# # nagios-mode test suite. # # Copyright Michael Orlitzky # # http://michael.orlitzky.com/ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html # Test 1: Comments should be colored correctly. # First comment form. ; Second comment form. ; A comment not starting at the beginning of a line. # And the second form of the above. How about # a comment that starts after some non-comment text? Test 2: Directives, specials, macros, definitions, and strings within comments should appear as part of the comment. # contacts is a directive. # use, name, and register are specials. # $USER1$ is an example of a macro. # and define host is one of the possible definitions. # Heck, let's try "strings" while we're at it. Test 3: The standard "define host" below should be function-name-faced. define host { } Test 4: The "define host" should be colored, but the braces *should not* be. define host{ } Test 5: Multiple spaces before the brace. define host { } Test 6: Closing brace on the same line. define host {} Test 7: Directive coloring should work at the beginning of a line. contacts Test 8: Directive coloring should work after any number of spaces. contacts Test 9: Directive coloring should work after a tab. contacts Test 10: Directives should not be colored in the middle of sentences. Such as contacts in the middle of a sentence. Test 11: Directives should not be colored at the end of a line. For example, contacts Test 12: Directives should only be colored when they are stand-alone words. Therefore, the following should *not* be colored. example-contacts example_contacts contacts-test contacts_test test-contacts-example test_contacts_example Test 13: Definitions must be stand-alone as well. The following should *not* be colored. undefine host undefine host{ } define-host define_host -define host- _undefine_host_ Test 14: Text inside of a open/close brace pair should be indented by default. { This should be indented. } define host { As should this. } Test 15: Braces within comments should appear as part of the comment. # For { example }. ; { Ditto } Test 16: Comments (and closing braces) that come after an curly brace should all be comment-colored. define host { # Everything hereafter is a { comment }. } ; As well as here {}. Test 17: Macros should be constant-faced under normal circumstances. $USER1$ $USER1$ $USER2$ $ADMINEMAIL$ $ADMINPAGER$ Test 18: Macros should appear constant-faced even when they don't occur along a word boundary. $USER1$=something $ADMINPAGER$="string" $USER1$=$USER2$ Test 19: Macros within strings appear as part of the string "I'm unsure if string $USER1$ interpolation is possible." Test 20: Macros can occur within a directive/special value. define host { name $USER1$ contacts $ADMINPAGER$ friday I'm $USER1$ love. } Test 21: Directives that occur as a special value should be neither special- nor directive-faced. define host { name contacts use monday } Test 22: Directives that occur as directive values should not be directive-faced. define host { monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday } Test 23: Specials that occur as special values should not be special-faced. define host { use register name } Test 24: Specials that occur as a directive value should be neither special- nor directive-faced. define host { contacts name monday use } Test 25: Definitions should work when not at the beginning of a line. define service {} Test 26: Definitions that, a) End with a curly brace followed by a newline b) Have a special as the first entry should be colored properly. define service{ use whatever } Test 27: No multi-line strings. Both lines should be considered plain text. "Line one Line two" Test 28: Comment characters within strings should be ignored, that is, treated like strings. "Here comes a #comment" "And the ;second form" Test 29: Strings within comments should be ignored as well. # The "string" should be comment-faced.