{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-} module LWN.Page where import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO (parallel) import qualified Data.Map as Map (lookup) import Data.Time (getCurrentTime) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B (ByteString, hPut) import Data.String.Utils (split, strip) import qualified Data.Map as Map (Map, empty, insert) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, isNothing) import Prelude hiding (readFile) import System.IO (Handle, hClose, hFlush) import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertEqual) import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Text.Pandoc ( defaultParserState, defaultWriterOptions, readHtml, writeEPUB, writerEPUBMetadata, writerUserDataDir) import Text.Pandoc.Shared ( readDataFile ) import Text.XML.HXT.Core ( ArrowXml, IOSArrow, XmlTree, ($<), (>>>), (/>), (//>), changeAttrValue, getAttrValue, getChildren, getText, hasName, none, processAttrl, processTopDown, this, runX, xshow, when) import Text.HandsomeSoup (css, parseHtml) import Configuration (Cfg, full_stories) import LWN.Article import LWN.HTTP ( ImageMap, download_image_urls, get_article_contents) import LWN.URI (URL) import LWN.XHTML ( XHTML, full_story_urls, image_srcs, full_story_link, full_story_paragraph, is_image, preprocess, remove_byline, remove_full_story_paragraphs, remove_title, to_xhtml, to_xml, xml_from_contents) data Page = -- | An LWN page with one article on it. ArticlePage { article :: Article } | -- | An LWN page with more than one article on it. These require -- different parsing and display functions than the single-article -- pages. FullPage { headline :: String, articles :: [Article] } instance XHTML Page where to_xhtml (ArticlePage a) = "" ++ "" ++ "" ++ " " ++ " " ++ (show $ LWN.Article.title a) ++ "" ++ "" ++ "" ++ (to_xhtml a) ++ "" ++ "" to_xhtml (FullPage hl as) = "" ++ "" ++ "" ++ " " ++ " " ++ hl ++ "" ++ "" ++ "" ++ "
" ++ "

" ++ hl ++ "

" ++ (concatMap to_xhtml as) ++ "
" ++ "" ++ "" -- | Stolen from writeEPUB. default_stylesheet :: IO String default_stylesheet = -- This comes with Pandoc, I guess. readDataFile (writerUserDataDir defaultWriterOptions) "epub.css" construct_stylesheet :: IO String construct_stylesheet = do defaults <- default_stylesheet -- Allow word-wrapping in
  let my_additions = "\n" ++ "pre { white-space: pre-wrap; }" ++ "\n"
  return $ defaults ++ my_additions

page_from_url :: Cfg -> URL -> IO (Maybe Page)
page_from_url cfg url = do
  contents <- get_article_contents cfg url  
  case (xml_from_contents contents) of
    Just html -> parse cfg html
    Nothing -> return Nothing

insert_full_stories :: (ArrowXml a) => StoryMap -> a XmlTree XmlTree
insert_full_stories story_map =
  processTopDown (article_xml `when` full_story_paragraph)
    lookup_func :: (ArrowXml a) => URL -> a XmlTree XmlTree
    lookup_func href =
      case Map.lookup href story_map of
        -- Drop the paragraph if we don't have the contents.
        Nothing -> none
        Just v -> to_xml v

    article_xml :: (ArrowXml a) => a XmlTree XmlTree
    article_xml =
      $< -- From HXT's Control.Arrow.ArrowList
      (this /> full_story_link >>> getAttrValue "href")
replace_remote_img_srcs :: (ArrowXml a) => ImageMap -> a XmlTree XmlTree
replace_remote_img_srcs image_map =
  processTopDown (make_srcs_local `when` is_image)
    -- old_src -> new_src
    change_src_func :: String -> String
    change_src_func old_src =
      case Map.lookup old_src image_map of
        -- Leave it alone if we don't have the file locally
        Nothing -> old_src
        Just v -> v

    change_src :: (ArrowXml a) => a XmlTree XmlTree
    change_src =
      changeAttrValue change_src_func

    make_srcs_local :: (ArrowXml a) => a XmlTree XmlTree
    make_srcs_local =
      processAttrl $ (change_src `when` (hasName "src"))

