# # Copyright Michael Orlitzky # # http://michael.orlitzky.com/ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html # require 'src/website' # Needed to download the page, which is in turn # needed because it contains the video URL. require 'net/http' class Yikers < Website VALID_YIKERS_URL_REGEX = /^(http:\/\/)?(www\.)?yikers\.com\/([[:alnum:]_]+)\.html$/ def self.owns_url?(url) return url =~ VALID_YIKERS_URL_REGEX end def get_video_url() # First we download the page. Each page contains a flash parameter # called 'xml' which contains the relative path to the video's XML file. # We download their XML file (passing it the video id as a side effect), # and that contains the URL of the video file we want. page_data = get_page_data(@url) xml_path = self.parse_xml_path(page_data) # The XML path parameter doesn't contain a host name. xml_url = "http://#{self.server}#{xml_path}" xml_data = get_page_data(xml_url) video_url = parse_video_url(xml_data) return video_url end def get_video_filename() # Default to whatever comes after the final frontslash # in the main URL. filename = @url.split('/').pop() # These page URLs are actually descriptive, so we can use # the file name of the HTML page as our video file name. filename_regex = /\/([[:alnum:]_]+)\.html$/ matches = filename_regex.match(@url) # Overwrite the default if our regex worked. filename = matches[1] if not (matches.nil? || matches.length < 1) return (filename + '.flv') end protected; def parse_video_url(data) video_url_regex = /http:\/\/(cdn\.)?yikers\.com\/([[:alnum:]_\/]+)\.flv/ matches = video_url_regex.match(data) video_url = matches[0] if not matches.nil? return video_url end def parse_xml_path(data) xml_path_regex = /addVariable\(\'xml\', \'(.*?)\'\)/ matches = xml_path_regex.match(data) xml_path = matches[1] if not (matches.nil? || matches.length < 2) return xml_path end def get_page_data(url) uri = URI.parse(url) response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port) do |http| http_path = uri.path http_path += ('?' + uri.query) if not uri.query.nil? http.get(http_path) end return response.body end end