cabal-version: 3.0 name: email-validator version: 1.1.0 author: Michael Orlitzky maintainer: Michael Orlitzky homepage: bug-reports: category: Utils license: AGPL-3.0-or-later license-file: doc/LICENSE build-type: Simple extra-source-files: doc/COPYING doc/man1/email-validator.1 synopsis: Perform basic syntax and deliverability checks on email addresses. description: Validate an email address using three techniques: * Ensuring that the length of local and domain parts is within the RFC-specified limits. * A syntax check using a regular expression, or the full RFC 5322 grammar. * Confirmation of valid @MX@ records (or, optionally, @A@ records) for the domain. A complete description, options, and examples can be found in the man page. executable email-validator build-depends: base >= 4.15 && < 5, bytestring >= 0.10, cmdargs >= 0.10, dns >= 2, email-validate >= 2, HUnit >= 1.2, parallel-io >= 0.3, pcre-light >= 0.4, tasty >= 0.8, tasty-hunit >= 0.8 default-language: Haskell2010 main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: src/ other-modules: CommandLine EmailAddress Paths_email_validator autogen-modules: Paths_email_validator test-suite testsuite type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: src test default-language: Haskell2010 main-is: TestSuite.hs build-depends: base >= 4.15 && < 5, bytestring >= 0.10, email-validate >= 2, HUnit >= 1.2, pcre-light >= 0.4, tasty >= 0.8, tasty-hunit >= 0.8 other-modules: EmailAddress test-suite doctests type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: test default-language: Haskell2010 main-is: Doctests.hs build-depends: base >= 4.15 && < 5, -- Additional test dependencies. doctest >= 0.9 source-repository head type: git location: branch: master