-- Should be called *after* preprocessing.
download_images :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IO ImageMap
download_images xml = do
  image_urls <- runX $ xml >>> image_srcs
  download_image_urls image_urls

type StoryMap = Map.Map URL Article

-- These come *before* preprocessing.
download_full_story_urls :: Cfg -> [URL] -> IO StoryMap
download_full_story_urls cfg story_urls = do
  pages <- parallel $ map (page_from_url cfg) story_urls
  let pairs = zip story_urls pages
  return $ foldl my_insert empty_map pairs
    empty_map = Map.empty :: StoryMap

    my_insert :: StoryMap -> (URL, Maybe Page) -> StoryMap
    my_insert dict (k, Just (ArticlePage v)) = Map.insert k v dict
    my_insert dict (_, _)  = dict

download_full_stories :: Cfg -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IO StoryMap
download_full_stories cfg xml = do
  story_urls <- runX $ xml >>> full_story_urls
  download_full_story_urls cfg story_urls

parse :: Cfg -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IO (Maybe Page)
parse cfg xml = do
  fs_xml <- if (full_stories cfg) then do
             story_map <- download_full_stories cfg xml
             return $ xml >>> insert_full_stories story_map
           else do
             -- Get rid of them if we don't want them.
             return $ xml >>> remove_full_story_paragraphs

  let clean_xml = fs_xml >>> preprocess
  image_map <- download_images clean_xml
  let local_xml = clean_xml >>> replace_remote_img_srcs image_map

  appr <- ap_parse local_xml
  fppr <- fp_parse local_xml
  return $
    if (isNothing appr) then

parse_headline :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IO (Maybe String)
parse_headline xml = do
  let element_filter = xml >>> css "div.PageHeadline h1"
  let element_text_filter = element_filter /> getText
  element_text <- runX element_text_filter
  return $
    case element_text of
      [x] -> Just $ strip x
      []  -> Nothing
      _   -> error "Found more than one headline."

parse_byline :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IO (Maybe String)
parse_byline xml = do
  let element_filter = xml >>> css "div.FeatureByLine"
  let element_text_filter = element_filter /> getText
  element_text <- runX element_text_filter
  return $
    case element_text of
      [x] -> Just $ strip x
      []  -> Nothing
      _   -> error "Found more than one article byline."

-- ArticlePage Stuff
ap_parse :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IO (Maybe Page)
ap_parse xml = do
    arts <- ap_parse_articles xml
    case arts of
      [x] -> return $ Just $ ArticlePage x
      _   -> return Nothing

ap_parse_body :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IO (Maybe String)
ap_parse_body xml = do
  let element_filter = xml >>> css "div.ArticleText"
  let element_html_filter = xshow element_filter
  element_html <- runX element_html_filter
  return $ case element_html of
            [x] -> Just x
            []  -> Nothing
            _   -> error "Found more than one article."

ap_parse_articles :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IO [Article]
ap_parse_articles xml = do
  parsed_headline <- parse_headline xml
  parsed_byline   <- parse_byline xml
  parsed_body     <- ap_parse_body xml

  if (isNothing parsed_headline) || (isNothing parsed_body)
  then return []
  else do
    let title'  = Title    $ fromJust parsed_headline
    let byline' = Byline     parsed_byline
    let body'   = BodyHtml $ fromJust parsed_body

    return $ [Article title' byline' body']

-- FullPage Stuff

fp_parse :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IO (Maybe Page)
fp_parse xml = do
    hl <- parse_headline xml
    parsed_articles <- fp_parse_articles xml
    return $ case parsed_articles of
      [] -> Nothing
      x  -> Just $ FullPage (fromJust hl) x

fp_parse_article_title :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IO (Maybe String)
fp_parse_article_title xml = do
  let element_filter = xml >>> css "h2.SummaryHL"
  let element_text_filter = element_filter //> getText
  element_text <- runX element_text_filter
  return $ case element_text of
            [x] -> Just $ strip x
            []  -> Nothing
            _   -> error "Found more than one article title."

fp_parse_article_body :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IO (Maybe String)
fp_parse_article_body xml = do
  -- First, delete the article title and byline.
  let clean_xml' = xml >>> remove_title >>> remove_byline
  -- The only child of the body element should be a div.lwn-article
  -- since we wrapped the article's HTML in that.
  let clean_xml = clean_xml' >>> css "body" >>> getChildren
  clean_html <- runX . xshow $ clean_xml
  return $ case clean_html of
            [x] -> Just x
            []  -> Nothing
            _   -> error "Found more than one article body."

fp_parse_article :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IO (Maybe Article)
fp_parse_article xml = do
  parsed_article_title    <- fp_parse_article_title xml
  parsed_article_byline   <- parse_byline xml
  parsed_article_body     <- fp_parse_article_body xml

  if (isNothing parsed_article_title) || (isNothing parsed_article_body)
    return Nothing
  else do
    let title'   = Title    $ fromJust parsed_article_title
    let byline'  = Byline     parsed_article_byline
    let body'    = BodyHtml $ fromJust parsed_article_body
    return $ Just $ Article title' byline' body'

parse_html_article :: String -> IO (Maybe Article)
parse_html_article html = do
  let xml = parseHtml $ wrap_in_body_div html
  fp_parse_article xml

