require 'pg' require 'common/postfixadmin_plugin' require 'mv/mv_plugin' class PostfixadminMv include PostfixadminPlugin include MvPlugin def mv_user(src, dst) # It's obviously an error if the source user does not exist. raise if not user_exists(src) # And if the destination domain does not exist. if not domain_exists(dst.domain()) raise end # But the destination *user* should *not* exist. # And it's an error if the destination user exists already. raise if user_exists(dst) mailbox_query = 'UPDATE mailbox SET ' mailbox_query += ' username=$1,' mailbox_query += ' domain=$2,' mailbox_query += " maildir=CONCAT($2, '/', $3, '/')," mailbox_query += ' local_part=$3 ' mailbox_query += 'WHERE username=$4;' alias_query1 = 'UPDATE alias SET ' alias_query1 += ' address=$1,' alias_query1 += ' domain=$2,' alias_query1 += ' goto=REPLACE(goto, $4, $1) ' alias_query1 += 'WHERE address=$4;' alias_query2 = 'UPDATE alias SET ' alias_query2 += 'goto=REPLACE(goto, $4, $1);' sql_queries = [mailbox_query, alias_query1, alias_query2] begin connection = PGconn.connect(@db_host, @db_port, @db_opts, @db_tty, @db_name, @db_user, @db_pass) sql_queries.each do |sql_query| varchar = 1043 # from pg_type.h params = [{:value => dst.to_s(), :type => varchar}, {:value => dst.domainpart(), :type => varchar}, {:value => dst.localpart(), :type => varchar}, {:value => src.to_s(), :type => varchar}] connection.query(sql_query, params) end connection.close() rescue PGError => e # Pretend like we're database-agnostic in case we ever are. raise end end end