let nonempty_addresses = filter (not . BS.null) addresses
132 rs <- makeResolvSeed resolv_conf
133 let validate' addr = withResolver rs $ \resolver ->
134 validate resolver accept_a rfc5322 addr
136 -- Construct a list of [IO (Address, Bool)]. The withResolver calls
137 -- are the ones that should be run in parallel.
138 let actions = map validate' nonempty_addresses
140 -- Run the lookup actions in parallel.
141 results <- parallelInterleaved actions
143 -- Filter the bad ones.
144 let valid_results = filter snd results
146 -- Output the results.
147 let valid_addresses = map fst valid_results
148 mapM_ (BS.hPutStrLn output_handle) valid_addresses
150 stopGlobalPool
152 -- Clean up. It's safe to try to close stdout.
153 hFlush output_handle
154 hClose output_handle