]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - haeredes.git/blob - DNS.hs
[haeredes.git] / DNS.hs
1 module DNS (
2 LookupResult,
3 dns_properties,
4 dns_tests,
5 lookupMX',
6 lookupNS',
7 normalize,
8 normalize_case,
9 resolve_address )
10 where
12 import Control.Monad (liftM)
13 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (
14 append,
15 last,
16 map,
17 null,
18 pack )
19 import Data.Char (toLower)
20 import Data.IP (IPv4)
21 import Network.DNS (
22 Domain,
23 DNSError,
24 Resolver,
25 defaultResolvConf,
26 lookupA,
27 lookupMX,
28 lookupNS,
29 lookupNSAuth,
30 makeResolvSeed,
31 withResolver )
32 import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
33 import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
34 import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ( testProperty )
35 import Text.Read (readMaybe)
37 type LookupResult = (Domain, Either DNSError [Domain])
39 -- | Takes a String representing either a hostname or an IP
40 -- address. If a hostname was supplied, it is resolved to either an
41 -- [IPv4] or an error. If an IP address is supplied, it is returned
42 -- as a singleton [IPv4].
43 --
44 -- Examples:
45 --
46 -- >>> resolve_address "example.com"
47 -- Right []
48 -- >>> resolve_address ""
49 -- Right []
50 --
51 resolve_address :: String -> IO (Either DNSError [IPv4])
52 resolve_address s =
53 case read_result of
54 Just addr -> return $ Right [addr]
55 Nothing -> do
56 default_rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
57 withResolver default_rs $ \resolver ->
58 lookupA resolver (BS.pack s)
59 where
60 read_result :: Maybe IPv4
61 read_result = readMaybe s
64 -- | This calls lookupMX, and returns the result as the second
65 -- component of a tuple whose first component is the domain name
66 -- itself.
67 --
68 -- Examples:
69 --
70 -- The example domain, example.com, has no MX record.
71 --
72 -- >>> rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
73 -- >>> let domain = BS.pack "example.com."
74 -- >>> withResolver rs $ \resolver -> lookupMX' resolver domain
75 -- ("example.com.",Right [])
76 --
77 lookupMX' :: Resolver -> Domain -> IO LookupResult
78 lookupMX' resolver domain =
79 liftM (pair_em . drop_priority) $ lookupMX resolver domain
80 where
81 drop_priority :: Either DNSError [(Domain, Int)]
82 -> Either DNSError [Domain]
83 drop_priority = fmap (map fst)
85 pair_em :: a -> (Domain, a)
86 pair_em = (,) domain
89 -- | This calls lookupNS, and returns the result as the second
90 -- component of a tuple whose first component is the domain name
91 -- itself.
92 --
93 -- Examples:
94 --
95 -- The example domain, example.com, does have NS records, but the
96 -- order in which they are returned is variable, so we have to sort
97 -- them to get a reliable result.
98 --
99 -- >>> import Data.List (sort)
100 -- >>> import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
101 -- >>>
102 -- >>> let sort_snd (x,y) = (x, sort <$> y)
103 -- >>> rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
104 -- >>> let domain = BS.pack "example.com."
105 -- >>> withResolver rs $ \resolver -> sort_snd <$> lookupNS' resolver domain
106 -- ("example.com.",Right ["a.iana-servers.net.","b.iana-servers.net."])
107 --
108 lookupNS' :: Resolver -> Domain -> IO LookupResult
109 lookupNS' resolver domain = do
110 answer_result <- lookupNS resolver domain
111 auth_result <- lookupNSAuth resolver domain
112 liftM pair_em $ return $ combine answer_result auth_result
113 where
114 pair_em :: a -> (Domain, a)
115 pair_em = (,) domain
117 combine :: (Either DNSError [Domain])
118 -> (Either DNSError [Domain])
119 -> (Either DNSError [Domain])
120 combine e1 e2 = do
121 l1 <- e1
122 l2 <- e2
123 return (l1 ++ l2)
125 -- | Perform both normalize_case and normalize_root.
126 normalize :: Domain -> Domain
127 normalize = normalize_case . normalize_root
129 -- | Normalize the given name by appending a trailing dot (the DNS
130 -- root) if necessary.
131 --
132 normalize_root :: Domain -> Domain
133 normalize_root d
134 | BS.null d = BS.pack "."
135 | BS.last d == '.' = d
136 | otherwise = d `BS.append` trailing_dot
137 where
138 trailing_dot = BS.pack "."
141 -- | Normalize the given name by lowercasing it.
142 --
143 normalize_case :: Domain -> Domain
144 normalize_case = BS.map toLower
148 -- * Tests
150 test_normalize_case :: TestTree
151 test_normalize_case =
152 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
153 where
154 desc = "normalize_case lowercases DNS names"
155 expected = BS.pack "example.com"
156 actual = normalize_case $ BS.pack "ExAmPlE.COM"
158 prop_normalize_case_idempotent :: TestTree
159 prop_normalize_case_idempotent =
160 testProperty desc $ prop
161 where
162 desc = "normalize_case is idempotent"
164 prop :: String -> Bool
165 prop s = (normalize_case . normalize_case) bs == normalize_case bs
166 where
167 bs = BS.pack s
169 test_normalize_root_adds_dot :: TestTree
170 test_normalize_root_adds_dot =
171 testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
172 where
173 desc = "normalize_root adds a trailing dot"
174 expected = BS.pack "example.com."
175 actual = normalize_root $ BS.pack "example.com"
177 prop_normalize_root_idempotent :: TestTree
178 prop_normalize_root_idempotent =
179 testProperty desc prop
180 where
181 desc = "normalize_root is idempotent"
183 prop :: String -> Bool
184 prop s = (normalize_root . normalize_root) bs == normalize_root bs
185 where
186 bs = BS.pack s
188 dns_tests :: TestTree
189 dns_tests =
190 testGroup "DNS Tests" [
191 test_normalize_case,
192 test_normalize_root_adds_dot ]
194 dns_properties :: TestTree
195 dns_properties =
196 testGroup "DNS Properties" [
197 prop_normalize_case_idempotent,
198 prop_normalize_root_idempotent ]