== What this is == Nagios-mode is an Emacs mode for editing Nagios configuration files. Nagios is monitoring software that is configured via plain-text (*.cfg) files. Those configuration files have a C-like syntax, and a bunch of special keywords. Witin Emacs, nagios-mode will apply syntax highlighting to them, possibly alerting you to the fact that you have done something wrong, and making your buffers look pretty in any case. == How to install it == Stick nagios-mode.el somewhere, and add that place to your Emacs load path. For example, (setq load-path (append (list "~/.home/emacs/modes/nagios-mode/") load-path)) is how I do it. With that in your load path, you just have to add nagios-mode to your auto-load list, (autoload 'nagios-mode "nagios-mode" nil t) And tell Emacs to use it automatically when editing *.cfg files, (setq auto-mode-alist (append (list '("\\.cfg$" . nagios-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) which works great so long as you don't work with any other *.cfg files that have a different syntax. == How it works == The macros and object definitions are parsed from the Nagios source code. Object definitions are found within xdata/xodtemplate.h, while the macros are cleverly hidden within include/macros.h. Once they have been parsed, they are cuth and pasteth in to nagios-mode. The directives (or variables) are another story. There is no obvious way to parse the object variables from the source code. So, it's done the old-fashioned way: I use nagios-mode until I notice that one of my variables isn't highlighted. Then I add it. You can mail me these and I will probably add them. == Bugs et cetera == Send all bug reports, feature requests, and unprompted criticism to michael@orlitzky.com.