#!/usr/bin/ruby -wKU # # whatever-dl, a script to download online (web-based) videos. # # Copyright Michael Orlitzky # # http://michael.orlitzky.com/ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html # # We need Pathname to get the real filesystem path # of this script (and not, for example, the path of # a symlink which points to it. require 'pathname' # And getoptlong to check for our one option, --continue. require 'getoptlong' # This bit of magic adds the parent directory (the # project root) to the list of ruby load paths. # Thus, our require statements will work regardless of # how or from where the script was run. executable = Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath.to_s $: << File.dirname(executable) + '/../' # Load our config file. require 'bin/configuration' # And the downloaders... require 'src/downloader' # The Dir.glob that's coming up doesn't use the # Ruby library path so we need to tell it where to # look explicitly. websites_pattern = File.dirname(executable) + '/../src/websites/*.rb' # All of the website classes are located in one # directory, so we can 'require' them automatically. Dir.glob(websites_pattern).each do |r| require r end EXIT_SUCCESS = 0 EXIT_NO_URL = 1 EXIT_INVALID_URL = 2 EXIT_COULDNT_GET_VIDEO_URL = 3 EXIT_IO_ERROR = 4 EXIT_ERROR_READING_FROM_VIDEO_URL = 5 EXIT_CONNECTION_REFUSED = 6 EXIT_HTTP_ERROR = 7 EXIT_ACCESS_DENIED = 8 def usage() puts < Options: -c, --continue Continue downloading a previously-attempted file. EOF end # Only actually do something if this script was called # directly (i.e. not from the tests). if (__FILE__ == $0) then # Default options. options = { :continue => false } # Parse the command-line options into the options hash. opts = GetoptLong.new(["--continue", "-c", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ["--help", "-h", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]) opts.each do |opt, arg| case opt when '--help' usage() Kernel.exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) when '--continue' options[:continue] = true end end # Warn about nonsensical options. if options[:continue] and not (Configuration::DOWNLOAD_METHOD == :wget) puts 'WARNING: The --continue flag does nothing unless DOWNLOAD_METHOD is :wget.' end # Note that GetoptLong steals its arguments from ARGV, so we don't need # to take optional arguments into account when figuring out whether or not # we were passed a URL. if (ARGV.length < 1) then # If the user didn't give us a URL, yell # at him or her. usage() Kernel.exit(EXIT_NO_URL) end # Factory method. site = Website.create(ARGV[0]) if site.nil? puts 'Invalid URL.' exit(EXIT_INVALID_URL) end video_url = site.get_video_url() if video_url.nil? puts 'Error retrieving video URL.' exit(EXIT_COULDNT_GET_VIDEO_URL) end # The Downloader class is a factory; it should decide # which subclass we get. downloader = Downloader.create(Configuration::DOWNLOAD_METHOD) # Attempt to download the file, and rescue and report # any (predictable) exceptions. The wget downloader will # naturally not report any of these, since it will die in # its own process. begin downloader.download(video_url, site.get_video_filename(), site.headers(), continue=options[:continue]) rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e puts 'The connection to the server (to download the video file) was refused. Check your connection, and try again later.' Kernel.exit(EXIT_CONNECTION_REFUSED) rescue Errno::EACCES => e puts "Access denied. Check that you have write permission to the output file/directory. Details: #{e.message}." rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => e puts "An HTTP error occurred while downloading the video file: #{e.message}." Kernel.exit(EXIT_HTTP_ERROR) rescue IOError => e puts "Input/Output Error: #{e.message}" Kernel.exit(EXIT_IO_ERROR) end # Write an empty line at the end for aesthetic reasons. puts '' Kernel.exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) end