]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - dead/htsn-common.git/blob - htsn-common.cabal
Add a little more documentation.
[dead/htsn-common.git] / htsn-common.cabal
1 name: htsn-common
2 version: 0.0.1
3 cabal-version: >= 1.8
4 author: Michael Orlitzky
5 maintainer: Michael Orlitzky <michael@orlitzky.com>
6 category: Utils
7 license: GPL-3
8 license-file: doc/LICENSE
9 build-type: Simple
10 synopsis:
11 Display/logging facilities used by both htsn and htsn-import.
12 description:
13 This library contains three modules,
14 .
15 * Network.Services.TSN.Logging
16 .
17 * Network.Services.TSN.Report
18 .
19 * Network.Services.TSN.Terminal
20 .
21 They work together to provide \"reporting\" for the htsn and htsn-import
22 executables which both display and log things in the same way.
23 .
24 The Network.Services.TSN.Logging module allows the application to
25 log to syslog, a file, or both. Four convenience functions are
26 provided to log messages at each priority: error, debug, info, and
27 warn.
28 .
29 The Network.Services.TSN.Terminal provides similar functions that
30 instead display messages on the console (terminal). The output is
31 color-coded according to the severity of the message.
32 .
33 The Network.Services.TSN.Report modules contains convenience
34 functions that both log and display informational message. This is
35 what an (optionally interactive) application will usually want to
36 do.
38 library
39 hs-source-dirs: src/
40 exposed-modules:
41 Network.Services.TSN.Logging
42 Network.Services.TSN.Report
43 Network.Services.TSN.Terminal
44 build-depends:
45 ansi-terminal == 0.6.*,
46 base == 4.*,
47 hslogger == 1.2.*,
48 transformers == 0.3.*
49 ghc-options:
50 -Wall
51 -fwarn-hi-shadowing
52 -fwarn-missing-signatures
53 -fwarn-name-shadowing
54 -fwarn-orphans
55 -fwarn-type-defaults
56 -fwarn-tabs
57 -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates
58 -fwarn-monomorphism-restriction
59 -fwarn-unused-do-bind
60 -rtsopts
61 -threaded
62 -optc-O3
63 -optc-march=native
64 -O2
66 source-repository head
67 type: git
68 location: http://michael.orlitzky.com/git/htsn-common.git
69 branch: master