require 'common/runner' class MvDummyRunner include Runner def run(cfg, plugin, src, dst) if src.is_a?(Domain) or dst.is_a?(Domain) then msg = 'only users can be moved' raise end # Since we're not actually moving anything, the destination # description is really only useful for seeing whether or not we'd # be trying to move in on top of an existing account. src_description = plugin.describe(src) dst_description = plugin.describe(dst) msg = "Would move user #{src} " # Only append the extra description if it's useful. if not src_description.nil? and not src_description.empty? and not src_description == src.to_s() then msg += "(#{src_description}) " end msg += "to #{dst}" # Only append the extra description if it's useful. if not dst_description.nil? and not dst_description.empty? and not dst_description == dst.to_s() then msg += " (#{dst_description})" end msg += "." report(plugin, msg) end end