module DNS ( dns_properties, dns_tests, lookup_mxs, normalize ) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS ( append, last, map, null, pack ) import Data.Char ( toLower ) import Network.DNS ( Domain, defaultResolvConf, lookupMX, makeResolvSeed, withResolver ) import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup ) import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase ) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ( testProperty ) -- Slow since we create the resolver every time. lookup_mxs :: Domain -> IO [Domain] lookup_mxs domain = do default_rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf withResolver default_rs $ \resolver -> do mxs <- lookupMX resolver domain return $ case mxs of Left _ -> [] Right pairs -> map fst pairs -- | Perform both normalize_case and normalize_root. normalize :: Domain -> Domain normalize = normalize_case . normalize_root -- | Normalize the given name by appending a trailing dot (the DNS -- root) if necessary. -- normalize_root :: Domain -> Domain normalize_root d | BS.null d = BS.pack "." | BS.last d == '.' = d | otherwise = d `BS.append` trailing_dot where trailing_dot = BS.pack "." -- | Normalize the given name by lowercasing it. -- normalize_case :: Domain -> Domain normalize_case = toLower -- * Tests test_normalize_case :: TestTree test_normalize_case = testCase desc $ actual @?= expected where desc = "normalize_case lowercases DNS names" expected = BS.pack "" actual = normalize_case $ BS.pack "ExAmPlE.COM" prop_normalize_case_idempotent :: TestTree prop_normalize_case_idempotent = testProperty desc $ prop where desc = "normalize_case is idempotent" prop :: String -> Bool prop s = (normalize_case . normalize_case) bs == normalize_case bs where bs = BS.pack s test_normalize_root_adds_dot :: TestTree test_normalize_root_adds_dot = testCase desc $ actual @?= expected where desc = "normalize_root adds a trailing dot" expected = BS.pack "" actual = normalize_root $ BS.pack "" prop_normalize_root_idempotent :: TestTree prop_normalize_root_idempotent = testProperty desc prop where desc = "normalize_root is idempotent" prop :: String -> Bool prop s = (normalize_root . normalize_root) bs == normalize_root bs where bs = BS.pack s dns_tests :: TestTree dns_tests = testGroup "DNS Tests" [ test_normalize_case, test_normalize_root_adds_dot ] dns_properties :: TestTree dns_properties = testGroup "DNS Properties" [ prop_normalize_case_idempotent, prop_normalize_root_idempotent ]