{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} -- | An OptionalConfiguration is just like a 'Configuration', except -- all of its fields are optional. The user can set options in two -- places: the command-line, and a configuration file. Obviously if -- a parameter is set in one place, it doesn't need to be set in the -- other. Thus, the latter needs to be optional. -- module OptionalConfiguration ( OptionalConfiguration(..), from_rc ) where -- System imports. import qualified Data.Configurator as DC ( Worth(Optional), load, lookup ) import Data.Data ( Data ) import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe ) import Data.Monoid ( Monoid(..) ) import Data.Typeable ( Typeable ) import Paths_harbl ( getSysconfDir ) import System.Console.CmdArgs.Default ( Default(..) ) import System.Directory ( getHomeDirectory ) import System.FilePath ( () ) import System.IO.Error ( catchIOError ) import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr ) -- Local imports. import Hosts ( Hosts(..) ) import Lists ( Lists(..) ) -- | The same as 'Configuration', except everything is optional. It's -- easy to merge two of these by simply dropping the 'Nothing's in -- favor of the 'Just's. The 'xml_files' are left un-maybed so that -- cmdargs can parse more than one of them. -- data OptionalConfiguration = OptionalConfiguration { hosts :: Hosts, lists :: Lists } deriving (Show, Data, Typeable) -- | The Monoid instance for these lets us \"combine\" two -- OptionalConfigurations. The \"combine\" operation that we'd like to -- perform is, essentially, to mash them together. So if we have two -- OptionalConfigurations, each half full, we could combine them -- into one big one. -- -- This is used to merge command-line and config-file settings. -- instance Monoid OptionalConfiguration where -- | An empty OptionalConfiguration. mempty = OptionalConfiguration (Hosts []) (Lists []) -- | Combine @cfg1@ and @cfg2@, giving precedence to @cfg2@. -- XML files can only be specified on the command-line, so we -- just join them together here. cfg1 `mappend` cfg2 = OptionalConfiguration all_hosts all_lists where all_hosts = Hosts $ (get_hosts $ hosts cfg1) ++ (get_hosts $ hosts cfg2) all_lists = Lists $ (get_lists $ lists cfg1) ++ (get_lists $ lists cfg2) -- | Obtain an OptionalConfiguration from harblrc in either the global -- configuration directory or the user's home directory. The one in -- $HOME is prefixed by a dot so that it is hidden. -- -- We make an attempt at cross-platform compatibility; we will try -- to find the correct directory even on Windows. But if the calls -- to getHomeDirectory/getSysconfDir fail for whatever reason, we -- fall back to using the Unix-specific /etc and $HOME. -- from_rc :: IO OptionalConfiguration from_rc = do etc <- catchIOError getSysconfDir (\e -> do hPutStrLn stderr (show e) return "/etc") home <- catchIOError getHomeDirectory (\e -> do hPutStrLn stderr (show e) return "$(HOME)") let global_config_path = etc "harblrc" let user_config_path = home ".harblrc" cfg <- DC.load [ DC.Optional global_config_path, DC.Optional user_config_path ] cfg_lists <- DC.lookup cfg "lists" let cfg_hosts = Hosts [] -- This won't be in the config file. return $ OptionalConfiguration cfg_hosts (fromMaybe def cfg_lists)