-- | In the full page, all of the article titles and bodies are
--   wrapped in one big div.ArticleText.
parse_bodies :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree
parse_bodies xml =
  xml >>> css "div.ArticleText"

fp_parse_articles :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IO [Article]
fp_parse_articles xml = do
  bodies <- runX . xshow $ parse_bodies xml
  let article_separator = "

" let split_articles'' = split article_separator (concat bodies) -- The first element will contain the crap before the first . let split_articles' = case split_articles'' of (_:_) -> tail split_articles'' [] -> [] -- Put the separator back, it was lost during the split. let split_articles = map (article_separator ++) split_articles' real_articles <- mapM parse_html_article split_articles let just_articles = catMaybes real_articles return just_articles -- | This makes it easy to select otherwise-random chunks of html -- using 'css'. wrap_in_body_div :: String -> String wrap_in_body_div s = "
" ++ s ++ "
" -- -- Epublishable stuff -- title :: Page -> String title (ArticlePage a) = getTitle $ LWN.Article.title a title (FullPage hl _) = hl metadata :: Page -> IO String metadata obj = do date <- getCurrentTime return $ "http://lwn.net/\n" ++ "" ++ (show date) ++ "\n" ++ "en-US\n" ++ "Copyright Eklektix, Inc.\n" ++ "" ++ (LWN.Page.title obj) ++ "\n" epublish :: Page -> Handle -> IO () epublish obj handle = do let xhtml = to_xhtml obj epmd <- metadata obj epub <- xhtml_to_epub epmd xhtml B.hPut handle epub hFlush handle hClose handle xhtml_to_epub :: String -> String -> IO B.ByteString xhtml_to_epub epmd xhtml = do stylesheet <- construct_stylesheet writeEPUB (Just stylesheet) [] my_writer_options (read_html xhtml) where my_writer_options = defaultWriterOptions { writerEPUBMetadata = epmd } read_html = readHtml defaultParserState -- -- Tests -- test_preprocess_links :: Assertion test_preprocess_links = do actual_xml' <- runX $ input_xml >>> preprocess >>> css "body" let actual_xml = actual_xml' !! 0 expected_xml' <- runX $ expected_xml'' >>> css "body" let expected_xml = expected_xml' !! 0 assertEqual "Links are replaced with spans" expected_xml actual_xml where input_html = "Hello, world!" input_xml = parseHtml input_html expected_html = "Hello, world!" expected_xml'' = parseHtml expected_html test_absolve_images :: Assertion test_absolve_images = do actual_xml' <- runX $ input_xml >>> preprocess >>> css "body" let actual_xml = actual_xml' !! 0 expected_xml' <- runX $ expected_xml'' >>> css "body" let expected_xml = expected_xml' !! 0 assertEqual "Image srcs are made absolute" expected_xml actual_xml where input_html = "" ++ "" ++ "" input_xml = parseHtml input_html expected_html = "" ++ "" ++ "" expected_xml'' = parseHtml expected_html test_comments_removed :: Assertion test_comments_removed = do actual_xml' <- runX $ input_xml >>> preprocess >>> css "body" let actual_xml = actual_xml' !! 0 expected_xml' <- runX $ expected_xml'' >>> css "body" let expected_xml = expected_xml' !! 0 assertEqual "Comment links are removed" expected_xml actual_xml where input_html = "

" ++ "Comments (6 posted)" ++ "

" input_xml = parseHtml input_html expected_html = "

" expected_xml'' = parseHtml expected_html test_full_story_urls_parsed :: Assertion test_full_story_urls_parsed = do actual <- runX $ actual' assertEqual "Full Story URLs are parsed" expected actual where expected = ["/Articles/500738/", "/Articles/501837/"] full_story_html = concat ["

", "Full Story ", "(comments: 49)", "

", "Full Story ", "(comments: none)", "

"] xml = parseHtml full_story_html actual' = xml >>> full_story_urls page_tests :: Test page_tests = testGroup "Page Tests" [ testCase "Links are replaced with spans" test_preprocess_links, testCase "Image srcs are made absolute" test_absolve_images, testCase "Comment links are removed" test_comments_removed, testCase "Full Story URLs are parsed" test_full_story_urls_parsed ]