require 'pg' require 'common/agendav_plugin' require 'mv/mv_plugin' # Handle moving (renaming) Agendav users in its database. Agendav has # no concept of domains. # class AgendavMv include AgendavPlugin include MvPlugin # Move the user *src* to *dst* within the Agendav database. This # should "rename" him in _every_ table where he is referenced. # # This can fail is *src* does not exist, or if *dst* already exists # before the move. It should also be an error if the destination # domain doesn't exist. But Agendav doesn't know about domains, so # we let that slide. # # @param src [User] the source user to be moved. # # @param dst [User] the destination user being moved to. # def mv_user(src, dst) raise if not user_exists(src) raise if user_exists(dst) connection = begin # The "prefs" table uses the normal username as a key... sql_query = 'UPDATE prefs SET username = $1 WHERE username = $2;' connection.query(sql_query, [dst.to_s(), src.to_s()]) # But the "shares" table uses encoded principal URLs. For the # "shares" table, we need to do a find/replace on the username # with its "@" symbol translated to a "%40". encoded_src = src.to_s()['@'] = '%40' encoded_dst = dst.to_s()['@'] = '%40' # Unlike in the "rm" plugin, we do modify the "calendar" field # here. That's because in the usual legitimate use case, the # calendar URL will change when a user moves. This will ALSO # affect people who name their calendars something like # "", but screw those people. sql_queries << 'UPDATE shares SET owner=REPLACE(owner, $2, $1);' sql_queries << 'UPDATE shares SET calendar=REPLACE(calendar, $2, $1);' sql_queries << 'UPDATE shares SET with=REPLACE(with, $2, $1);' sql_queries.each do |sql_query| connection.query(sql_query, [encoded_dst, encoded_src]) end ensure # Make sure the connection gets closed even if a query explodes. connection.close() end end end