]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - spline3.git/blob - Grid.hs
[spline3.git] / Grid.hs
1 -- | The Grid module just contains the Grid type and two constructors
2 -- for it. We hide the main Grid constructor because we don't want
3 -- to allow instantiation of a grid with h <= 0.
4 module Grid (
5 cube_at,
6 grid_tests,
7 make_grid,
8 slow_tests,
9 zoom
10 )
11 where
13 import Data.Array (Array, array, (!))
14 import qualified Data.Array.Repa as R
15 import Test.HUnit
16 import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
17 import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
18 import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
19 import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen, Positive(..), choose)
21 import Assertions
22 import Comparisons
23 import Cube (Cube(Cube),
24 find_containing_tetrahedron,
25 tetrahedra,
26 tetrahedron)
27 import Examples
28 import FunctionValues
29 import Point (Point)
30 import PolynomialArray (PolynomialArray)
31 import ScaleFactor
32 import Tetrahedron (Tetrahedron, c, number, polynomial, v0, v1, v2, v3)
33 import ThreeDimensional
34 import Values (Values3D, dims, empty3d, zoom_shape)
37 type CubeGrid = Array (Int,Int,Int) Cube
40 -- | Our problem is defined on a Grid. The grid size is given by the
41 -- positive number h. The function values are the values of the
42 -- function at the grid points, which are distance h from one
43 -- another in each direction (x,y,z).
44 data Grid = Grid { h :: Double, -- MUST BE GREATER THAN ZERO!
45 function_values :: Values3D,
46 cube_grid :: CubeGrid }
47 deriving (Eq, Show)
50 instance Arbitrary Grid where
51 arbitrary = do
52 (Positive h') <- arbitrary :: Gen (Positive Double)
53 fvs <- arbitrary :: Gen Values3D
54 return (make_grid h' fvs)
57 -- | The constructor that we want people to use. If we're passed a
58 -- non-positive grid size, we throw an error.
59 make_grid :: Double -> Values3D -> Grid
60 make_grid grid_size values
61 | grid_size <= 0 = error "grid size must be positive"
62 | otherwise = Grid grid_size values (cubes grid_size values)
65 -- | Returns a three-dimensional array of cubes centered on the grid
66 -- points (h*i, h*j, h*k) with the appropriate 'FunctionValues'.
67 cubes :: Double -> Values3D -> CubeGrid
68 cubes delta fvs
69 = array (lbounds, ubounds)
70 [ ((i,j,k), cube_ijk)
71 | i <- [0..xmax],
72 j <- [0..ymax],
73 k <- [0..zmax],
74 let tet_vol = (1/24)*(delta^(3::Int)),
75 let cube_ijk =
76 Cube delta i j k (make_values fvs i j k) tet_vol]
77 where
78 xmax = xsize - 1
79 ymax = ysize - 1
80 zmax = zsize - 1
81 lbounds = (0, 0, 0)
82 ubounds = (xmax, ymax, zmax)
83 (xsize, ysize, zsize) = dims fvs
86 -- | Takes a grid and a position as an argument and returns the cube
87 -- centered on that position. If there is no cube there (i.e. the
88 -- position is outside of the grid), it will throw an error.
89 cube_at :: Grid -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Cube
90 cube_at g i j k
91 | i < 0 = error "i < 0 in cube_at"
92 | i >= xsize = error "i >= xsize in cube_at"
93 | j < 0 = error "j < 0 in cube_at"
94 | j >= ysize = error "j >= ysize in cube_at"
95 | k < 0 = error "k < 0 in cube_at"
96 | k >= zsize = error "k >= zsize in cube_at"
97 | otherwise = (cube_grid g) ! (i,j,k)
98 where
99 fvs = function_values g
100 (xsize, ysize, zsize) = dims fvs
102 -- The first cube along any axis covers (-h/2, h/2). The second
103 -- covers (h/2, 3h/2). The third, (3h/2, 5h/2), and so on.
104 --
105 -- We translate the (x,y,z) coordinates forward by 'h/2' so that the
106 -- first covers (0, h), the second covers (h, 2h), etc. This makes
107 -- it easy to figure out which cube contains the given point.
108 calculate_containing_cube_coordinate :: Grid -> Double -> Int
109 calculate_containing_cube_coordinate g coord
110 -- Don't use a cube on the boundary if we can help it. This
111 -- returns cube #1 if we would have returned cube #0 and cube #1
112 -- exists.
