]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - haeredes.git/blob - haeredes.cabal
Explain the answer/authority section handling in the man page.
[haeredes.git] / haeredes.cabal
1 name: haeredes
2 version: 0.0
3 cabal-version: >= 1.8
4 author: Michael Orlitzky
5 maintainer: Michael Orlitzky <michael@orlitzky.com>
6 license: GPL-3
7 license-file: doc/LICENSE
8 homepage: http://michael.orlitzky.com/code/haeredes.php
9 bug-reports: mailto:michael@orlitzky.com
10 category: DNS, Utils
11 build-type: Simple
12 extra-source-files:
13 doc/man1/haeredes.1
14 synopsis:
15 Confirm delegation of NS and MX records.
16 description:
17 Haeredes is primarily useful for ISP network administrators.
18 Customers will occasionally decide to switch hosts without alerting
19 the current host; this can cause two problems:
20 .
21 * With NS records, the previous host (at the very least) keeps
22 hosting a DNS zone that does nothing. If that host uses their
23 authoritative nameserver as a caching lookup server as well, it
24 may return incorrect results to queries about the domain in
25 question.
26 .
27 * For MX records, the situation is slightly worse. Most mail servers
28 will immediately accept mail for which the server thinks it is the
29 ultimate destination. If a mail server is configured as the
30 destination for a domain, but it is not the MX for that domain,
31 then mail submitted to that server may possibly be lost. It is
32 therefore important to remove domains from the old mail host as
33 soon as the MX record is changed.
34 .
35 Haeredes can alert administrators when NS/MX records are changed. More
36 detail can be found in the man page.
37 .
38 /Examples/:
39 .
40 Make sure example.com has the expected name servers,
41 [ab].iana-servers.net:
42 .
43 @
44 $ haeredes a.iana-servers.net b.iana-servers.net <<< \"example.com\"
45 @
46 .
47 Check orlitzky.com against the expected name servers, using
48 d.gtld-servers.net:
49 .
50 @
51 $ haeredes --server dns1.viabit.com dns2.viabit.com \
52 &#x20; <<< \"orlitzky.com\"
53 @
54 .
55 Check orlitzky.com against only one of the expected two nameservers:
56 .
57 @
58 $ haeredes dns1.viabit.com <<< \"orlitzky.com\"
59 Domain \"orlitzky.com.\" delegates somewhere else: \"dns2.viabit.com.\"
60 @
61 .
62 Check a nonexistent domain (we provide no delegates, since we
63 know .invalid will not be delegated):
64 .
65 @
66 $ haeredes <<< \"example.invalid\"
67 Domain \"example.invalid.\" not delegated.
68 @
70 executable haeredes
71 build-depends:
72 base == 4.*,
73 bytestring == 0.10.*,
74 cmdargs == 0.10.*,
75 dns >= 0.3.7,
76 iproute == 1.2.*,
77 MissingH == 1.2.*,
78 parallel-io == 0.3.*
80 main-is:
81 Main.hs
83 hs-source-dirs:
84 src/
86 other-modules:
87 CommandLine
88 DNS
89 ExitCodes
91 ghc-options:
92 -Wall
93 -fwarn-hi-shadowing
94 -fwarn-missing-signatures
95 -fwarn-name-shadowing
96 -fwarn-orphans
97 -fwarn-type-defaults
98 -fwarn-tabs
99 -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates
100 -fwarn-monomorphism-restriction
101 -fwarn-unused-do-bind
102 -rtsopts
103 -threaded
104 -optc-O3
105 -optc-march=native
107 source-repository head
108 type: git
109 location: http://michael.orlitzky.com/git/haeredes.git
110 branch: master