require 'yaml' class Configuration # Configurable Options # # We support a couple of different download methods. The :openuri # method utilizes the ruby open-uri library, and provides its own # progress bar with no external dependencies. The :wget method, on the # other hand, requires GNU Wget (, # but will support auto-resume of partially-downloaded files for # example. USERCONF_PATH = ENV['HOME'] + '/.whatever-dl.conf.yml' @dict = {} def initialize() cfg = default_configuration() # Now, load the user configuration which will override the # variables defined above. begin user_config = YAML.load( # We require ruby-1.9.x now so this should exist. cfg.merge!(user_config) rescue Errno::ENOENT # If the user config file doesn't exist, whatever. end # Convert all of the keys to symbols. cfg = cfg.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} @dict = cfg end def method_missing(sym, *args) # Replace all missing method calls with dictionary lookups. return @dict[sym] end private; def default_configuration() d = {} d['download_method'] = 'openuri' d['user_agent'] = 'whatever-dl' return d end end