113 | coord < offset = 0
114 | coord == offset && (xsize > 1 && ysize > 1 && zsize > 1) = 1
115 | otherwise = (ceiling ( (coord + offset) / cube_width )) - 1
116 where
117 (xsize, ysize, zsize) = dims (function_values g)
118 cube_width = (h g)
119 offset = cube_width / 2
122 -- | Takes a 'Grid', and returns a 'Cube' containing the given 'Point'.
123 -- Since our grid is rectangular, we can figure this out without having
124 -- to check every cube.
125 find_containing_cube :: Grid -> Point -> Cube
126 find_containing_cube g p =
127 cube_at g i j k
128 where
129 (x, y, z) = p
130 i = calculate_containing_cube_coordinate g x
131 j = calculate_containing_cube_coordinate g y
132 k = calculate_containing_cube_coordinate g z
135 {-# INLINE zoom_lookup #-}
136 zoom_lookup :: Grid -> PolynomialArray -> ScaleFactor -> a -> (R.DIM3 -> Double)
137 zoom_lookup g polynomials scale_factor _ =
138 zoom_result g polynomials scale_factor
141 {-# INLINE zoom_result #-}
142 zoom_result :: Grid -> PolynomialArray -> ScaleFactor -> R.DIM3 -> Double
143 zoom_result g polynomials (sfx, sfy, sfz) (R.Z R.:. m R.:. n R.:. o) =
144 (polynomials ! (i, j, k, (number t))) p
145 where
146 offset = (h g)/2
147 m' = (fromIntegral m) / (fromIntegral sfx) - offset
148 n' = (fromIntegral n) / (fromIntegral sfy) - offset
149 o' = (fromIntegral o) / (fromIntegral sfz) - offset
150 p = (m', n', o') :: Point
151 cube = find_containing_cube g p
152 -- Figure out i,j,k without importing those functions.
153 Cube _ i j k _ _ = cube
154 t = find_containing_tetrahedron cube p
157 zoom :: Grid -> PolynomialArray -> ScaleFactor -> Values3D
158 zoom g polynomials scale_factor
159 | xsize == 0 || ysize == 0 || zsize == 0 = empty3d
160 | otherwise =
161 R.force $ R.traverse arr transExtent (zoom_lookup g polynomials scale_factor)
162 where
163 arr = function_values g
164 (xsize, ysize, zsize) = dims arr
165 transExtent = zoom_shape scale_factor
170 -- | Check all coefficients of tetrahedron0 belonging to the cube
171 -- centered on (1,1,1) with a grid constructed from the trilinear
172 -- values. See example one in the paper.
173 --
174 -- We also verify that the four vertices on face0 of the cube are
175 -- in the correct location.
176 --
177 trilinear_c0_t0_tests :: Test.Framework.Test
178 trilinear_c0_t0_tests =
179 testGroup "trilinear c0 t0"
180 [testGroup "coefficients"
181 [testCase "c0030 is correct" test_trilinear_c0030,
182 testCase "c0003 is correct" test_trilinear_c0003,
183 testCase "c0021 is correct" test_trilinear_c0021,
184 testCase "c0012 is correct" test_trilinear_c0012,
185 testCase "c0120 is correct" test_trilinear_c0120,
186 testCase "c0102 is correct" test_trilinear_c0102,
187 testCase "c0111 is correct" test_trilinear_c0111,
188 testCase "c0210 is correct" test_trilinear_c0210,
189 testCase "c0201 is correct" test_trilinear_c0201,
190 testCase "c0300 is correct" test_trilinear_c0300,
191 testCase "c1020 is correct" test_trilinear_c1020,
192 testCase "c1002 is correct" test_trilinear_c1002,
193 testCase "c1011 is correct" test_trilinear_c1011,
194 testCase "c1110 is correct" test_trilinear_c1110,
195 testCase "c1101 is correct" test_trilinear_c1101,
196 testCase "c1200 is correct" test_trilinear_c1200,
197 testCase "c2010 is correct" test_trilinear_c2010,
198 testCase "c2001 is correct" test_trilinear_c2001,
199 testCase "c2100 is correct" test_trilinear_c2100,
200 testCase "c3000 is correct" test_trilinear_c3000],
202 testGroup "face0 vertices"
203 [testCase "v0 is correct" test_trilinear_f0_t0_v0,
204 testCase "v1 is correct" test_trilinear_f0_t0_v1,
205 testCase "v2 is correct" test_trilinear_f0_t0_v2,
206 testCase "v3 is correct" test_trilinear_f0_t0_v3]
207 ]
208 where
209 g = make_grid 1 trilinear
210 cube = cube_at g 1 1 1
211 t = tetrahedron cube 0
213 test_trilinear_c0030 :: Assertion
214 test_trilinear_c0030 =
