1. What is it? A utility to convert LWN (http://lwn.net/) articles into EPUB format. Every week I read the LWN, and it's a little nicer if I can use an ebook reader. But, the LWN markup isn't all that great, and I wanted to learn HXT. So lwn-epub downloads the article (or issue), cleans it up, and writes it to EPUB with a stylesheet that looks decent on the Kindle. 2. Requirements All of the software dependencies are listed in the lwn-epub.cabal file. An LWN account is not necessary. If you have one, you'll be able to grab the current issue. If not, you'll be limited to what visitors to the site can see. 3. Installation Cabal handles the build, so do whatever you normally do to install cabal packages. If you just want to install it for your user, make install should do it. 4. Usage If you have an LWN account, you can use it. Simply set, username = foo password = bar in ~/.lwn-epub/lwn-epub.conf, and it will be used. To download an article or issue, just call lwn-epub with its name or number as an argument. The program will try to be smart about this and figure out what you mean. For example, to download the current issue as "current.epub", you would run, lwn-epub -o current.epub current/bigpage Watch out: without the -o flag, it will output to stdout. 5. How to report bugs Email them to me at michael@orlitzky.com.