module CommandLine ( get_args ) where import System.Console.CmdArgs ( (&=), cmdArgs, def, details, help, program, summary ) -- Get the version from Cabal. import Paths_mailbox_count ( version ) import Data.Version ( showVersion ) import OptionalConfiguration ( OptionalConfiguration( OptionalConfiguration, database, detail, detail_query, host, password, port, summary_query, username ) ) description :: String description = "Count mailboxes in a SQL database." program_name :: String program_name = "mailbox-count" my_summary :: String my_summary = program_name ++ "-" ++ (showVersion version) database_help :: String database_help = "The name of the database (or file, if SQLite) to which we should connect" detail_help :: String detail_help = "Produce a detailed report listing all mailboxes by domain" detail_query_help :: String detail_query_help = "SQL query used to produce the detail report" host_help :: String host_help = "Hostname where the database is located (postgres-only)" password_help :: String password_help = "Password used to connect to the database (postgres-only)" port_help :: String port_help = "Port number used to connect to the database (postgres-only)" summary_query_help :: String summary_query_help = "SQL query used to produce the summary report" username_help :: String username_help = "Username used to connect to the database (postgres-only)" arg_spec :: OptionalConfiguration arg_spec = OptionalConfiguration { database = def &= help database_help, detail = def &= help detail_help, detail_query = def &= help detail_query_help, host = def &= help host_help, password = def &= help password_help, port = def &= help port_help, summary_query = def &= help summary_query_help, username = def &= help username_help } &= program program_name &= summary my_summary &= details [description] get_args :: IO OptionalConfiguration get_args = cmdArgs arg_spec