require 'src/errors' require 'src/filesystem' require 'src/mailstore' class DovecotMailstore < Mailstore def get_domains_from_filesystem() return Filesystem.get_subdirs(@domain_root) end def get_accounts_from_filesystem(domains) accounts = [] domains.each do |domain| begin # Throws a NonexistentDomainError if the domain's path # doesn't exist on the filesystem. In this case, we want # to report zero accounts. domain_path = get_domain_path(domain) usernames = Filesystem.get_subdirs(domain_path) usernames.each do |username| accounts << "#{username}@#{domain}" end rescue NonexistentDomainError => e # Party hard. end end return accounts end def get_domain_path(domain) # Return the filesystem path for the given domain. # That is, the directory where its mail is stored. # Only works if the domain directory exists! domain_path = File.join(@domain_root, domain) if return domain_path else raise end end def get_account_path(account) # Return the filesystem path of this account's mailbox. # Only works if the account exists! if not account.include?('@') raise"#{account}: Accounts must contain an '@' symbol.") end account_parts = account.split('@') user_part = account_parts[0] domain_part = account_parts[1] domain_path = get_domain_path(domain_part) account_path = File.join(domain_path, user_part) if return account_path else raise end end end