require 'yaml' # A configuration object that knows how to read options out of a file # in ~/.mailshears.conf.yml. The configuration options can be # accessed via methods even though the internal representation is a # hash. # # === Examples # # >> cfg = # >> cfg.i_mean_business() # => true # class Configuration # The default path to the user's configuration file. USERCONF_PATH = ENV['HOME'] + '/.mailshears.conf.yml' # The hash structure in which we store our configuration options # internally. @dict = {} # Initialize a {Configuration} object with the config file at *path*. # # @param path [String] the path to the configuration file to # load. We check for a file named ".mailshears.conf.yml" in the # user's home directory by default. # def initialize(path = USERCONF_PATH) cfg = default_configuration() # Now, load the user configuration which will override the # variables defined above. begin user_config = YAML.load( # Write our own update() method for Ruby 1.8. user_config.each do |key, value| cfg[key] = value end rescue Errno::ENOENT # If the user config file doesn't exist, whatever. end # Convert all of the keys to symbols. cfg = cfg.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} @dict = cfg end # Replace all missing method calls with hash lookups. This lets us # retrieve the values in our option hash by using methods named # after the associated keys. # # @param sym [Symbol] the method that was called. # # @return [Object] the config file value associated with *sym*. # def method_missing(sym, *args) return @dict[sym] end private; # A default config hash. # # @return [Hash] sensible default configuration values. # def default_configuration() d = {} d['i_mean_business'] = false d['plugins'] = ['postfixadmin'] d['davical_dbhost'] = 'localhost' d['davical_dbport'] = 5432 d['davical_dbopts'] = '' d['davical_dbuser'] = 'postgres' d['davical_dbpass'] = '' d['davical_dbname'] = 'davical' d['dovecot_mail_root'] = '/tmp/mailshears-test' d['postfixadmin_dbhost'] = 'localhost' d['postfixadmin_dbport'] = 5432 d['postfixadmin_dbopts'] = '' d['postfixadmin_dbuser'] = 'postgres' d['postfixadmin_dbpass'] = '' d['postfixadmin_dbname'] = 'postfixadmin' d['roundcube_dbhost'] = 'localhost' d['roundcube_dbport'] = 5432 d['roundcube_dbopts'] = '' d['roundcube_dbuser'] = 'postgres' d['roundcube_dbpass'] = '' d['roundcube_dbname'] = 'roundcube' return d end end