215 assertAlmostEqual "c0030 is correct" (c t 0 0 3 0) (17/8)
217 test_trilinear_c0003 :: Assertion
218 test_trilinear_c0003 =
219 assertAlmostEqual "c0003 is correct" (c t 0 0 0 3) (27/8)
221 test_trilinear_c0021 :: Assertion
222 test_trilinear_c0021 =
223 assertAlmostEqual "c0021 is correct" (c t 0 0 2 1) (61/24)
225 test_trilinear_c0012 :: Assertion
226 test_trilinear_c0012 =
227 assertAlmostEqual "c0012 is correct" (c t 0 0 1 2) (71/24)
229 test_trilinear_c0120 :: Assertion
230 test_trilinear_c0120 =
231 assertAlmostEqual "c0120 is correct" (c t 0 1 2 0) (55/24)
233 test_trilinear_c0102 :: Assertion
234 test_trilinear_c0102 =
235 assertAlmostEqual "c0102 is correct" (c t 0 1 0 2) (73/24)
237 test_trilinear_c0111 :: Assertion
238 test_trilinear_c0111 =
239 assertAlmostEqual "c0111 is correct" (c t 0 1 1 1) (8/3)
241 test_trilinear_c0210 :: Assertion
242 test_trilinear_c0210 =
243 assertAlmostEqual "c0210 is correct" (c t 0 2 1 0) (29/12)
245 test_trilinear_c0201 :: Assertion
246 test_trilinear_c0201 =
247 assertAlmostEqual "c0201 is correct" (c t 0 2 0 1) (11/4)
249 test_trilinear_c0300 :: Assertion
250 test_trilinear_c0300 =
251 assertAlmostEqual "c0300 is correct" (c t 0 3 0 0) (5/2)
253 test_trilinear_c1020 :: Assertion
254 test_trilinear_c1020 =
255 assertAlmostEqual "c1020 is correct" (c t 1 0 2 0) (8/3)
257 test_trilinear_c1002 :: Assertion
258 test_trilinear_c1002 =
259 assertAlmostEqual "c1002 is correct" (c t 1 0 0 2) (23/6)
261 test_trilinear_c1011 :: Assertion
262 test_trilinear_c1011 =
263 assertAlmostEqual "c1011 is correct" (c t 1 0 1 1) (13/4)
265 test_trilinear_c1110 :: Assertion
266 test_trilinear_c1110 =
267 assertAlmostEqual "c1110 is correct" (c t 1 1 1 0) (23/8)
269 test_trilinear_c1101 :: Assertion
270 test_trilinear_c1101 =
271 assertAlmostEqual "c1101 is correct" (c t 1 1 0 1) (27/8)
273 test_trilinear_c1200 :: Assertion
274 test_trilinear_c1200 =
275 assertAlmostEqual "c1200 is correct" (c t 1 2 0 0) 3
277 test_trilinear_c2010 :: Assertion
278 test_trilinear_c2010 =
279 assertAlmostEqual "c2010 is correct" (c t 2 0 1 0) (10/3)
281 test_trilinear_c2001 :: Assertion
282 test_trilinear_c2001 =
283 assertAlmostEqual "c2001 is correct" (c t 2 0 0 1) 4
285 test_trilinear_c2100 :: Assertion
286 test_trilinear_c2100 =
287 assertAlmostEqual "c2100 is correct" (c t 2 1 0 0) (7/2)
289 test_trilinear_c3000 :: Assertion
290 test_trilinear_c3000 =
291 assertAlmostEqual "c3000 is correct" (c t 3 0 0 0) 4
293 test_trilinear_f0_t0_v0 :: Assertion
294 test_trilinear_f0_t0_v0 =
295 assertEqual "v0 is correct" (v0 t) (1, 1, 1)
297 test_trilinear_f0_t0_v1 :: Assertion
298 test_trilinear_f0_t0_v1 =
299 assertEqual "v1 is correct" (v1 t) (0.5, 1, 1)
301 test_trilinear_f0_t0_v2 :: Assertion
302 test_trilinear_f0_t0_v2 =
303 assertEqual "v2 is correct" (v2 t) (0.5, 0.5, 1.5)
305 test_trilinear_f0_t0_v3 :: Assertion
306 test_trilinear_f0_t0_v3 =
307 assertClose "v3 is correct" (v3 t) (0.5, 1.5, 1.5)
310 test_trilinear_reproduced :: Assertion
311 test_trilinear_reproduced =
312 assertTrue "trilinears are reproduced correctly" $
313 and [p (i', j', k') ~= value_at trilinear i j k
314 | i <- [0..2],
315 j <- [0..2],
316 k <- [0..2],
317 t <- tetrahedra c0,
318 let p = polynomial t,
319 let i' = fromIntegral i,
320 let j' = fromIntegral j,
321 let k' = fromIntegral k]
322 where
323 g = make_grid 1 trilinear
324 c0 = cube_at g 1 1 1
327 test_zeros_reproduced :: Assertion
328 test_zeros_reproduced =
329 assertTrue "the zero function is reproduced correctly" $
330 and [p (i', j', k') ~= value_at zeros i j k
331 | i <- [0..2],
332 j <- [0..2],
333 k <- [0..2],
334 let i' = fromIntegral i,
335 let j' = fromIntegral j,
336 let k' = fromIntegral k]
337 where
338 g = make_grid 1 zeros
339 c0 = cube_at g 1 1 1
340 t0 = tetrahedron c0 0
341 p = polynomial t0
344 -- | Make sure we can reproduce a 9x9x9 trilinear from the 3x3x3 one.
