from sage.structure.element import is_Matrix def _scale(x, alpha): r""" Scale the vector, matrix, or cartesian-product-of-those-things ``x`` by ``alpha``. This works around the inability to scale certain elements of Cartesian product spaces, as reported in ..WARNING: This will do the wrong thing if you feed it a tuple or list. SETUP:: sage: from mjo.eja.eja_utils import _scale EXAMPLES:: sage: v = vector(QQ, (1,2,3)) sage: _scale(v,2) (2, 4, 6) sage: m = matrix(QQ, [[1,2],[3,4]]) sage: M = cartesian_product([m.parent(), m.parent()]) sage: _scale(M((m,m)), 2) ([2 4] [6 8], [2 4] [6 8]) """ if hasattr(x, 'cartesian_factors'): P = x.parent() return P(tuple( _scale(x_i, alpha) for x_i in x.cartesian_factors() )) else: return x*alpha def _all2list(x): r""" Flatten a vector, matrix, or cartesian product of those things into a long list. If the entries of the matrix themselves belong to a real vector space (such as the complex numbers which can be thought of as pairs of real numbers), they will also be expanded in vector form and flattened into the list. SETUP:: sage: from mjo.eja.eja_utils import _all2list sage: from mjo.hurwitz import (QuaternionMatrixAlgebra, ....: Octonions, ....: OctonionMatrixAlgebra) EXAMPLES:: sage: _all2list([[1]]) [1] :: sage: V1 = VectorSpace(QQ,2) sage: V2 = MatrixSpace(QQ,2) sage: x1 = V1([1,1]) sage: x2 = V1([1,-1]) sage: y1 = sage: y2 = V2([0,1,1,0]) sage: _all2list((x1,y1)) [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1] sage: _all2list((x2,y2)) [1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0] sage: M = cartesian_product([V1,V2]) sage: _all2list(M((x1,y1))) [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1] sage: _all2list(M((x2,y2))) [1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0] :: sage: _all2list(Octonions().one()) [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sage: _all2list(OctonionMatrixAlgebra(1).one()) [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] :: sage: _all2list(QuaternionAlgebra(QQ, -1, -1).one()) [1, 0, 0, 0] sage: _all2list(QuaternionMatrixAlgebra(1).one()) [1, 0, 0, 0] :: sage: V1 = VectorSpace(QQ,2) sage: V2 = OctonionMatrixAlgebra(1,field=QQ) sage: C = cartesian_product([V1,V2]) sage: x1 = V1([3,4]) sage: y1 = sage: _all2list(C( (x1,y1) )) [3, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] """ if hasattr(x, 'to_vector'): # This works on matrices of e.g. octonions directly, without # first needing to convert them to a list of octonions and # then recursing down into the list. It also avoids the wonky # list(x) when x is an element of a CFM. I don't know what it # returns but it aint the coordinates. We don't recurse # because vectors can only contain ring elements as entries. return x.to_vector().list() if is_Matrix(x): # This sucks, but for performance reasons we don't want to # call _all2list recursively on the contents of a matrix # when we don't have to (they only contain ring elements # as entries) return x.list() try: xl = list(x) except TypeError: # x is not iterable return [x] if xl == [x]: # Avoid the retardation of list(QQ(1)) == [1]. return [x] return sum( map(_all2list, xl) , []) def gram_schmidt(v, inner_product=None): """ Perform Gram-Schmidt on the list ``v`` which are assumed to be vectors over the same base ring. Returns a list of orthonormalized vectors over the same base ring, which means that