require 'common/plugin.rb' # # Plugins for the removal of users and domains. # module RmPlugin # Absorb the subclass run() magic from the Plugin::Run module. extend Plugin::Run # The runner class associated with removal plugins. # # @return [Class] the {RmRunner} class. # def self.runner() return RmRunner end # The "dummy" runner class associated with removal plugins. # # @return [Class] the {RmDummyRunner} class. # def self.dummy_runner() return RmDummyRunner end # Remove the *target* domain or user. This is a generic version of # the {#remove_user} and {#remove_domain} operations that will # dispatch based on the type of *target*. # # @param target [User,Domain] the user or domain to remove. # def remove(target) # A generic version of remove_user/remove_domain that # dispatches base on the class of the target. if target.is_a?(User) return remove_user(target) elsif target.is_a?(Domain) return remove_domain(target) else raise NotImplementedError end end # Remove the given *domain*. Some plugins don't have a concept of # domains, so the default implementation here removes all users that # look like they belong to *domain*. Subclasses can be smarter. # # @param domain [Domain] the domain to remove. # def remove_domain(domain) users = list_domains_users([domain]) # It's possible for a domain to exist with no users, but this # default implementation is based on the assumption that it should # work for plugins having no "domain" concept. raise if users.empty? users.each do |u| remove_user(u) end end # The interface for the "remove a user" operation. Subclasses # need to implement this method so that it removes *user*. # # @param user [User] the user to remove. # def remove_user(user) raise NotImplementedError end end