345 test_trilinear9x9x9_reproduced :: Assertion
346 test_trilinear9x9x9_reproduced =
347 assertTrue "trilinear 9x9x9 is reproduced correctly" $
348 and [p (i', j', k') ~= value_at trilinear9x9x9 i j k
349 | i <- [0..8],
350 j <- [0..8],
351 k <- [0..8],
352 t <- tetrahedra c0,
353 let p = polynomial t,
354 let i' = (fromIntegral i) * 0.5,
355 let j' = (fromIntegral j) * 0.5,
356 let k' = (fromIntegral k) * 0.5]
357 where
358 g = make_grid 1 trilinear
359 c0 = cube_at g 1 1 1
362 -- | The point 'p' in this test lies on the boundary of tetrahedra 12 and 15.
363 -- However, the 'contains_point' test fails due to some numerical innacuracy.
364 -- This bug should have been fixed by setting a positive tolerance level.
365 --
366 -- Example from before the fix:
367 --
368 -- > b0 (tetrahedron c 15) p
369 -- -3.4694469519536365e-18
370 --
371 test_tetrahedra_collision_sensitivity :: Assertion
372 test_tetrahedra_collision_sensitivity =
373 assertTrue "tetrahedron collision tests isn't too sensitive" $
374 contains_point t15 p
375 where
376 g = make_grid 1 naturals_1d
377 cube = cube_at g 0 17 1
378 p = (0, 16.75, 0.5) :: Point
379 t15 = tetrahedron cube 15
382 prop_cube_indices_never_go_out_of_bounds :: Grid -> Gen Bool
383 prop_cube_indices_never_go_out_of_bounds g =
384 do
385 let delta = Grid.h g
386 let coordmin = negate (delta/2)
388 let (xsize, ysize, zsize) = dims $ function_values g
389 let xmax = delta*(fromIntegral xsize) - (delta/2)
390 let ymax = delta*(fromIntegral ysize) - (delta/2)
391 let zmax = delta*(fromIntegral zsize) - (delta/2)
393 x <- choose (coordmin, xmax)
394 y <- choose (coordmin, ymax)
395 z <- choose (coordmin, zmax)
397 let idx_x = calculate_containing_cube_coordinate g x
398 let idx_y = calculate_containing_cube_coordinate g y
399 let idx_z = calculate_containing_cube_coordinate g z
401 return $
402 idx_x >= 0 &&
403 idx_x <= xsize - 1 &&
404 idx_y >= 0 &&
405 idx_y <= ysize - 1 &&
406 idx_z >= 0 &&
407 idx_z <= zsize - 1
411 grid_tests :: Test.Framework.Test
412 grid_tests =
413 testGroup "Grid Tests" [
414 trilinear_c0_t0_tests,
415 testCase "tetrahedra collision test isn't too sensitive"
416 test_tetrahedra_collision_sensitivity,
417 testCase "trilinear reproduced" test_trilinear_reproduced,
418 testCase "zeros reproduced" test_zeros_reproduced ]
421 -- Do the slow tests last so we can stop paying attention.
422 slow_tests :: Test.Framework.Test
423 slow_tests =
424 testGroup "Slow Tests" [
425 testProperty "cube indices within bounds"
426 prop_cube_indices_never_go_out_of_bounds,
427 testCase "trilinear9x9x9 reproduced" test_trilinear9x9x9_reproduced ]