your base ring needs to contain the appropriate roots. SETUP:: sage: from mjo.eja.eja_utils import gram_schmidt EXAMPLES: If you start with an orthonormal set, you get it back. We can use the rationals here because we don't need any square roots:: sage: v1 = vector(QQ, (1,0,0)) sage: v2 = vector(QQ, (0,1,0)) sage: v3 = vector(QQ, (0,0,1)) sage: v = [v1,v2,v3] sage: gram_schmidt(v) == v True The usual inner-product and norm are default:: sage: v1 = vector(AA,(1,2,3)) sage: v2 = vector(AA,(1,-1,6)) sage: v3 = vector(AA,(2,1,-1)) sage: v = [v1,v2,v3] sage: u = gram_schmidt(v) sage: all( u_i.inner_product(u_i).sqrt() == 1 for u_i in u ) True sage: bool(u[0].inner_product(u[1]) == 0) True sage: bool(u[0].inner_product(u[2]) == 0) True sage: bool(u[1].inner_product(u[2]) == 0) True But if you supply a custom inner product, the result is orthonormal with respect to that (and not the usual inner product):: sage: v1 = vector(AA,(1,2,3)) sage: v2 = vector(AA,(1,-1,6)) sage: v3 = vector(AA,(2,1,-1)) sage: v = [v1,v2,v3] sage: B = matrix(AA, [ [6, 4, 2], ....: [4, 5, 4], ....: [2, 4, 9] ]) sage: ip = lambda x,y: (B*x).inner_product(y) sage: norm = lambda x: ip(x,x) sage: u = gram_schmidt(v,ip) sage: all( norm(u_i) == 1 for u_i in u ) True sage: ip(u[0],u[1]).is_zero() True sage: ip(u[0],u[2]).is_zero() True sage: ip(u[1],u[2]).is_zero() True This Gram-Schmidt routine can be used on matrices as well, so long as an appropriate inner-product is provided:: sage: E11 = matrix(AA, [ [1,0], ....: [0,0] ]) sage: E12 = matrix(AA, [ [0,1], ....: [1,0] ]) sage: E22 = matrix(AA, [ [0,0], ....: [0,1] ]) sage: I = matrix.identity(AA,2) sage: trace_ip = lambda X,Y: (X*Y).trace() sage: gram_schmidt([E11,E12,I,E22], inner_product=trace_ip) [ [1 0] [ 0 0.7071067811865475?] [0 0] [0 0], [0.7071067811865475? 0], [0 1] ] It even works on Cartesian product spaces whose factors are vector or matrix spaces:: sage: V1 = VectorSpace(AA,2) sage: V2 = MatrixSpace(AA,2) sage: M = cartesian_product([V1,V2]) sage: x1 = V1([1,1]) sage: x2 = V1([1,-1]) sage: y1 = sage: y2 = V2([0,1,1,0]) sage: z1 = M((x1,y1)) sage: z2 = M((x2,y2)) sage: def ip(a,b): ....: return a[0].inner_product(b[0]) + (a[1]*b[1]).trace() sage: U = gram_schmidt([z1,z2], inner_product=ip) sage: ip(U[0],U[1]) 0 sage: ip(U[0],U[0]) 1 sage: ip(U[1],U[1]) 1 TESTS: Ensure that zero vectors don't get in the way:: sage: v1 = vector(AA,(1,2,3)) sage: v2 = vector(AA,(1,-1,6)) sage: v3 = vector(AA,(0,0,0)) sage: v = [v1,v2,v3] sage: len(gram_schmidt(v)) == 2 True """ if len(v) == 0: # cool return v V = v[0].parent() if inner_product is None: inner_product = lambda x,y: x.inner_product(y) sc = lambda x,a: a*x if hasattr(V, 'cartesian_factors'): # Only use the slow implementation if necessary. sc = _scale def proj(x,y): # project y onto the span of {x} return sc(x, (inner_product(x,y)/inner_product(x,x))) def normalize(x): # Don't extend the given field with the necessary # square roots. This will probably throw weird # errors about the symbolic ring if you e.g. try # to use it on a set of rational vectors that isn't # already orthonormalized. return sc(x, ~inner_product(x,x).sqrt()) v_out = [] # make a copy, don't clobber the input for (i, v_i) in enumerate(v): ortho_v_i = v_i - V.sum( proj(v_out[j],v_i) for j in range(i) ) if not ortho_v_i.is_zero(): v_out.append(normalize(ortho_v_i)) return v_out