#!/usr/bin/ruby -wKU # # mailshears, to prune unused mail directories. # # Mail accounts for virtual hosts are stored in SQL, and managed by # Postfixadmin. However, the physical directories are handled by # Postfix/Dovecot and are left untouched by Postfixadmin. This is good # for security, but comes at a cost: Postfixadmin can't remove a # user's mail directory when his or her account is deleted. # # This program compares the list of filesystem accounts with the ones # in the database. It outputs any accounts that exist in the # filesystem, but not the database. # # We need Pathname to get the real filesystem path # of this script (and not, for example, the path of # a symlink which points to it). require 'pathname' # This bit of magic adds the parent directory (the # project root) to the list of ruby load paths. # Thus, our require statements will work regardless of # how or from where the script was run. executable = Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath.to_s $: << File.dirname(executable) + '/../' # Needed for rm_rf. require 'fileutils' # Load our config file. require 'bin/configuration' # And the necessary classes. require 'src/errors.rb' require 'src/exit_codes.rb' require 'src/postfixadmin_db' Configuration::PLUGINS.each do |plugin_file| require "src/plugins/#{plugin_file}" end pgadb = PostfixadminDb.new(Configuration::DBHOST, Configuration::DBPORT, Configuration::DBOPTS, Configuration::DBTTY, Configuration::DBNAME, Configuration::DBUSER, Configuration::DBPASS) begin # Get a list of domains from the Postfixadmin database. db_domains = pgadb.get_domains_from_db() rescue DatabaseError => e puts "There was an error connecting to the database: #{e.to_s}" Kernel.exit(ExitCodes::DATABASE_ERROR) end begin # And the accounts. db_accounts = pgadb.get_accounts_from_db() rescue DatabaseError => e puts "There was an error connecting to the database: #{e.to_s}" Kernel.exit(ExitCodes::DATABASE_ERROR) end Plugin.includers.each do |plugin_class| plugin = plugin_class.new() begin leftover_domains = plugin.get_leftover_domains(db_domains) rescue StandardError => e puts "There was an error retrieving domains from the filesystem: #{e.to_s}" Kernel.exit(ExitCodes::FILESYSTEM_ERROR) end begin leftover_accounts = plugin.get_leftover_accounts(db_accounts) rescue StandardError => e puts "There was an error retrieving accounts from the filesystem: #{e.to_s}" Kernel.exit(ExitCodes::FILESYSTEM_ERROR) end if leftover_domains.size > 0 or leftover_accounts.size > 0 # The header that we output before the list of domains/accounts. # Just the path of this script, the current time, and the plugin name. header = "#{$0}, " current_time = Time.now() if current_time.respond_to?(:iso8601) # Somehow this method is missing on some machines. header += current_time.iso8601.to_s else # Fall back to whatever this looks like. header += current_time.to_s + "\n" end header += 'Plugin: ' + plugin_name + "\n" puts header puts '-' * header.size # Underline the header. leftover_domains.each do |domain| puts "Found: #{domain} (#{plugin.describe_domain(domain)})" end leftover_accounts.each do |account| puts "Found: #{account} (#{plugin.describe_account(account)})" end if Configuration::I_MEAN_BUSINESS leftover_domains.each do |domain| plugin.delete_domain(domain) puts "Removed: #{domain} (#{plugin.describe_domain(domain)})" end leftover_accounts.each do |account| plugin.delete_account(account) puts "Removed: #{account} (#{plugin.describe_account(account)})" end end puts "" end end